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Everything posted by Angeo

  1. Yer wonder why the difference
  2. I think $40 is quite fair....I haven't had my dogs long and its been a long time since I have had to visit the vets last I remember it was a bit over $50 for yearly innoculations...will shop around when needed I think...they do seem to vary alot...
  3. she sounds reasonable and honest
  4. Yer that sounds a bit expensive amazing how it varies you would think there should be a controlled fee
  5. I have read quite a few are at the vets alot Do you have insurance.. What is the normal consultation fee now....
  6. my two both have the same amount of food one looks great to me weight evenly spread and the other is thinner and they both are not active dogs. Lay around alot except for their walks they dont play alot just a little in the morning after they are let out....not much you can do about it like some ppl eat like horses and never put on wieght ..My Hubby used to say you cant fatten a thoughbred lol
  7. Thanks CavzNrott......yer Vanti my dog loves the chicken necks too ...cats are all fed so its all quite here again they are so persistant at feed time don't shut up till they get it....funny eh don't hear the dogs barkin "Wheres my food give it to me now" ........they just wait till they get it what ever the time is ....
  8. thanks for that info CavNrott I will have a look tomorrow pay day ...I thought I was over doing it feeding my dog country chicken one night lol and lasange another just a change from the normal meals lol guess we all like to think our dogs are really enjoying their meals...so just normal tabs(like for humans) not in the dog section?...All the cats are here tellin me its tea time so have to go feed them now
  9. I blend fruit and vegies to a pulp and add brewers yeast, kelp, organic eggs, live culture yoghurt, flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. I then mix this with human grade chicken, turkey or beef mince and freeze in meal sized containers. The Rottweilers get a chicken frame after the BARF meal and the Cavaliers get a wing. They have raw meaty bones at other times too. I give a Salmon oil capsule to the big dogs daily and the little dogs twice a week. Vitamin E capsule to all dogs every third day.. Eagle Pack is a good dried food and my dogs have nice shiny coats on the food they are on. Hope this helps. Edited to add. I don't use pasta, rice or any fillers but they do get it occasionally as leftovers. Gee I'm comming back as a dog to your house where you get the...salmon tabs...and vitamin E ...in the health food shops?
  10. LOL so did I ...I didnt know weather to comment on that or not
  11. Don't know never seen it I don't use can food I like fresh meat, vegies and dry food....I think its more filling and doesn't go through them like tin food does..... Occassionaly I pick up a tin but I only get Pal as alot of the others are just like paste have no meat only cereal in them.
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