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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Ham bones are cooked. Very easy to get sucked into those lovely looking meaty ham bones in the deli at the supermarket - great for stock, not for dogs. And I wouldn't trust anything 'smoked' either. How sad for the little dog and owner on Christmas Day
  2. Wow FF! Thread of the year and its still only January! Take a bow!
  3. Mine don't howl either but occasionally they make cute snuffling noises and 'pedal' in their sleep - not so cute at 2 am though! I think the littlest Westie barked in his sleep once and frightened both of us!
  4. Snook these are just fantastic!! Too cute for words! I've literally just come back from Hailey's Mum and Dads place and we were only talking about you!!! Must catch up again soon!
  5. Great photo FF! Very cute butt!!! Clever dog!!!
  6. Cute set of spinning butts here Just came through from a friend of a friend in Colorado...
  7. Kirty its hard to know what to suggest except to say that I think you just need to try something different. Unfortunately its trial and error as there's no magic bullet. Overall its choices between nutrition (eg the B/D), herbs (Herb Robert or Chinese herbs), prescription drugs (Vivitonin and a couple of others) and nutraceuticals such as cholidin and aktivait (which you can't get here and is well nigh impossible to get into the country - I know - I tried ). I also place a lot of importance on a predominantly raw diet, really good hydration, TLC and lots of mental stimulation for Mac. If the Vivitonin isn't working then I suggest you go back to your vet and ask to try one of the other drugs. Then come up with a routine at home that you are comfortable with which is a combination of the possibilities above. Yes its hard work some days - but its worth it. Mac continues to do well on his routine. Hope that helps.
  8. Moosey shes just gorgeous - so good to see all these cute seniors getting an outing!
  9. Yes Andy still has 'issues' too - he gets very very frightened in crowds and still has problems with dark-haired men. But he's soooo much better than when I got him. Love him to bits! And just for completeness - he's my 11 year old baby girl Sarah - she has a great smile and a really waggy tail too! (And another of Snook's fabulous photos!)
  10. Thank you so much. I asked for senior cuties.... & the Westies have put all their best paws forward to prove age doesn't dim gorgeousness. You're so right - and if anything they get even more cute and smoochy as they get older - if that's possible!
  11. Megan she is just beautiful! There really is something very specially cute about these second chance puppy farm rescues isn't there... just look at that smile!!
  12. Oh this thread is all too much!! Cuteness overload ++++ Jules P Amber is superb!
  13. What brand did you use, WM? Email me, if you'd prefer, if you will? Pro-K9 The brand I have been using is apparently not available anymore (I need to verify that next week). The new brand available to the Health Food Store here is brighter in colour, although labelled "organic". I haven't used it yet. Hi Erny, I use Hilde Hemmes' Herbals Calendula Flower Traditional Herbal Tea - they seem to be a local SA company. Web site www.herbalsupplies.com.au - but I got mine from the local health food shop.
  14. She is amazing - as is her owner. She just gets on with it!
  15. Hi Megan I use the laundry tub, clean off any residual detergent or muck in it, then put about 2 inches of really hot water in it and a good handful of the tea in a stocking as Erny said. It will go a bright yellow. Wait for it to cool then bath and towel off. I ended up with a yellow tinged westie but it really helped her itchies when they were at their worst. Will be interested to hear how you get on :)
  16. Can you tell us whats getting worse??? As to the B/D, it hasn't been available since before Christmas - so I cancelled my order - at least for the moment. I've just made an enquiry about some Chinese Herbs that dogmad recommended in another thread - when I hear back from them I'll post the info.
  17. Jelly last Wednesday, a 9 year old westie, who was in danger of destruction came to my notice. After eyeballing the dog (and the owners) on Wednesday evening, we decided this dog was worth a second chance in a different environment sans children. So off he's gone to foster care for assessment with experienced westie breeders, rescuers and rehabbers. The point of my story is there is no 'formula' for second chances - they take as long as they do and they go up and down as they do - it might be months for us but its been years for you and Roo. And both are fine. And only you can decide what is right for you and your dog. And as I suspect there will be for us and this westie, there will be ups and downs along the way - and only you (or we) can decide when a 'down' needs to be the last 'down'. Just never forget we'll support you in whatever and whenever you decide... cos we aren't in your shoes. Big hugs to you and Roo.
  18. And a waggle of senior westies... Snook again...
  19. And Mita here are two beautiful seniors - my Mac now 13.5 - and the gorgeous departed Hailey with her pink 'Walkin Wheels'... gee we miss her... Another of Snooks fabulous photos - click to enlarge
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