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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Tara and Sam and Simply Grand have nailed it - glad he is going to talk to the boss. Even if he is an apprentice its never too early to learn professional responses - and this is one of those times.
  2. Tara and Sam and Simply Grand have nailed it - glad he is going to talk to the boss. Even if he is an apprentice its never too early to learn professional responses - and this is one of those times.
  3. B Henry is a fantastic name for an older westie - and he's gorgeous! As to the marking inside - yep you guessed it - Mac marked inside too when he first arrived out of the puppy farm. So agree with juice and tdierikx - I just puppy trained him and he soon cottoned on - a doggie door helped enormously too for a ex puppy farm boy like him. And yes I think desexing will help (it certainly seemed to help Mac). More pics!!
  4. For heavens sake, there is an apprentice at risk here - and probably others (e.g. those who try to get the dog off). Do exactly what Tara and Sam said and go to the boss. The boss is going to be really really upset if this ends not only in a headline, but with an apprentice with bad bites or worse in hospital, in trouble with the apprenticeship board (or whatever its called in Tas) and with work cover after no-one told him. This could turn really nasty for both apprentice and the boss. And if the owner won't restrain the dog then the boss needs to remove his crew. He has an inalienable duty of care to his staff - but he deserves to know of the risk in the first place.
  5. I'm in temporary accomodation with no doggie door at the moment. And because of the backyard configuration with a view to the front of the property Andy is barking a lot more. In the past I've been very careful to block off all views from the back yard and that has helped enormously. (Not possible in this house). So I've started leaving both Sarah and Andy inside. Haven't had any complaints and no reports from the mother who pops in from time to time and is pretty good at reporting excess barking. Have you tried confine them in the backyard without outside views at all or keeping them inside? Might be easier to train them to 'hold' inside than to not bark outside.
  6. Yep I have a great one too here in Adelaide - also does acupuncture - has really helped my old girl.
  7. Me too - thaw in the fridge, feed from the fridge and warm up with tepid water. Only give frozen in hot weather.
  8. nelsona thats a great honest post and shows how much you love him. I feel for you as I was in your position with my beloved Mac a very old westie, almost 12 months ago. He had a polyneuropathy, was losing hind leg function,was incontinent, had dementia, poor vision and was as deaf as a door post. I considered wheels for him but he wasn't in good enough shape generally. The day I came home from work and found him half in and half out of his bed in the laundry, very thirsty, panting and sitting in his wee and poo and unable to move was the day I decided the time had come. I didn't want that for my darling boy. So I made plans to send him on his way. Maccles went to God on the 20th of November last year. And yes I agree with the others - I suspect your darling boy is telling you 'it's time'. I hope that helps and take care.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear thus MW. But yes I too suspected there was something else going on too like a tumour. So you've absolutely made the right decision for your beautiful boy. Mac will show him the ropes. Big hugs and take care.
  10. I'm on my second packet for my 15 year old Westie and I think it's doing her the world of good - better than Joint Guard. I hate that silly spoon too - so I just count out six balls and drop them in with her dinner.
  11. MW when I was researching Mac's canine dementia I read somewhere that 60% of dogs over ten show at least early signs of dementia. But from what I know the decline is not usually so rapid. I'd be suspicious there is something else going on. The problem you've got is that even if you find out what it is will it change your treatment decisions? I feel for you. It's so hard when this happens. Good luck.
  12. Please see a vet behaviourist and a positive-reinforcement based behavioural trainer. Yep this. Please don't use a citronella collar. A friend of my mothers has a dog who wears one to stop barking is the most timid, withdrawn and depressed dog I've ever seen. It seems to be afraid to move or do do anything in case it sets the darn thing off. Owner won't listen. ( and yes I've considered dog napping...)
  13. Beautiful photos . A match made in heaven - how wonderful you found each other. Never forgotten Gussy, a much loved old boy.
  14. Three more beautiful westies to join my Mac. A beautiful tribute Boronia. Farewell beautiful Penny, Daisy and Mac. Big hugs B. xx
  15. At the supermarket, I find I've just got in the habit of looking what's on special in meat and veg, checking the chicken and turkey necks and frames, feet, wing tips and canned fish. If I need bone broth I buy wing tips and feet and put the slow cooker on at bedtime and turn it off wen I leave for work in the morning. When I get home I strain it, throw in the turmeric and and put it in containers in the freezer, Easy.
  16. Oh and I forgot - they get leftover egg white omelettes or scrambled eggs ( Mac adored his scrambled egg!) on the weekends, occasionally other meats on special, and offal. I also buy chicken feet and wing tips (no marrow bones - too fatty) and throw it in the slow cooker to make bone broth which I freeze. ( I add turmeric at the end) Dirt cheap and easy to make and very nutritious. I give it to them with their dinner. ( yes I'm a hydration obsessive!!! ).
  17. Raw feeders in Adelaide are very spoilt - I buy raw 'formula' from Adelaide Dog and that's dinner supplemented with veg ( eg zucchini and carrots in summer and pumpkin and sweet potato in winter - ie whatever is cheap, seasonal and on special in the supermarket). If I dont have Adelaide Dog I buy turkey mince from the supermarket often on special - about $20 a week for two westies. I also keep cans of Home Brand sardines and mackerel in oil on hand for back - up - one can is about $1.80 and feeds two westies. I give them the can juice as well. I always give them plenty of water in their dinner bowls each night as well. In the mornings they get a chicken or half a turkey neck, some days a chicken wing (but too fatty for Sarah who's cholesterol is a bit high so I've stopped them), chicken frames and beef soup bones on Sunday mornings. All bought at the supermarket or delivered from Adelaide Dog as I work long hours too and don't have time to fuss around. I don't mix dry and raw as I prefer an all raw diet. My guys perform like pork chops and give me 'what the hell is this?' look if I give them dry.
  18. Good you've got a diagnosis Stitch. Mac had laryngeal paralysis (GOLPP) which was initially misdiagnosed as worsening dementia and tracheal collapse was considered as well. In hind sight I didn't connect the dots - early signs were exercise intolerance (literally sitting down on walks), a hoarse bark and excessive panting and pacing as the paralysis progressed - later he developed hind end weakness - so different to what you are describing. Hope the treatment works for your girl.
  19. Swoon! Find a breeder and get a Griffon!! Let us help you name him/her and post hundreds of pics. Done.
  20. I know I'm a bit obsessed with them at the moment but would a grey work?
  21. That was my immediate thought, but I was too polite :rofl: Damn I've been found out!! How did you guess??!!
  22. I agree, and definitely no Papillon either. :D You're both so helpful ;) My pleasure SM! Happy to help as I'm sure PK is too!!
  23. Yep saw this on FB this morning - great stuff VIrgin!
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