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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Very clever survey raineth. Can't wait for the results.
  2. My Sarah (westie) will be 15 early in July. She's doing remarkably well. She has some arthritis for which she has good pain control and she's occasionally a bit incontinent. But all very manageable. She's on a raw diet and has fresh or frozen veg with her Adelaide Dog mix each evening. In the mornings she has either chicken wing or neck, turkey neck, half a chicken frame or a bone. I keep cans of homebrand mackeral (in oil) and sardines as a back up The only treats she gets are the occasional warm take-away chook meat (no cooked bones) which she adores or the occasional Adelaide Dog treat (no preservatives, artificial flavours or colours). Mine protest commercial dry dog food and really put on the grumps on the rare occasion that it comes out. I think the thing that makes a huge difference to my dogs is that they are really well hydrated. Sarah 'pees pale' - ie her wee is a very light yellow colour with barely any smell. She has a moist breakfast, plenty of clean water on tap inside and outside and her dinner bowl is topped up with water at night where she 'drinks' the lot along with her raw meal. I know Yonjuro does the same thing. So I know she is well hydrated. So apart from her arthritis and minor occasional incontinence she's doing very well, is a happy waggy tail girl who dances for her dinner. So no real difference here on meals and treats than when she was a younger dog. ETA: She's next to me on the lounge at the moment with her bottom on a warm hot water bottle! Happy Days!
  3. westiemum


    Thanks PK, DD and Boronia. Its funny, This weekend has been easier. I've been able to think of my gorgeous Mac without bursting into tears for the first time since he died. It feels 'lighter' somehow and I'm starting to remember the good times... still a bit teary but its somehow not the searing grief of before... thank you all for putting up with my ramblings - its helped a lot.
  4. So sorry you're crook DD. But maybe the smell has made Danny feel better!! But at least its finished so I hope you're happy with it.
  5. Damn Maddy I knew I shouldn't have clicked that link - she's just beautiful. If I wasn't in temp accomodation I'd have her in a heartbeat. Hope you can find somewhere for her and I'll keep an eye out for her too.
  6. Yep! Mac used to just stop and stare - and he used to get caught in corners - but it came and went a bit. The fumes sound awful DD - reminds me of when they did the floorboards here - the smell was terrible so I put towels below the doors and holed up in the bedroom with the dogs for a day or so as the smell was so bad!
  7. Sarebear pinches my rug during the night and I wake up because I'm cold! (She's a shocker!!) And I hate it when they both try and push me out of bed! (I only get the Gaza Strip as it is!)
  8. Oh DD your description of Danny reminds me so much of Mac!! He loved sniffing and pottering around!.
  9. I know I'm a bit Orvis obsessed but try the Orvis website - they have some great looking coats and jackets. ETA: I blame Roova!
  10. Yep I've upgraded the bedding here substantially in the last six months and its helping a lot. I lashed out and bought two Orvis memory foam beds and my guys absolutely love them. But yes they were expensive but they even have waterproof liners which has saved the foam if Sarah has had an accident (she's almost 15) - and I blessed Orvis the first time she had an accident as I didn't realised the beds had waterproof liners and they saved the foam completely and the covers were really easy to wash and put back on. Orvis also have a lovely section specifically for older dogs. I'm a convert despite the expense. If Orvis is not affordable, I'd look at the Henry Hottie beds - they're brilliant as well and the lady there (Michelle?) is so patient and helpful. Great product. But I'm lucky my westies don't chew beds either! (I think they love them too much! ). Lastly, in older dogs with arthritis I think good pain control is critical. I've just started Sarah on a Loxicom trial for three weeks and she's visibly happier when i remember to give her her medication. The vet also gave me a dietary supplement called '4cyte'. Its apparently new to the market and many people have had a lot of success with it - but its too early here to tell yet. I think its something similar to Sasha's Blend or Joint Guard? Anyway hope that helps. ETA: Forgot to add a good chiro vet can be very very helpful as well. In Adelaide, Sarah usually moves far more freely when she has seen Matt Condon down at the Port. Which reminds me she needs to go back for another session.
  11. I've always worked full-time and with my volunteer work, the third week every month is s nightmare - 12 - 15 hour days. So I try and have my Mum drop in for a couple of hours late afternoon when I know I'm going to be very late to feed them and stay with them for a while and then leave them inside until I get home. I also use a brilliant doggy day care which helps break their week up. I then take them everywhere I can over the weekends. Eg yesterday they went with me to watch the footy at a friends place - took their rugs and they were happy as larry and away from home for about 6 hours. I also make sure I have adult dogs, often rescues and that they have company. So its always at least a two dog household here.
  12. For my Sarah bedtime is 9.30 pm on the dot. And watch out if I haven't retired by then. She will appear, as if standing with her hands on her hips and bark that short sharp attention bark as if to say ' Well.... are you coming to bed'? It's quite uncanny.
  13. My Sarah, almost 15 year old westie occasionally wets during deep sleep. Both my standard vet and chiro vet think its to do with nerve problems in her back. She gets very distressed when it happens.So at night she sleeps on a Conni pet pad on my bed and wears knickers and a poise pad. Problem solved.
  14. westiemum


    Mac in Eddie the dally's bed, early 2015 I think. Mac really didn't care whose bed he slept in the tart!!! And yes it's sideways again!!
  15. westiemum


    Well it's six months today since my beautiful boy returned to God. And tomorrow our favourite dally goes to join him. Gee it's tough losing them... and it's only getting a little easier. How do you cope? Or don't you?
  16. Yes its hard to reconcile their fragility - particularly as it worsens. Last night I looked through my photos of Mac back to early 2014 (there are a lot of them!) - and it really struck me just how much he deteriorated over the last year. Yet because I was so close to him I wasn't seeing it - but Mum did. And I now have a better understanding of her earlier concern.
  17. Snook Andy leans in when he's feeling insecure and he sits on my foot - and I don't mind if it helps my little man feel better - he's a rescue after all just like Justice. Today I had a very long work day so I left them with Mum early this morning. Apparently Andy sat near the window for over two hours waiting for me to come home. Mum said he heard my car tonight and that he was carrying on like a madman with excitement. And he was all over me like a rash when I finally walked in the door at 7.50 pm. Whereas Sarah, a confident well socialised non-rescue barely batted an eye-lid from her position on the lounge as I came in. As for the bed... well its share and share alike in this house!!! And yet my guys are in no doubt who the boss is here. So i think its whatever works for you and don't overthink it.
  18. That darling little red man of yours is so precious - to all of us DD - that when the time comes you will draw courage and strength from us - as I did - and we'll cry buckets with you when the time comes - as you did. In the meantime treasure everyday, take photos and build precious memories - as I did. DD there's no easy to do this but we'll be here and I hope as JayGee says that Danny keeps surprising you. Big hugs to you and to Danny.
  19. Deepest condolences ricey. I'll be in the same boat when Andy passes in not knowing how old he truly is. Run free dear Hobbes and say hi to Mac.
  20. What amazing puppies - and do good to see an excellent breeder at work. Although as someone else said, it makes me a little sad when I contrast with the start my rescue westies must have had. Congratulations Starkehre. Great job!! Could almost convert me to rotties!
  21. I second that Jules - pyometra is really nasty and I see no point in putting oldies at risk if it can be avoided.
  22. So sorry SM. Have fun with Mac Maddison.
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