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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. After not having any hot spots on my dogs for quite a few years, My boy got one on his head in between his wrinkles. We have used Athletes foot powder on hot spots for many many years for the Bulldogs and Bullmastiffs and I always have it in my doggy medical box. So out it came and was applied. granted it wasnt bad but with two days of applying the powder it had virtually disappeared. It is zinc powder, one of the best ever treatments for wet exzema is zinc. Incidentally after we had the big wet the other week (and even though I had been drying the dogs feet after every time they went outside) and I was doing my weekly check of my dogs feet my boy had very red, yeasty wetness between his toes and under his pads. Straight away the powder was brought out and applied for a couple of days. He wasnt sore, or lame or anything but it didnt matter, they had to be dried up and the zinc powder worked a treat. Wet exzema loves moist humid conditions. It thrives in it. 110% recommend it Thanks so much for this. Just one question? Any worry if the dog licks the Athletes Foot Powder Spray? And what brand of Powder Spray did you use which worked so well? TIA.
  2. Promise you won't regret it! And you'll find it cheaper in the long run than constantly replacing the el cheapo ones - and much less inconvenient. When you get it you'll see what we mean!
  3. Ness has said it all. i have a medium fleece one bought for the previous car and its still perfect. I think the medium should be plenty big enough for a Jazz. - wont the large be much too big??
  4. Jules she is absolutely delicious! Congratulations - and as Mita says: 'More pics"!
  5. Thanks B - those beds look great. And yes I know exactly what you mean about Westie wee!
  6. Terminology interpretation tends to change fluidly. "Dominant" or "dominance" has become a 'dirty' word because of negative connotations being assigned to it. Even "Leadership" is by some attracting the same negative assignations. Maybe we need to "assert our authority" by stopping mis-interpretations evolving to negative connotations :laugh: . Either one of your dogs is expressing dominance ( there's THAT word ) by marking over the scent of the other, or you have one with urinary incontinence. Which I think brings us back full circle to your initial dilemma enquiry. Next step is to check which one is the 'soiler'. If they are crate trained and you can retain them to a crate each over night, you might be more assured to find out? Thanks again Erny. The truth is the boys are puppy farm rescues who I got as adults and have always been reluctant to crate given their previous lives in cages... so no they aren't crate trained. Having said that and in hindsight (ain't it a wonderful thing!) I think I should have got over my qualms about crate training them and done it years ago as they do like their 'caves' around the house...
  7. Interesting discussion! Maybe as someone else pointed out 'pack leadership' might be a better term than 'assert authority' which has some negative connotations in some quarters. Just to report in, I was very late getting home last night and as I brushed past one of the Westie beds on the floor I realised it was damp. But again I don't know whether it was Sarah or Mac. ( Andy prefers to sleep on the chair or floor on the other side so less likely it was him). But at least I don't have to change the bedding gain!
  8. Then it is quite likely a behavioural thing, rather than a medical one :D And don't hesitate! You want to sleep in their beds, you go for it girl!! :laugh: . Nah... The linens the wrong size...
  9. Sheridan ! What a hard life the westies have was supposed to be a secret!!!!
  10. I think that about sums it up :) Yep sure does BB. Erny has this uncanny knack of cutting to the chase. ..... It's about looking for and at the good stuff rather than focusing on the one (in your mind) negative. Reverse thinking :D. But Westiemum ..... have there been any inappropriate soiling incidents since the dogs' sleeping arrangements have changed? Thanks Erny - never hurts to remind them. (And me!) just how good they've got it! No further incidents - so far so good. Probably because I've never slept in their beds...
  11. I think that about sums it up :) Yep sure does BB. Erny has this uncanny knack of cutting to the chase. Yes the poor babies have a range of rugs, (Ikea are the favs), imported NZ beds, choozy beds if they get bored with the NZ ones, or the lounge if they prefer!!! Very hard done by! I think it was Teebs who said that I was probably doing it harder than the westies who essentially slept through last night with only minor protest from Sarah. Teebs no truer words have ever been spoken....
  12. Welcome becks. Plenty of threads on this if you do a search. I use Derek McNair on the Parade at Norwood. That practice has such depth of good vets it doesn't matter who you see IMO. I use the University of Adelaide Vet School at Roseworthy for specialist stuff eg dermatology. Hope that helps.
  13. OK - all quiet on the Westie front. Mac's snoring from his bed on the floor so situation normal. Will reply again tomorrow. Thanks everyone for your support and advice.. 'Nite.
  14. Isn't that the way!!!! Mac much prefers my latex pillows to the Target ones... Sigh... I really have bought them up to have exquisite taste. !
  15. Got it in one Snook - buggered and ill! The saturated bed last Friday really was the last straw. Hopefully one of them will oblige me with a clue by weeing in their own bed!
  16. Quite possibly Snook - but I haven't actually caught him in the act. And this isn' his usual dribbling incontinence - which I just manage with the mop and a belly band. This is a full on soaking wee! I caught Sarah in the act on the lounge twice - and once she was definitely asleep - but a long time ago. But have never managed to find out who the culprit on the bed is.
  17. True GB. And I must admit I've slept better without three hot little bodies cuddling me in this heat!
  18. It's a good thought GM - but nothing that I can think of. The accident in their sleep is more likely - the older two ( and most likely culprits) are 11.5 and 13.5 - so would stilboestrol help? Just not sure which dog? And they do tend to be bed-swapping hussies!
  19. Last Friday night 'someone' wee'ed on the lounge - again. Didn't see the culprit. So while feeling horrendous with the 'flu I cleaned it all up with drive and vinegar... Later that evening, very tired and ill, went to go to bed and my bed was saturated too. I almost burst into tears as it was 10 pm and this was the second time in a week. So I stripped my bed again, and slept in the spare room, relegating all westies to their own beds on the floor, where they have slept for the past three nights. They settled fairly quickly in the spare room. Tonight I'm back in my own bed but have insisted the westies stay on the floor in their own beds, but in my room. I just can't do all this weeing inside and loads of extra washing anymore. . I feel so guilty as Sarah in particular really doesn't understand why I'm not letting her on the bed anymore and is scrabbling at the bedside to be lifted up (I've removed her steps). I've given them all a treat when they were finally quiet in their own beds. But still I feel guilty. BTW the vet can't find anything wrong ( no UTIs) and has suggested stilboestrol for the two oldies... I'm reluctant as this appears behavioural? Or is it? Doesn't stilboestrol have side effects? Advice please? I've been so unwell I'm not thinking straight and might be missing something obvious? TIA.
  20. Phew! Thank goodness you posted that! Miah is absolutely gorgeous. Her colouring is beautiful.
  21. Oh congratulations Jules!!! What wonderful news. Pics next weekend. Have you decided on a name?
  22. Hydrazole from behind the counter at the chemist works well - particularly for overnight itchies and scratching where bathing at 2 am is not an overly attractive option. The chemist usually laughs and gives me a withering look when I say it's not for me but for the dog and hands it over.
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