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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Missed the tick? Ear canals checked right down and every other orifice (and yes that one too!) checked properly?
  2. If we're just talking about using them SM, then I would - expiry dates are highly conservative and a conspiracy to encourage waste and re-purchasing IMO. In the 'old days' we just used our eyes , nose and common sense and I never had a problem... Having said that, I wouldnt feed smackos anyway as last time I looked they were chock a block full of preservatives - unless they've changed? :)
  3. Yep the photos of the greys with their elderly folk are wonderful... :) Just sorry the online edition doesn't have all the photos that the print edition does...
  4. A great story on GAP today in SA Weekend. Link here. Lovely to see such positive stories on these gorgeous dogs. :)
  5. I had a cat who caught paralysis tick in a seaside suburb of Coffs Harbour. He was losing his battle when the vet called me and said we were losing him so he could let him go or try a second dose of the anti-serum. I went with that and he pulled through. He was a helluva pussy cat. (been known to get the better of staffies and shepherds). Anyway after being a very sick boy for days he pulled through and lived until he was 14. So that second dose may well do the trick. Good luck.
  6. :laugh: Sounds like you need some greyhounds Aussie. I have a t-shirt that says "Adopt a greyhound...lose a couch" :) Would love one of those!!
  7. Its good to have a plan Ms Dani - and what you've described with your vet makes absolute sense and explains all your observations. Will be very interested to read your next progress report. :)
  8. These are the same reasons I have insurance. My dog was treated for coccidia as a 9 week old pup and Petplan put a 24 month exclusion on any gastro intestinal problems. Thus far I haven't ever made a claim (and it doesn't seem like good value) but I'll stick with it for peace of mind. At least if he needs expensive surgery/ treatment I won't have to redraw from the mortgage to cover it. Similarly trinabean - my Sarah had a bout of HGE and they put a 12 month exclusion on her for GI - luckily for me her next bout was at the 14 month mark!! And they honoured it. Thank goodness she hasn't had it again - nasty stuff!
  9. God luck - will be very interested to hear how you get on :)
  10. Great to hear. You doggies... Next time you want a holiday choose somewhere cheaper and just ask! :)
  11. Yes kiesha09 my experience with Derek is the same. My mother was sooooo impressed with the way he handled an injury to my littlest westie, she now drives across town to take her cat to him. The other two vets at that practice, Christine and Jim are terrific too. It's a great practice IMO, reasonably priced and if the one I need to see isn't there, then I'm perfectly happy to see either of the other two. Great to have that sort of confidence in a practice. :)
  12. Congrats Panto - they look wonderful - you've done a marvellous job. :)
  13. This. Ms Dani as Sheridan says it sounds a bit 'dementing' to me - the pacing at night is very typical - and the sooner you get onto it the better. Have a read of the first few pages of the dementia thread - I think it might be helpful :) Is he doing anything else odd? Getting into corners and can't wok out how to get out? Growling or barking into thin air? A good vet is your best friend here. :)
  14. MM these are the bones that my guys get too - great size for he littlies and has a good amount of meat. Yes Sam apart from these getting good meaty bones does seem to be getting harder.
  15. Very interesting about the Viviitonin Sheridan. At least you definitely know its definitely helping him. I went away overnight last Saturday and took the westies with me - and they stayed outside in an enclosed sleep out where they could see me during the evening - and Mac was very vocal - but interestingly it seemed quite purposeful - he didnt like being in the sleep-out separate but where he could see me- and boy did he let us know! As only Mac can (rolly eyes here). And yes he's still on Vivitonin too. I have been supplementing my guys with a little Black Hawk and while they've all done really well on it they've all put on weight - Andy and Sarah in particular - and they've not been getting a lot of it - so I think I'll have to cut it out and return to their raw human grade diet. The vet will have my guts for garters if I don't! :)
  16. Are you referring to the very expensive getting together of massive egos we have every four years??? ;) That's the one!! The one where those fragile egos collapse if the don't get a piece of metal - particularly a yellow one!! (They only seem to like the yellow ones!) Maybe like kindy they should all get a yellow one 'for trying'...
  17. Yay! Snap T! One of my favourite lunch-time past-times was seeing how many potential pet-shop puppy buyers I could put off in half an hour! My record is 7... It is closed now but I was frequently ejected from a large Hobart city petshop for "harassing" their clientele and after the last time was told if I went back in there, they would call the constabulary..... Ah Ellz! You need some lessons from the westiemum school of subtle unobtrusive persuasion with a smile!! :rofl: I didn't harrass people either - with a smile on my face I would engage them in conversation so the staff never twigged what I was up - and sweetly told them to go to a registered breeder or onto petrescue fo a cheaper and much better, less risky option - many people thanked me. :) And I had a story ready if I was ever quizzed - but I wasn't - and those staff weren't exactly the sharpest knives in the block... :)
  18. Christina - what programme on channel seven was this on? Today Tonight?
  19. Yay! Snap T! One of my favourite lunch-time past-times was seeing how many potential pet-shop puppy buyers I could put off in half an hour! My record is 7...
  20. And a large puppy farm outlet bites the dust...
  21. Thanks C & C - will ask the vet when I'm next there. :)
  22. Er... its July... and poodle clipping and grass growing would be far more interesting than this rather obscene OTT spectacle.
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