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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Great post Aussie. There certainly seems to be no one easy answer to itchy dogs.
  2. Great post Stormie. Bob is his name, it's possible that the drug trial is still on - they needed lots of dogs over quite some period of time but the criteria were pretty strict so you need to have a really itchy dog to get on it. Unfortunately, my Sarah (Westie) romped it in and did very well on Atopica, the control drug. So I suggest you ask your own vet or ring the Vet School at the University of Queensand and ask the dermatologist about the trial - worth a phone call. Or alternatively track down a dermatologist in private practice and ask. But having said that, I've decided I don't like Atopica for long-term use for Sarah, even at relatively low doses. Sarah's incontinence is definitely related to her Atopica use. It's incredible - give her a dose of Atopica and she's mildly incontinent the next day. You can set your watch by it. So a couple of things SAS said I absolutely agree with: 1. Atopica definitely has side effects so be very careful (and its shockingly expensive if you want to continue with it after the trial). 2. Don't go chasing witchcraft. It will be disappointing, hard on your dog and simply cost you money. If there were easy solutions to itchy dogs it would have been solved years ago. I think it's very individual about how each dog responds to what treatment. Accurate diagnosis is really important. That's where my specialist dermatologist came into his own. I now know what I'm dealing with. At the same time trust your observations. If you think something is happening you are probably right as you spend most time with the dog, not the vet. Interestingly, after a recent course of antibiotics for kennel cough, Sarahs itching and scratching got much much worse. So I suspect she is like many women and tends to get 'yeasty' after antibiotics ('doggy thrush' - is there such a thing?). Again the apple cider vinegar seemed to work quickly and very effectively - her skin appearance improved and her scratching reduced literally overnight. So I've made a decision to take Sarah off the Atopica, use antibiotics only as a last resort, and stay with the apple cider vinegar for the moment which is working a treat - the difference in her scratching behaviour and skin quality is remarkable. It's a cheap easy solution that appears to be working for me. But it must be diluted at least 1:4. (I use 1:5). So IMO you'll need to find a specific solution for your individual dog. Hope that helps. Will be very interested to hear how you get on. :)
  3. Yes Mac's slowing considerably now as well Sheridan.He still trots around slowly enjoying life (and smells!), but he's not coping with heat of the last few days as well as he usually does and his dribbling incontinence is worse. I've just had to order more belly bands for him to wear inside, particularly overnight. He really enjoyed our ploughman's lunch at the park with his westie mates yesterday but is considerably slower. And he was absolutely wiped out when we got home before the worst of the heat and spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping like the dead. Although his dementia doesn't seem to be getting any worse. I'll report back after he has had some time on the Cholodin. - bianca's very kind gift to him.
  4. . That would make sense if import licences have to be renewed about the same time each year and we run into trouble if the licence isnt renewed on time. Just a guess.
  5. If I remember correctly, there was a Hills supply issue about this time last year too. So maybe there is something seasonal going on with Australian supply?
  6. Thanks very much for your kindness Bianca. Mac will thanks from the tip of his tail as well. :)
  7. Hi Bobishisname. Welcome to the forum :) I have an 11 year old westie with atopic dermatitis. She was on the Pfizer drug trial earlier in the year and initially it worked brilliantly. She was on the control drug which was Atopica. Her skin improved enormously. I've since kept her on it on a reduced dosage (3 times per week, 50mg) which seemed to hold her. However just recently she has become intermittently incontinent and I believe the Atopica is to blame. After she has her Atopica at night now, she has an accident the next day. Stop the Atopica = no accident. Ad hoc internet reports support that incontinence is sometimes associated with Atopica. So because I stopped the Atopica (the accidents were making her miserable, her scratching has increased again - to the point she was waking me up at night. I was desperate at 2.30 am one morning so I googled (yes at that hour!) and found some information on apple cider vinegar(preferably organic) for itchy dogs, so at 2.30am, as I had some on hand, I diluted it (1:5) and wiped it on her tummy and between her toes and on the top of her paws - and bingo - no more scratching that night and I got some sleep - and an even better result after three days - and I'm sleeping again. And its a damn sight cheaper than Atopica... Hope that helps. :)
  8. And you can get them cheaper than that... try here. :)
  9. You're welcome to 'interrupt' anytime bianca. Thanks so much - thats a very kind offer but you must allow me to pay you. Cholodin is expensive. Will pm you. :)
  10. Sounds like a back seat buddy Mrs RB. I have a BSB too - and its the best thing since sliced bread. Wears really well, washes like a rag and the westies are safe and comfortable in it. The downside is the price - but when I compared it to the cheaper versions which I was lucky to get 12 months out of and starting falling apart at the first wash, and added up the cost of replacing them I decided a BSB was worth the investment. Not to mention the hassle of replacement of the cheaper ones. And its worth googling as prices vary fairly significantly. :)
  11. Nope. Even with my dementing, slightly incontinent old westie. I love him to bits - and even more these days if that's possible. But I have heard of people PTSing their old incontinent dogs because they couldn't deal with the incontinence - they'd have to have 'unbonded' with their dog in that case, wouldn't they?
  12. And a rare photo of Mac smiling his 'toofy' grin with his original foster dad...
  13. And's heres the magnificent smiley photo Snook took of Andy late last year (need to click on it to see how good this photo really is :) And the beautiful photo Snook took of the always smiling Sarah:
  14. Here's my Andy a day or two after his rescue from a notorious puppy farm - timid, scared, never been in a house before and no smiles Here he is after his first clip: And in the next post:
  15. Smart kid, deserves a reward, great outcome. Glad Obi is safe.
  16. He is absolutely gorgeous. Having had an Airedale to stay I'm really warming to big dogs when I never thought I would! Congrats- he is a magnificent boofa!
  17. Consider the Companion Animal Health Centre at the Vet School at Roseworthy 8313 1999. Or the Speialist Centre on Magill Road. They have some great people too. Good luck. It sounds like you don't have time to burn. I'd consider a true specialist surgeon if it were me - and quickly.
  18. Suggest you also contact the Companion Animal Health Centre at the Vet School at Roseworthy and ask them to keep an eye out as well. P: 8313 1999 Good luck. I hope you find him.
  19. Great Story. Hope she continues to improve. :)
  20. Hi Lisa, Glad it helps. I used it on a sore throat earlier in the week and it worked like a charm. The westies love it too - treat off a teaspoon. And cheaper than vet bills although the strong stuff iis expensive. Will be very interested in how you get on :)
  21. Oh and the best way to use it is 'neat' - straight off the teaspoon - for both two-leggeds and four-leggeds :D
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