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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. OK Bart fans - the gorgeous boy and his squeaky toys are very cute and he's doing very well! He's settling in and has quickly become very attached particularly to the man of the house who adores him already. The first night he tried to crawl into bed with them but there just wasn't room! LOL!! So he has quickly learned to stay in his own bed overnight. They went out for the first time today and left him with a kong (dream foster parents!). He was apparently perfectly contented when they came back. Go Bart!! This has all the hallmarks of a final adoption in a month or so's time. Fingers and paws crossed!
  2. Yes good points PC and Rebanne. I suppose its about weighing up all the risks and deciding what suits each person's situation the best.
  3. Thanks everyone. Love these gorgeous grey stories - keep 'em coming!
  4. With so much bad news around at the moment this might cheer you up - happy tears here! Story here
  5. Hi All, Probably should have posted this before. Troy if you aren't happy then please delete Here's a link to a charity auction for Hailey's Wheels for Life - a registered charity which runs out of Australia which supplies doggy wheelchairs to needy pooches of any breed worldwide. I came perilously close to trying one of their wheelchairs for Mac before he died, but in the end, he wasn't a suitable candidate. This is one of their main fund-raising activities for the year and there are some really cute things up for sale and auction. So please join us, have a bid, have some Sunday fun and support a great cause! Cheers, Westiumum.
  6. Yes I saw them advertised somewhere else - I thought they looked like a good idea as long as they weren't used in summer?
  7. She sounds just gorgeous mjosa. Yes I'm very hopeful this will go really well through foster to adoption. And as long as Bart learns not to counter surf, he's basically got it made!! LOL!! Funny story, these people have had small dogs most of their lives - so while its taking some adjustment to having a big counter-surfing dog around, they apparently are just loving him to bits - and he's only been there 24 hours. And for all the reasons we've talked about.
  8. Couldn't agree more DD. I'm 'middle aged' I suppose, and the other day I almost toppled over Sarah who got under my feet. I adore westies and I think I'll always have one - but I hope a grey is in my future as well!
  9. juice there's another wolfie mix on the Wagga pound website. Impound number 0014. Did you see him too?
  10. Yes I remember walking a very big Wei I was looking after many years ago - and there was something really nice about being able to rest my hand on his back without bending down. I got used to the 'Walking the horse"? questions which came thick and fast! Seeing some of you have mentioned it - the size issue I think is a very interesting one. So many seem to think that small dogs are the best for everyone. I'm not so sure. I too believe bigger, placid temperament breeds are good for elderly folk - far less likely to fall over them I think and far less bending down. And falls are the biggest risk for elderly people. And I think greys fit the bill perfectly for many elderly folk.
  11. Thanks PK and DD - yep I'm sure his new owners are as thrilled as I am and his name is perfect!
  12. Bart!!! Great name - he looks like a 'Bart' to me and I think it really suits him
  13. Thanks harley - determined to see more people with greys - one grey at a time! And one day it will be me!!
  14. Here he is - first few hours in his new home. Gorgeous boy! (He's just over three).
  15. Happy tears here. Just had to have a little brag... The very dog savvy elderly parents of a very old friend of mine were not having much luck finding a new rescue dog. And I love greys, particularly for elderly people - perfect temperament and size IMO. So I suggested a GAP grey about nine days ago and whammo! It all happened this afternoon! After meeting with the GAP people, they bought home a big beautiful black and white boy under 'foster to adopt'. He is already settling well and the man of the house is in love already! Yay! So so pleased for them (and I'm so happy another grey has found a home!) So thrilled for all of them - and just a little bit jealous! I'll post a pic if I can work out how to copy from FB. And all it took was one comment on FB...
  16. I had a full groom here for my two westies herfe last Friday - $60 each for a bath, westie pet clip, nails etc.
  17. Snap Perse - we crossed! And here's an SA veterinary behaviourist - haven't used them but look to be well worth considering. Your vet might also be able to recommend someone if they themselves can't help.
  18. Yep same here - vet first, to specifically rule out that she is in pain and then a behaviourist - and quickly. If this type of frontline behaviourist doesn't suit then you might need a vet behaviourist. The sooner you get going on this the easier it may be to manage - and less expensive. Here's one I used many years ago and found good for both classes and individual consultations - but there are others around too. Good luck and will be interested to hear how you get on.
  19. Hi silentchild, Have pm'd. Thanks
  20. Damn - wish you were in Melbourne - I know someone who is a terrific house-sitter who is looking for a house sit in the SE suburbs of Melbourne... any DOLers know of anything by any chance?
  21. Paul777 I agree - no respect for them here either. An owner who problem solves and goes to those lengths to help their dog is to be commended! Next time head to your local chemist - you'll not only get a better reception but a choice.
  22. While Jules is right and while I'm sure you're really disappointed and you may even have upset children on your hands, it's also possible you've had a very lucky escape. This sort of behaviour may well have been an indicator of future problems Happy to help and good luck finding your puppy.
  23. Danois is right, without far more details its impossible to know the status of any contract. Even if the puppy purchase went ahead this has all the hallmarks of an unhappy relationship. So yep grab your deposit back and run.
  24. Must be grehound day! I've just suggested a GAP grey to an elderly couple who are the parents of friends of mine - IMO ideal dogs for elderly folks. And yep - first things first - get that permission in writing before you do anything else. Then head off to GAP - they are the best people to match you to a grey. Goodluck and would love to hear how you get on. :)
  25. sas your link isn't working. And fivers don't forget good old greek yoghurt - I think it helps my old girl a lot.
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