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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. I feel very sorry for the gentleman - he's obviously having some difficulties. I hope his family is looking after him. OP does he live near you? Can you check on him by any chance? (You mentioned he was 'old'). BTW zorro is just gorgeous! Great photo. :)
  2. I'm in the 'sometimes it just takes a bit longer' camp and think people should persevere... When my third westie stayed (foster failure), I was really fond of him but I was really aware that I didn't feel the passion for him that I did for my older two westies who I absolutely adored. But a rehome was never an option and to be honest it never occurred to me. It just took longer with Andy - about 18 months I think to get to the point where I absolutely adore the little rascal - he's my divine little ratbag who I now wouldnt give up for the world. But it did take a while... I also agree with Jed - its was the humans original choice to get the dog and its the human responsibility to try every avenue humanly possible to make it work... so I recommend to give it more time and spend as much time with the dog... :)
  3. Pauchel, if the Bonnie doesn't work I'd definitely try raw. I feed three westies a human grade raw diet for about 10.00 - 15.00 per week plus the occasional treat - includes bones, chicken frames, veg,and Jo's fantastic 'formula'. I genuinely find it much cheaper than feeding dry - and as anther poster said, my guys are ridiculously healthy - and I have the blood test results to prove it! Good luck with whatever you decide - I know what it feels like to be on a very limited budget yet so want to do the best for your dogs. :)
  4. Minor high-jack - apologies OP - but Pav Lova do you know anything about the Hills B/D - supposed to be highly antioxidant for aging dogs and their brains - but you've got me wondering if that is a con too??
  5. Me neither with Mac and Sarah Sheridan! I haven't changed my guys to anything 'senior' - they still get their usual raw diet - and both Mac and Sarah's most recent blood tests were perfect and their weight is good. So if yours are doing well on their usual diet I wouldn't change a thing! :)
  6. Whipitgood I haven't heard - mind you I've been buried at work all day and only just got home... any WA DOLers know or heard anything?
  7. Good point SnT - I believe FIV is very contagious... Animal Aid started FIV testing all their strays at impound some time ago and found an astounding amount were FIV positive, so I can see why they may not wish to do it.
  8. Thanks huck house - I have now! Its a good start - and I thought Mike Bailey was impressive on ABC 24 the other night - which is why I started this thread. :) http://thechinaman.mobi/
  9. Hi Pippa - welcome to DOL. Not surprised your previous thread went poof - but I hope you hang around - I've learnt sooooo much since I've been here - great community.
  10. Yes but what are dentastix made of? (Genuine question - I'd want to know first) :)
  11. the programme seemed to imply there was some major community support behind the changes...
  12. Hick house are you from around the Geelong area? Was this a real community support exercise as the programme implied?
  13. I've recently stopped driving to work (long story) and walk back to my house from a main road drop- off. The day this changed there were still three little white faces behind the frosted glass front door as I walked up the path - no car to hear, different time and no way they could have heard me coming ( I wear quiet flats!). And it's the same most of the time when I come home.... Occasionally I surprise Mac sound asleep on my bed but he's quite deaf and cementing so I don't think that counts! :)
  14. Not sure - they just said third largest...
  15. Mnm yep - but I think that they were making was that they are the third largest pound in the country and the first of he really big traditional pounds to try a 'new' approach, particularly with strong community support..
  16. Yep quite right Sheridan - although I think they were talking about 'no kill' during the programme - but low kill is much more accurate. At least this appears to be a good sttart - Bailey was saying that they hope to become a bench mark for other pounds who still use 'tradionall' 'waste management' approaches.
  17. Hope this isn't old news... But ABC News 24 has just run a reasonably long story on the changes at the Geelong pound or Geelong Animal Welfare Service (GAWS). Essentially, new board headed up by an activist called Mike Bailey and new management and formal board adoption of a 'no kill' policy has seen euthanasia rates of healthy rehomable dogs plummet to under 3 percent. Not so spectacular success with the kitties but they are continuing to try and get the cat euth rate down as well. When The RSPCA Vic was asked if they would follow Geelongs lead they said they don't like to make policy like that (or something similar) - she was very evasive. Graham Smith from the Lost Dogs Home would not comment - funny that! Mike Bailey recognizes its early days and is cautious about being able to maintain such rates long term but it's certainly a promising start. Did anyone else see it or know anything about it? They certainly deserve DOL praise if the story is accurate! :) ETA Link to ABC story Here
  18. DMA I'd be really interested in the SA Pound rates... I suspect they are horrendous and it's about time they saw the light of day on a national basis.... Makes me ashamed to be South Australian...
  19. I spoke too soon - Mac had the longest aimless growling episode last night I've seen this year I suppose it had to happen sometime... just hope its not the start of any more deterioration.
  20. Good to hear the gorgeous old ratbag is still doing well. :)
  21. Quick update on Mac... I was looking back at my first post in this thread and its just over 13 months ago. I'm finding it hard to believe, but Mac is continuing to do really well... the purposeless growling and barking is definitely much much less, when he does growl its usually really puposeful at the younger boy westie, and he's a really smoochy happy boy. I've noticed one lot of aimless growling in many many weeks,possibly months. I continue to put it down to the Herb Robert tea he has twice a day (which he scoffs mixed with a bit of the Hills b/d), his raw diet and the vivitonin. The vet agrees it is probably a mixture of the components which is working. The only downside is he has a very stained beard from the tea! Thanks so much Boronia - your advice and kindness in sending me the herb was worth its weight in gold. How are other dementing doggies doing? Sheridan? :)
  22. AND NEVER FAILS TO MAKE ME BLOODY ANGRY! I am sick of useless owners of medium to large dogs allowing their dog to be in a situation where this can happen. Many will chase and maul small dogs ... it is part of their instinctive hunting traits BUT it is simply NOT ON to kill or maim another person's beloved pets. It happens on the streets, at the beaches and in dog parks. It can happen anywhere that a dog can be. Ask any vet or vet nurse who sees the aftermath. It is dreadful for them, and it is totally shattering to the owner of the small dogs. Councils are in part to blame because instead of focussing on one particular type of dog, they should be looking at the capacity of ANY dog to kill or maim. They ALL have teeth to bite and LEGS to use to hunt down what they see as prey. The only answer is to GO AFTER the owners of any attacking dogs and bring them to justice, and hit their hip pocket HARD. I know this is a tough line, but owners MUST come to realise that their beloved dog can be a killer and they must be alert to guard against tragedy. I dont want to hear about breeds or dog types. I want to hear about what happens to the owners of the dogs that kill. Souff As usual Souff is right on the money. This says it all. RIP Rolly and big hugs to his devastated owner.
  23. Spare room for guests - keep the door closed. Oh and there are two non- westie chairs in the lounge where visitors can sit sans white fur! I figure they live here so otherwise have the run of the house :)
  24. Sounds like a nice youngster. :) Yep agreed. You sound like a lovely family dealing sensibly with one incident with a lovely dog. Will be very interested to read how you get on. Good luck. :)
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