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Everything posted by jeffm

  1. thaks everyone for the fast replys all looks much better today we are going back to the vet again as instructed by them (must say the vet has been great even with us freaking out ) but i just wanted some reasurance i spose as you always expect the worse thanks again jeff
  2. sorry forgot to add they used the die and checked the eye out and its a scratch not too bad (i was told) which i have no problems with seen that before with other dogs but the cloudy look had me worried jeff
  3. the cloudyness is on the outside only and she is opening the eye much more this arvo soon going to vet. the cream they gave us is tricin to be used twice a day (morning and night)
  4. we have cream and the vet didnt say it was bad which im sure she would of. but going tonight again to make sure
  5. Hi dog lovers i have a puppy that got a scratch in her eye and from when i noticed something wrong to when we got to the vet it was going cloudy just wondering if anyone has had this problem before and what effect comes fr mthe eye going cloudy and will it clear when the scratch is healed? sorry going back to vet tonight but worried about the eye cloudyness (cant wait to ask vet need to know now :rolleyes: ) jeff
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