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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. To me this is simple. Like every industry there were good people and evil people in the greyhound racing industry. Unfortunately for decades, within the evil group there were those who were actively evil and those who were complicit (passively evil). The evil group is much bigger than the industry would ever admit. The writing has now been on the wall for this industry for years - and its taken a legally constituted Commission of Inquiry in NSW who could force witnesses to testify to finally get to the bottom of it - and some people within the industry to finally act - but too late. The question then becomes why did it take a former High Court Judge's inquiry into the industry for 'good' people to act? They have had years/decades to 'self-regulate' and clean up their act - and failed.To paraphrase juice 'it's over'. The NSW government has been clear. The industry is unsustainable - fact. An orderly shut-down is far better for the racing greyhound population than an industry collapse. They urge people to read the report and then question whether or not there was any other decision which could have been made. Apparently it is horrific reading. (And yes I'm going to read it in full over the next week or so ). It's time as an evolved society we stopped using animals for gambling and entertainment (and yes horse racing should be next). As Lyn White said, gambling and animals is a potent mix which produces nothing but misery and abuse (or words to that effect). Its time it stopped. Well done Mike Baird. Suggest people jump on line, thank him and urge him to stand firm. The industry pressure to reverse the decision will be significant.
  2. Well saidi Woofy. Greyhounds will go from being disposable commodities to being pets, same as other breeds - and I'm in line already!
  3. ACT set to follow NSW describing the industry as 'untenable'.
  4. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-24/rise-in-greyhound-adoptions-follows-four-corners-story/7049826 I'm hopeful that the increased public support of greyhound adoption may help ease the industry carnage.
  5. Agreed Perse But it may also mean less future suffering by generations of greyhounds...
  6. Couldn't agree more juice. Sadly I think there will be more dog deaths before it stops - but that too is sadly inevitable. IF these people were genuinely good they would be re-homing instead of euthanising. ABC 24 is reporting trainers who are already saying they are going to put their dogs down - as far as I'm concerned it just proves the government's point and that despite the pain the industry is going to go through there really is no other option. Interesting interview in more detail just then on ABC 24. The NSW government spokesman encouraged everybody to read the report and then decide if there was any other option - its apparently horrific. Apparently they examined every possible angle to manage this industry - but economically, a clean up of the industry apart from being unsuccessful was going to contract the industry to such a degree it would be unviable anyway. I feel for any innocent trainers in the industry. But the absence of whistleblowers suggests to me there were a lot of supposedly 'innocent' people who were complicit in this as well as the horror stories. 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing'. Edmund Burke
  7. Yes I've already been discussing in another thread how a grey would get on with Andy my westie when Sarah joins Mac at the bridge. And I think this has firmed my resolve - and to have my guys meet harley's grey on Saturday if we can. While I know there are so many needy rescues all the time, I think this is going to be a re-homing crisis so it would be good if any potential adopters would consider a grey first.
  8. Thinking of you and your family Anne. But you have given her a last great gift. Rest in peace with Mac Olivia.
  9. Keep warm and snuggle DD - and treasure every moment.
  10. Thanks Isabel - beautiful photos of PunPun and Jindi -
  11. She's just beautiful Mita!! Thanks and good to know how thorough the GAP process is.
  12. Thanks Mita. The more I think about it, the more I really like the idea of a companion grey for Andy...
  13. harley I'm so sorry I missed your post last night and thank you for such a great offer. I'll PM you. Maybe we could organise something next weekend?
  14. Snap! Be interested to hear how you go with hubby SM!! (I suspect you can be very persuasive!) Well ... any new dog(s) are a loooooong way off. So dont hold your breath :) Yes I think/hope a new dog here is a while away too. Having said that, you never know what life holds so I thought I'd consult the brains trust. Meanwhile Sarah is very insistently nuzzling me to massage her back!
  15. Thanks PC - yes while it seemed a bit of an odd combination from a size and build point of view (small and chunky and tall and lanky!), I thought they might be a very good match from a temperament perspective - both breeds are lounge lizards!!
  16. Snap! Be interested to hear how you go with hubby SM!! (I suspect you can be very persuasive!)
  17. grizabella that would be marvellous! If OK, I could also bring my friend who is looking for another dog and I'm trying to get her to consider a greyhound! I was out in my front garden the other day, and a lady walked past with a lovely quite little greyhound (yes it was a grey!) - she was just beautiful and I fell instantly in love! I'm just wondering if Andy would adapt as well (he of course has to be my first priority).
  18. No words DD. Just thinking of you and the beautiful Danny. Big hugs.
  19. Hmn... certainly food for thought - but just because I'd love a grey it would have to be the right grey for Andy. Andy has come a very long way given he was a poorly socialised puppy farm rescue. And has coped very well with my fosters - but they have all been little dogs - most recently the beautiful Zac who was a beautiful long haired chi. So yes I'd be better off trying him with a grey somehow. (Maybe my friends might oblige and foster one through GAP!!)
  20. This morning Andy and Sarah were curled up together on the lounge (of course!) Andy and Sarah are such a bonded pair and like peas in a pod. Andy had his head across Sarah's back and his eyes closed - so cute. Andy in particular really depends on Sarah. But it got me thinking... while Sarah is fit and well, she is 15 next Wednesday and Andy will be just so devastated when she one day joins Mac at the Bridge (of course assuming she goes first). I had always assumed I'd get another adult westie hopefully before Sarah departs to ease Sarah's eventual departure for Andy. But in suggesting a greyhound to a friend this morning, I suddenly wondered what it would be like to adopt a greyhound as a companion for Andy? So putting it out to the DOL brains trust. Advice please? Would a grey work or should I stay with an adult westie? Just thinking it all through at this stage. TIA.
  21. I genuinely know how you feel. The last month or so of Mac's life was memorable but tough. I found the key for me and Mac was planning as I said in your other thread - and then it went very peacefully and like clockwork. Isabel while my heart is breaking for you and for Jindi be brave, you'll know when its time... As to another dog, its fascinating that you should mention it today. This morning I started thinking about what happens to Andy once Sarah joins Mac at the bridge. While she's very well at the moment she is 15 next Wednesday... I'm wondering about a greyhound... I'll start another thread...
  22. Glad your Mac is cruising along Boronia. I hope he cruises along for a long while yet. Doxycycline is a great drug - it gave my Mac a quality of life I'm sure he wouldn't have had without it. Just make sure that your vet gives you a long enough course. While I understand that they are reticent to over-prescribe I think there is quite some under prescription going on too - and its important that the dog has an adequate course to really deal with the infection and knock it under the head. For example on one occasion after his second (?) bout of AP, Mac was sent home from the emergency hospital with something like three days of ABs - completely inadequate for AP in a dog of his age. So I was pretty grumpy by the time I fronted up to my regular vet paid for a further consult and got a decent course for him.
  23. Hi Isabel My cat Mark lived with me and my westies for years until my mother 'catnapped' him and he went to live with her. I found they all co-habitated very well as long as Mark didn't run. He took great delight swishing his beautiful long tail in their faces as he walked past and had been known to give them the occasional thwack! (Great word Spotty!). But generally I found they ignored each other and Mark seemed to understand that the only time they were interested in him was when he ran. But the moment Mark ran, the terrier instinct kicked in and they would chase him. Most of the time it seemed a bit of a game with Mark leading them a merry dance around the back yard. And I always made sure he had safe places to jump up and escape to. But I was always wary and never trusted it completely. And there was one foster westie who I would never trust alone with the cat - but he was a badly behaved boy from previous neglect and abuse. Other friends had a beautiful Persian cat, Henry. He too lived with two westies uneventfully until he died of diabetes as a very old cat. Overall Henry and Mark seemed to me to be the feline overlords!!! Most of the time...
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