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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Thanks ness. Mobile is really attractive !
  2. Congrats RMS - soudns like it will be a very good move for your family.
  3. Thanks so much - both O'Halloran Hill and Hallett Cove are both easy from here.
  4. Hi All, I'm in temporary accomodation in the Marion area at the moment so I'm looking for a 'more local' recommended groomer for my two westies. Sarah is 15 and can sometimes be a bit grumpy to groom but Andy is apparently very easy. I'm not looking for perfection but am looking for someone who can do a pet westie cut. I visited Gruf's Mum today but she is chockers and not taking new clients at the moment. So I thought I'd see here if anyone can recommend anyone,possibly this side of town although I'm willing to travel within reason. Is there anyone the brains trust can suggest please? PM if you prefer. TIA
  5. Wow! What a gorgeous girl. Would she like a little holiday in Adelaide on the way to Melbourne???!!! (Trouble is... then she just might not leave!!)
  6. Any news Remidog? How are you getting on? (I feel like being very naughty and asking "Have they given the dog up again yet'? But I won't...)
  7. teekay Mya and Luka are just beautiful and I'm so glad your girl is improving. It always so worrying when they are suddenly so ill. Great pick up shoelace. Well done.
  8. Oh, I think I could find a shred without looking very hard. It's true, some don't believe they have done anything wrong, but not everyone thinks that, and not everyone that thinks they haven't done anything wrong will continue doing something that has been outlawed. GRNSW are genuinely trying to catch people doing the wrong thing, now, which is not lost on industry participants. I guess the industry is now in the hands of the lowest common denominator. Lots of people realise that it's clean it up or lose it. I hope that's enough. At the end of the day, there are some daunting problems to overcome, but I think we should try, because it might just help the plight of other racing animals worldwide. I guess I'm more of the opinion that killing a lot of dogs with a ban with an inadequate wind up period in one state is not the net gain I want to see. I want to see racing cleaned up everywhere. I'm not sure if trying will cost more lives and create more misery than the short wind up and ban. No one can know. I can only work with what we've got, and I'm glad I'm not going to be in the middle of the industry while tens of thousands of dogs are made homeless in the space of 6 months. That was scaring me quite a bit. Excellent post C - thank you. But its that lowest common denominator that worries me. I hear what you say but do you really think there is the capability inherent in the industry to change and make it stick? Having done major change programmes in big organisations - both the 'slow excruciating tooth pulling' version and the 'short sharp, get in and get out, blood on the floor' version' i prefer the latter - while its bloody in the short term I think its less painful in the long term - and allows people to grieve and then move on. I fear that this is only going to prolong the inevitable. A slow death from unviability or a fast one from a shut-down? Dunno. And as to dog deaths - sadly I think its clear they are going to happen regardless - and these people who 'love their dogs like family' will kill them if the industry shuts down, yet animals will conitinue to suffer if it continues - so like you I don't know what is the best approach.
  9. The reasons why we have legislation and policies and enforcement is to make sure everyone is a part of the culture change whether they want to be or not. There are always people in any community that need that in place. To me, it's more a matter of how much checking and enforcement is going to be necessary and whether that can be achieved. AFAIK, GRNSW are probably in the best position to judge that. But that's okay, I'm happy to agree to disagree. I kind of have to be optimistic, or I probably wouldn't be doing what I'm doing in the first place. Mike Baird could not care less about greyhound welfare. He has caved to save his job, and I bet he's not happy about it. He has undoubtedly incurred damage. He made a misstep and a half and now he has to wear it as best he can. If it all happens again, I doubt he will be bothered. He will just axe it good and proper this time. Provided he has the political support. I expect if he's smart he'll be a lot more careful about making sure he has that if there is a next time. I'd be astonished to see significant political support for the closure of the racehorse industry, or the pet industry. Greyhounds are small fry next to both. Corvus I'm very happy to agree to disagree too. And I so appreciate your optimism. My work means I deal with the poor side of human behaviour on an almost daily basis. So whiIe I always try and see the best in people, I also think I'm a realist - and I recognise that also colours my views. And I genuinely hope I'm wrong - but I don't think so. But we absolutely agree about Baird. This is politics - and animal welfare has not even entered into the equation. - yes I bet he's not happy about it either - but he lives to fight another day - for the moment. And yes I think if he gets another opportunity he'll do it properly next time. As to culture change, the generally held truth is that you can't legislate behaviour change to change cultures - culture change has to happen with each individual, one by one or small group by small group, which combined becomes cultural change - shared beliefs and values. You literally have to lead by example and bring people along with you. And there is not one shred of evidence that this industry even understands that, let alone has the knowledge and expertise to do it. The live baiting and cruelty will go underground with only superficial change for public show. Scratch the surface and it will still be there, because I have no doubt there is a hard core of people in this industry who believe they shouldn't and won't change and are simply pissed off because they got caught. And the best of the rest turn a blind eye - as they've always done. The investigations will continue and we'll be here again sooner rather than later. Because they genuinely don't believe they've done anything wrong and will thumb their noses at the rest of the community which has clearly said 'enough'! Can you hear the uproar when it happens again? And if not in NSW it will be another state - and around we'll all go again until someone has the guts to call time - do it properly and mean it. .
  10. Corvus I understand. But I stand by what I said. There is one key and one key only to changing this industry so it survives - and that's changing its culture - and not just the 'bad apples'. Everything else is secondary. If that doesn't happen the industry has two to three years tops. And to change culture takes know-how and experience first and foremost - and then huge resources and effort - and I would almost guarantee there is no-one in that industry capable of leading the most important change of the lot. So the industry will fail. Animals Australia et al will not stop. New investigations will uncover the continuation of live-bating and/or other sickening cruelty - and in the meantime many more greys will suffer and die. And we'll all be here again this time next year and this thread will be picking over the same old bones - and if he's still around, (which is doubtful) Mike Baird is going to rue the day he caved in and he will not be able to cave a second time around. Bookmark it..
  11. I never said that, Juice, but seeing as you're asking, I sometimes sell a breeding pair of doves to make room for keeping on one of their offspring to improve genetic diversity or keep colours I like. Do you think that means I don't love or care well enough for my doves? Is that an ethically questionable practice? If so, why? GRNSW are careful who they put me in contact with! I have no clue how they are going to make the changes they say they are, but I hope they are successful. I do believe there is more of a willingness to change than some seem to think. They got super close to losing something many of them love dearly. I think if anything can change attitudes and practices smart, that will. Let's hope it does and they don't squander the chance they've been given. Corvus this is one occasion I disagree with you. This culture is so embedded it would take decades to change and huge resources. Therefore it WILL happen again. And the general public's patience is at an end even if that of the pollies and the industry isn't. Give it a year or two and we'll all be back here having the same conversation. Only today a NSW greyhound trainer was in court on animal cruelty charges. I'm sorry for the good people in the industry. But they too stood by and did nothing until the community called 'time' when they were found out. That makes them just as culpable. Its only matter of time now.
  12. Absolutely correct - and even the trainers know it. Patience is a virtue.
  13. That's great KD - service like that is worth every cent if you ask me. My emergency vets and general vets are very similar - nothing is too much trouble. And knowing they have my back I don't mind paying a few extra dollars.
  14. Yep couldn't have said it better myself juice. And they are damn lucky they didn't run into me.
  15. Glad you feel OK with your decision Remi. I hope you got your money back and that the dog was OK going with them. And I hope you find the dog of your dreams - I'm sure someone will be able to help.
  16. Fair enough. I've been hassled despite doing everything by the book and I think these are the type of people who could be a problem. I hope Remi is able to work her way through this tomorrow what ever happens without too much grief.
  17. This bloke also has Alaskan Kiee Kia (sic) pups for sale in Canberra and 'mini maltese' and chihuahuas for sale in NZ - must be a very busy boy looking after all those puppies across all those continents. EEK - what, no 'teacups' ? I have found a legit teacup Pomeranian!!! CLICK HERE!!! :D (ok maybe not a teacup but close enough, no?) Bad girl PK!! I almost wet my pants!
  18. Yep - good posts Mita and CnR. The dogs welfare is central to this mess IMO. Remi is there any way that your Dad could be there to help tomorrow? I actually have no idea but just a thought that someone used to dealing with tricky situations might be helpful. ETA: If your Dad is there it might help to take the emotion out of it. Sort of a mediator.
  19. Actually Perse on this rare occasion I don't agree. Even if they didn't know where Remis family lived its not too hard to find out anyway. And Remi if you keep the dog and you are worried that the dog will be stolen and its chipped in your name and you've paid for the dog guess the first place the police will go? And you manage it with a couple of backyard cameras. But... if you feel its better to give the dog back thats perfectly understandable too.
  20. Maddy, while I understand where you're coming from, previous owners of surrender rescue dogs can make your life miserable regardless of how well you manage the surrender as I demonstrated in a previous post. And I still think these people are behaving dreadfully and hurting Remi's family and making them pay for their mistake. And the fact that the dogs welfare is not even registering in their thinking supports this view IMO. I don't think it should work like this, nor should mature adults behave like this. But happy to agree to disagree. But I understand if Remi decides to give the dog back. If you decide to do this, take careful note of whether they come prepared to pay you your money back. If not them don't give them the dog and tell them to come back with your cash. Anyway, if you do give the dog back, I'm sure people here will help you find the perfect dog for your family.
  21. Oh and as to the pressure - I understand that you are feeling that. But start to think differently about it - IMO its not pressure its manipulative emotional blackmail. And people who behave like this should not get away with it. Just my opinion.
  22. Great post CnR - I agree. I personally think they are behaving abominably. I take Maddy's point about the negative associations - but that comes with rescue dogs too and as a dog integrates into your family those feelings will recede into the distance. Nope - too unsettling for the dog IMO - and the owners - send photos in a weeks time and then one at Christmas and thats it. But CnR I defer to your much deeper dog behaviour knowledge if you think this would work. Its like giving a child up for adoption - you don't go and say 'Whoops I've changed my mind'. You don't make the child suffer because you gave it up by mistake. Same here. So - so weighing it all up - I'd tell them politely to 'bugger off' and keep the dog. This is nonsense.
  23. Thank you. I have emailed every registered breeder on the list on the dogzonline website so hopefully someone can help us. Horrible situation and I wish the owners put more thought into their decision because it's not been fair on us. Technically I know we don't have to give her back, but I can't keep her with all this pressure on us Understand - but I still worry about these people - they are far more concerned about themselves than their dogs welfare. I admire the approach you are taking but I'm not sure I would have been as understanding as you are. Good luck - lots of good advice here and I hope tomorrow goes OK for you.
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