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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Absolutely no idea SM! All I can say is no 'westie' in there... but she's a gorgeous looking girl. Good on you.
  2. Hmm... Thanks smirch - its interesting - seems to affect some but not others.
  3. Goodbye to another of my favourite DOlers - have fun with Penny, Daisy and my Mac. You are such a special little man to decide to depart the way you did - sparing your lovely Mum the final journey. See you again one day when we'll all be together.
  4. Malamum when I was house-sitting while I was rebuilding, I out a dog door in the house-sit with the owners permission - the very clever dog door man removed a bottom pane of glass completely and replaced it with perspex type stuff and then fitted the dog door to that. When I moved out he removed it completely and put the glass back in. So would a perspex arrangement for your door work with big dog door fitted into it - would preserve the light too?
  5. Thanks Staranais - it seems to me that we need to be more cautious and find substitutes for gentamicin - its certainly being widely and heavily prescribed here in South Australia.
  6. Sarah has had another Selsun Blue bath this morning much to her disgust! And I'm really really pleased - as part of her overall treatment regime for her yeasty itchies it seems to be working very well. Think it will become my 'go to' dog shampoo for the foreseeable future.
  7. I'd prefer to try the capsules too for Sarah - she is occasionally incontinent and wakes up very distressed in a puddle on the lounge or my bed (until I made her start wearing pants and Poise pad of a night). She used to be on Stilboestrol but had been on it for a long time so I wanted to try her on something else ? Can anyone recommend a good supplier of the capsules?
  8. A Rottie named Blossum!! Love it!!
  9. I love my westies names too - Mac and Sarah were already named when I got them so they 'stayed'. Andy had a terrible puppy farm name - they used to call him 'Cyrus the Virus' which they thought was hilariously funny - so that changed within the first hour I got him home to Andy - 'ANNNDREWWW! when I'm cross with him!!
  10. On Gruf's recommendation my Westie Sarah has just started on Selsun Blue baths - and they seem to working really well - thanks Gruf!!
  11. Thinking of you this morning DD. I know what a hard time this is.
  12. Hi All, Maybe one of our vet members here can help with this one. Gentamicin is known to be ototoxic in humans. And there seems to be some reliable discussion that it can be ototoxic in dogs. Yet its still used in dogs and is in a popular ear treatment - Easotic. I used it once for Sarah without reading the bottle and she's now got significantly reduced hearing - yes I know a sample of one. Not sure and no evidence that it was the gentamicin in the Easotic or not but I'm mighty suspicious. I must admit I freaked a bit when I finally read the bottle. Or have I got this completely wrong? While I know it would be unusual to prescribe it if its harmful stranger things have happened. Thoughts?
  13. I'll miss Mac forever too DD - but tonight is for remembering DOLs amazing little red man and celebrating a wonderful dog and a life well lived because of his marvellous Mum.. He was certainly one of the DOLstars and will be greatly missed. Thoughts and prayers with you, Tamar, Jeune and Bunter tonight DD.
  14. T!!!! Pics!!!! Pics!!!! Sheez!! Don't you know the rules by now!!
  15. Blue cheese!! Worked a treat with Mac up until the day he died!! Recently Sarah started spitting out the pills from her plastic cheese slices. Norty girl!! So her clever mother switched to blue cheese - whoosh! Down the hatch!!
  16. Hi Everyone, Well today 13 August would have been Mac's 17th birthday - and I still miss him terribly - so much so I was teary when I thought about him today for the first time in some months. Probably the birthday memories as around this time we would normally have been celebrating his birthday with our westie and rescue friends in the park. Time for a get together again anyway.
  17. SM the vet offered that service last Wednesday night - the problem being at the moment I live the other side of town. The vet suggested stand her on a table - and while not perfect that has certainly helped. She had a Selsun bath at the groomers today and a session of acupuncture on Thursday and that seems to have helped immensely. She'll go back for another session next week.
  18. Oh and I forgot to add - I'm going to get order some Protexin online tonight - the last piece of the puzzle!.
  19. Yep I do Boronia - the country park herbs people are marvellous - I also got my cinnamon from them as well. Just beautiful stuff! I'll never go back to the stuff from the supermarket after using this!
  20. Just checking in - Sarah is much better. After a lot of research and your excellent advice, I've been religiously bathing her paws with Malaseb each evening while we watch telly. While I don't like the stuff much, my research says that for Malassezia its a good option - and its working. She is licking them much less and seems to have have some white fur growing through for the first time in a long time. She is also on a good anti-fungal drug as well - the vet explained the problem with chronic malassezia is that it actually gets into the nails and no amount of topical treatments will shift it. So drugs it is. I'm also making sure she has some yogurt in the morning and no carbs - meat and veg only. The only difficulty I'm having is getting the demotic down her very smelly ears. She absolutely performs like a pork chop for me yet stood beautifully while the vet put them in on Wednesday night. (Grrr! My gorgeous little wretch!) And overall she certainly seems happier. She will have a selsun bath in the morning Thanks for your help everyone.
  21. By the way can someone remind me of the benefits of green tripe treats? I've forgotten. My westies go mad for them and I'm down to my last packet and BM animals don't seem to have them anymore Any suggestions anyone please?
  22. Good on you. I see dogs tied up outside our local shopping complex all the time. Just so full of dangers to the dogs' welfare & safety. All shapes & sizes... this week I've seen a Shih Tzu cross & on another day, a lovely chocolate Labrador. I'm going shopping this afternoon & sure bet I'll see one. I don't think it's an excuse to say, 'no other choice'. Separate taking a dog for a walk under your control all the time... & going to do the shopping. This ^^^^
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