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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. GO CAZ!!!! Been waiting for you to appear and fall in love with the beautiful Annie for days!!!!
  2. Trust you Sheridan!!! Mac and Mac - don't either of you listen to her!!! (I have my hand over my Mac's eyes so he can't read the screen!!!)
  3. Had a friend contact me today saying she would like a companion for her 2 1/2 year old female Malt/SHitzu cross as she works full-time.. Said four legged girl is 'first lady' 'queen of the castle' and ' princess' of the house - so I think a cruisey laid back boy would be great. But a suitable girl is not out of the question, She's not fussed on age but would like a small - medium dog. Must of course get on with the princess. And shes definite she wants to give a rescue dog a second chance in a new home. This is a seriously good home but she's probably not in a position to pay for an interstate flight as well as adoption fees - but interstate is a possibility if transport could somehow be arranged. She said a 'black fluffball' but knowing her I suspect any fluffball would be fine. So I think she'd simply consider the right dog. :) Any suggestions?? Particularly SA rescues??? Oh and yes Ive checked petrescue - serious lack of SA fluffballs at the moment. TIA :)
  4. Actually vicdog there is quite a big country outside piddly little Victoria! And I do have someone in Melbourne who might have helped you out if you'd simply stop being so Vic-centric, and give a bit more information - its a funny old global world! :)
  5. B he prescribed Stilboestrol for Mac. And it seems to be working well. I used belly bands until he was going through them like a newborn then i needed to start him on the medication.. He too was intermittently really wet but he never smelled. That would suggest infection to me. Are you sure he doesn't have a UTI? the last time I took him to the vet she put him on AB's and it made no difference. I have had him on the Propalin since Monday evening and he was dry underneath yesterday afternoon and again this morning, I would have thought it'd take longer than 2-->3 doses to see if it is working. The vet also put him on a course of AB's as he has a slight infection between two toes on each of his front paws, if it is/was a UTI I don't think the AB's would have worked so quickly. It has me stumped! My Mac's smell could be from the vege slops that I add to his turkey-neck-mince, it has fish oil added into it...either way it is was pretty urine-smelly, his bed smelt of babies wet nappy left on way too long B one of the things I learnt the hard way with Mac's ear is know the bug you are dealing with - don't let the vet just guess and dish out the ABs (They do it with the best of intentions to try and save you money on lab tests but I don't think its cost effective). To be absolutely sure I'd be asking for a proper lab test - its cheaper in the long run and not as hard on the boy. If it comes back negative you know its a smell from outside and can manage. If its a UTI the lab should be able to recommend the right AB for the bug. With Macs ear it got to the end of the road with no ABs available for his bug according to the lab - so that made the ear ablation surgery decision easy. :)
  6. Fantastic - and won't it be sweet justice if it turns out he's better with his new Mum!! I still dont understand how people can do that to an old dog - incontinence is manageable with a little effort. Good on his new Mum!!! Love to hear some updates.
  7. B he prescribed Stilboestrol for Mac. And it seems to be working well. I used belly bands until he was going through them like a newborn then i needed to start him on the medication.. He too was intermittently really wet but he never smelled. That would suggest infection to me. Are you sure he doesn't have a UTI?
  8. The difficulty here is that we can't be 100% sure the cats have actually been abandoned. Under common law, animals are property and need to be formally exchanged as property and receipted. The owner could come back and accuse the OP of stealing her cats. If it was me, I would put a note at the last known address (in this case next door), saying the cats are in your care as they are starving and <b>appear</b> to have been abandoned and to please collect them. And go on to say if they are not collected within seven days then you will notify the RSPCA or keep them. It's not a fool-proof legal solution but it shows an attempt to do the right thing for all parties, by you in particular. After seven days manage as you see fit - council, RSPCA, rescue, rehome. The timeframe you are asking about seems to me to be too short - so be careful - she may still come back and then there'll be trouble unless you can demonstrate you were trying to do the right thing by the cats <b>and</b> her. Hope that helps. <img src="http://www.dolforums.com.au/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif"> <div><br></div><div>ETA Cristina is right - in SA the RSPCA is nothing but a death sentence. I believe they have amongst kill rates in the country. Here they make little attempt to rehome or work with rescue. So while I never advocate breaking the law I'm sympathetic to her position but to protect myself I'd try and transfer ownership legally first - somehow.</div>
  9. Apologies for the minor highjack OP - but I really need to upgrade the restraints in my car. I need some metre long restraints with lead type clips on both ends to clip into the harness and top of the head rests - this would allow the westies to lie down an sit comfortably on the back seat. ( I have a back seat buddy without holes so can't get to the seat belt clicky things - and I don't want to put holes in the back set buddy). I have looked in the past but has anyone seen a longer length restraint with lead clips on both ends? Or have any better ideas? TIA
  10. And don't forget there is a wider support team and fan base that is watching your onfield progress ( cos we don't know how to help) from the sidelines. (Sorry - footy's about to start again and I can't help myself! ). Remember its always two steps forward one step back when you are trying to make major changes. So keep going!!
  11. So if you can't find them homes I assume you'll have to PTS?
  12. My feelings 'zaccly B! What an outrage!!
  13. Or a Westie! (Yeah I know I'm completely biased!)
  14. When I got my first rescue Westie I fed him dog food cos I didn't know any better. I was absolutely revolted by it and decided to do some research and that's when I found DOL for the first time. After considering a million points of view I went with raw feeding and we haven't looked back. I feed a human grade raw mix made by the best doggie shop in Adelaide - Adelaide Dog (on Payneham Road for any interested Adelaideans). I bulk it up with fresh or black and gold mixed veggies. Chicken necks for a morning snack.I also feed like Karrine - anything I eat if there's enough they get some too - and I keep cans of human mackerel and sardines (home brand) in the cupboard for emergencies when I forget to thaw their meat. Occasionally they get some grain free dry food - but it's more for occasional variety than anything else So basically it's human grade raw for my guys. If you shop smartly I find its as cheap if not cheaper than dog food. Looks and smells more appetising and the other great thing is the poo volumes plummet! (Important when you have three dogs).
  15. Is it safe for dogs to lick Listerine and Athletes Foot Powder Spray? Does anyone know? TIA :)
  16. Skeeter is just superb - there's something really special about whities...
  17. Gorgeous Justice with a rose for his gorgeous owner! Snook will wait until the weather cools a bit (its too hot for little westie bodies outside at the moment) and then I'll be in touch and organise a time to get together. :)
  18. Ive had a hard day - and all it takes is a browse through this thread again and the world seems much brighter!! More cute pics please people!!!
  19. Jelly Roo is beautiful. You are doing an amazing job with her - I'm not sure that I would have been able to persevere like you have - you're amazing and Roo is a very lucky girl!
  20. Welcome to the 'foster failure' club! Happens to the best of us!
  21. The last time I searched for one for a friend, including postage, my pet warehouse was the cheapest - and service was good too.
  22. Crisovar I went at lunch to look at Listerine - and there are millions of different types! Which Listerine and Athletes Foot Powder Spray type did you use please?
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