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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies. I will check out the places you have suggested and go from there. I mainly want chicken as one of our dogs has a sensitive stomach and beef seems to go through him. I do mix it up so eventually I will be adding different meat types along with the bones but since they haven't been fed barf for a while and I decided to go back to it it's going to be small steps.
  2. I was just wondering if anyone here buys their pet meat from burns pet food at Riverstone?? I want to know what it is like (mostly chicken mince) and if it is fatty or not. I'm looking for somewhere new to get my dog food at a good price but I want a good quality too. I'm in the Penrith area. Any suggestions would be great. I use to get my meat at a place near Windsor but it became very fatty and slimy so I stopped. Also several times when I got it home it would be green. I prefer it fresh so I can bag it up into portion sizes myself. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hopefully Hawkesbury pet foods have picked up. I use to buy bulk food from them monthly I had done for many years until their quality went down hill. The chicken became very fatty and slimmy and the veal I was geting was actually off.I had also brought beef and when I got it home it was green. Would love to know if it has changed hands in the last 12 months or so and if most of their stuff is still frozen or have they started selling more fresh meat like they did years ago..
  4. Most people I know crush the shell into a powder and mix in with their food. I give eggs a couple of times a week.
  5. Mine gets the same vegies for a week, I just rotate the meat and bones so it's different from the night before.
  6. Thanks Corine for your reply. I had never heard of it for dogs, I guess I learn't something new , not that I have to worry about it at the moment anyway.
  7. Can I ask a stupid question, well actually 2 Is this good to give to dogs that get car sick does it settle their tummies? If so how along before you go do you give it to them?
  8. I fill chinese containers with water and put smacko's in it. Kane loves them and it keeps him cool and occupied for ages.
  9. I rotate my meat each night so it's not the same btween chicken necks, chicken mince, chicken carcas's salmon, veal, lamb off cuts and whatever other bones or meat I get. The vegies are whatever I put in each weekly amount.
  10. I do my vegies seperate from the meat. Vegies are done weekly and frozen in containers for each meals (chinese containers), and the meat I buy monthly and freeze in bags for seperate meals also. This way I just get one lot of each out in the mornings for the nightly feed. Then I freeze the treat bones seperate again from the others in the individual bags.
  11. Check out Dr Lonsdale, he has written two books ‘Raw Meaty Bones' and ‘Work Wonders: Feed your dog raw meaty bones'. There was a write up in the Hawkesbury Gazzette 2 weeks ago and I have heard others speak about him. I feed BARF so I can't answer your questions or help in any way. Hope you get answers. The only vet I know is Billinghurst in Bathurst but he is BARF feeding so I can't help there either.
  12. I buy all fresh meat and vegies and make it up myself in single meals. It does take time but I don't mind. I have never tried the frozen patties, but heard people say their dogs like them.
  13. Green beans are a great filler also I have been told. mash them or put in blender first.
  14. I'm in N.S.W and to get my Malamute washed, dryed and brushed it cost $45, that was with extra drying also. I have used three different groomers and they all cost the same. They did tell me it may cost a little more then what they quoted if I wanted more drying but they have never charged me any more. I know some will charge more for mals as not many like doing them, If I had some one tell me about $60 for a Mal and I new they done a great job I would pay that price.
  15. Don't get offended by people telling you to research, and please once you get the pup don't stop either. There is so much to learn. I have had Kane for 3 years and I am still doing research and learning new things every day. So is my husband, it's a major conversation with us when one finds out something new. We go to great lengths to discuss it and then the other does their own search on the topic. Different people will tell you different things, thus the reason I speak to people that have had the breed for 15 years or more and speak to breeders, and look things up. Sorry if I offended you, the breed means so much to me and I hate seeing people get a pup and say they researched and know what they are in for, then the pup ends up at the pound cause clearly enough they didn't do the research or know really anything. There is a site called Malamute health which has good info as well. Check it out.
  16. You should brush every second day to stop the fur from matting, every day when they blow their coats to keep up with it as you will get several bags of fur out in each brushing. Never shave or cut their fur alot of people will tell you that, except for a medical reason. I don't want to sound rude but I think you need to do alot more research before getting a Mal. Your breeder should give you info on what type of food they were feeding and any other information. A good breeder will ask you alot of information and questions about the breed before even deciding to sell a pup to you. They are a very indipendant breed, very smart. It doesn't matter if it is a show dog or just a pet, they both take a lot of time and efffort, which you have to be prepared to give.
  17. I have to say Mals don't eat that much, alot of people think they do because they are a big dog but really they don't . It cost me about $15 a week maybe a little more thats with fresh meat and veg.
  18. I'm not sure how old Kane was when he started lifting his leg, but every now and then he will squat. I think it's more he couldn't be bothered or too lazy to lift his leg. He is 3 at the end of the year.
  19. I have never tried this but, I have heard some people have given their dogs a little bit of mashed pumpkin when they have had the runs.It is suppose to firm them up. You can only try it.
  20. Mal

    Cane Toads

    It would cost more to buy the cream then it would the detol. No way would I put them in my freezer, nor would I be putting cream on their backs. Give me the spray so I can spray them.
  21. Mal

    Cane Toads

    Spraying them with detol, they die pretty quickly. I'm from N.S.W but my other half from QLD. I had my first visit there last Christmas, and had never seen a cane toad till then. I was amazed when my mother inlaw started spraying them with detol and how fast they actually died.
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