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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Bump. Any takers anyone? There's honestly nothgin wrong with it - its just that the bag is open. :)
  2. Thanks very much B for the info. Gotta love our Westie Macs! LOL! :)
  3. Hi all, As I discussed in the Black Hawk thread I've had to take my two older westies off BH as although I think its a good value product, it doesn't seem to agree with them - particularly my Westie girl who was scratching herself silly. So I have about half a bag of the 20 kg Adult Lamb and Rice, maybe a bit more, to give away to a good home! Unfortunately it's an open bag so pick up is really the only option from Adelaide inner suburbs. Anyone like it? :)
  4. I have a series of sensor lights around the house. That's such a clever idea S! Where did you get them please? :)
  5. The Atopica has a new home! Thanks everyone. :)
  6. Well the penny has dropped. Sadly I'm taking mine off BH as despite them doing well on it (coat, poo) my two older westies seem to have become yeasty and scratchy on it. My Westie girl in particular has been itching like there's no tomorrow and the old boy appears to have a yeasty ear. And yes I'm fairly sure it's the food as the timing for my boy using it (ran out of the b/d) is spot on. And since taking her off it and back to chicken necks in the morning my girl Westie is doing much better (and I'm sleeping better!) Really peeved about this as I really like the product - just doesn't seem like my dogs. So anyone in Adelaide like about half an open bag of BH - at least 10kgs? Free to a good home - just pm me. :)
  7. Thanks all for your excellent advice - I'll take your advice on the Black Hawk. And have a look at the thread. Anyone in Adelaide like the rest of the open 20kg bag? :) After some research, it seems Taste of the Wild or Canidae are the way to go? Where's the best place to get them please? Hi Westielover Good to hear from you!! I don't feed much dry either - occasionally for brekkie (1/4 cup each only!)and a little for occasional treats but thats it - but I think it shows how sensitive my westie girl is - it seems to take vey little to make her itch. Maybe I should forget the dry and go back to raw only! :) ETA: Whoops - just saw your link for Taste of the Wild - thanks Westielover!
  8. I'm a predominantly raw feeder with occasional dry food for my three westies. I've been using Black Hawk and think its a really good product but my 11 year old itchy girl seems to be licking and scratching a lot more on it. So I'm wondering what other dry food people recommend for itchy dogs? Grain free? Or no dry food at all? I find they enjoy the variety and occasional dry food breaky. I'd love to try Ziwipeak but the cost is out of this world. Thanks for any advice. :)
  9. Hi Mish, Thanks for your post - but I don't think you'll be able to halve them as they are a liquid capsule. Have pm'd you.
  10. Any interest anyone? Any of our vets have any worthy causes they are treating who would like a box FOC?
  11. Pers that's a very sensible, very tough and loving thing to do. I've been wondering how Mac's eventuall passing will affect my other two. Letting them spend time with Mac after he's gone is a good idea.(Assuning he's the first to go of my three). Thanks. But at the risk of being a bit morbid, how did you actually let them spend time together? ( I really want to be prepared when that really difficult time comes)
  12. Isn't he gorgeous!!! Is that what Grumps looks like Sheridan?
  13. Absolutely ring the emergency vet. We had lots of them in Darwin as kids and were always told to not get the sap on our skin because its toxic.
  14. Mine get a snack (chicken neck) in the morning and main meal at night. If I didn't give them something in the morning then they would be chewing the dining room chair legs by the time I get home from work at night. Mac is hungry 24/7 and Andy is the worlds best inhaler of food so I supervise carefully at night! :) ETA oh and RMBs on weekends , sometimes weeknights when I can supervise. (I swear Andy the 'Hoover Westie, inhales rather than chews!)
  15. My Sarah has been prescribed Atopica for atopic dermatitis. However I'm absolutely convinced it doesn't agree with her and is the cause of her intermittent incontinence(the moment I stopped the Atopica, she's no longer incontinent). She was very distressed by it. So I have a box of 15 Atopica (50mg capsules) looking for a good home. Because it is not an over-counter drug, I'd rather it go to someone whose dog, under vet supervision, is already using it on prescription, or a new user on prescription who is sure they can afford it as long as required (its very expensive). There's really no point in a dog only having one box and not then being able to continue with it. Any takers?
  16. Erny thanks for the reminder - I need to stock up again . :)
  17. Yes it is amazing. I was hoping that my experience might line up with that which is reported on the net, and it has. Sheridan, although you've said 'no' before would it be worth a discussion with your vet to see if its worth trying with Grumps? I'd be happy to send you some to try :)
  18. Well all, I didn't want to come back and report what I thought I was seeing until I was sure. And now I'm sure. This stuff really works. Mac is more engaged, when I look at his eyes he's 'home', he's in there, he is really spritely, his movements are much crisper and his tail is usually up and much more waggy! Conversely, he doesn't seem so confused, his occasional growling is purposeful (usually directed at poor little Andy!) and his dribbling incontinence hasn't been a problem for over a week! (Just after I bought him three new belly bands! Roll eyes here). So thank you again soooo much Bianca. Big westie smooch for you from the old fella! For you Bianca - from Mac (and me!)
  19. If we crossed a toy poodle with a little toy poodle, then we could market them as a 'little toy poodle'!!! If we crossed a white westie with a little westie we could have a 'little white westie'... Hey I think I'm onto something here... always knew it was all in the marketing! :D
  20. Hey yeah! I want to put in an order for my no shedding, hyo allergenic, pink and blue 27.5cm alsatian shepherd! Get your act together Deshenko!! Must arrive no later than COB on 21 December to give me time to gift wrap it and put it under the tree in a box... promise I'll remember to put air holes in it...
  21. Mac gets Maccles, Mac Attack, Old Man, Old Fella or Deafie (very un- PC!) Sarah gets Sarebear, Missy Moo, or Bossy Girl, Andy gets Andy Pandy, Pocket Rocket or Andrew when I'm cross with him! :D Oh and they all frequently get called honey, darling or gorgeous!
  22. Well this is looking very promising - so far so good with the cholodin. Mac somehow seems more engaged, spritely and smiley... will report back again in a few days...
  23. Bianca thank you so much... the cholodin arrived today. Its a huuuge bottle! I gave Mac his first 1/2 tablet tonight (his dose is 1/2 tab daily) So will report in how we're going in a week or so... Thanks so much Bianca - big smoochy westie kiss from Mac! :D
  24. yes Mac's dementia sure hasn't affected his ability to sniff out quality blue cheese at 500 paces... :laugh:
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