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Everything posted by LouiseBrooks

  1. Hopenfox, You will have more trouble adjust than Nicky believe me. I was worried about my mothers elderly dog who had the same op. Not one problem the only problem was everyone fussing over him and him hamming it up for all he was worth. It will be much better when he is painfree believe me. Please let us know as soon as he is home.
  2. This explains why my vet will not do the op. Lillie already has ruptered anal pinchers muscles. Visiting the vet again tomorrow poor lillie whimpers when she see the vet now.
  3. The steriods would be Prednil they help but do have side affects. since Robert McDowell was great with the hot spots I have got more stuff from him for itching and started him on it yesterday. If you go to an op shop you can find lots of babies clothes 000 size and a lot will fit him just make sure you change daily to get rid of all the pollen. that buffalo grass can be a really bad irrant but still ask to express his anal glands when you are at the vet just to see if they are full. Good luck.
  4. This may sound like a stupid question. Has he had his shots lately? I noticed with godzilla a few weeks after that the allergies came back with a vengenance then read about the american protocol and now no more injections. Also as a matter of interest when he did have his last shot 3 years ago the vet refusd to do the heartworm as well because of how his body may react to it. the longer the period from his last shots the less allergies. In the breeders forum search for yearly vacccinations it is a very interesting atricle.
  5. Went to the Vet last week with Godzilla because of this. He said he has not seen itching like this so early in the season, every second dog came in with an itch problem. He is wondering if it is the dust flying around combined with the seed and pollen that survived owing to the fact we did not have deep frost. The dirt bit fits as the place Godzy is really scratching is his bum area just where he sits. :D His anal glands are ok just watch if he has a favourite spot where he sits and make sure it is not buffalo grass or something else that can irrate like dust.
  6. Yes Dru you are so right I am doing this. I also have even put Petroleum Jelly on his paws before going out. Which does help they do that in snow. I have seem some lovely lace up booties on e-bay hmmmmm. I have to try it as he is wonderful for grooming till you get to his feet and now round his claws his skin is bald and thick. Boy I wish he had hybrid vigour.
  7. I queried the need in the Breeders sections over 2 years ago and the information I received made me wonder if the immune/allergy problems one of my dogs was compounded by the vaccination. He has not had a booster since and his Titre score is good, so is the 12 year old Tibbies my vet said to test in about 2years time. BTW he now has only a mild allergy and even that is slowly vanishing.
  8. Thanks guys. You ripper bloody beauty. I had a week off, made a batch and fed small balls to Lillie. 2 weeks later she has a curved butt and happy dance. Her fur is thickening. Thank you all.
  9. I have been using them for about a year. Now I am also using Vets all Natural "barf" type mince it is not in patties and I have been told they will last 6 weeks in the fridge. The dogs love this I merely mix in more vegies as they are both on very low fat diets. The big dog food on another thread sounds very good so was going to try them till I read "meat trimmings". The Billinghurst patties as made with human quality meats so will be sticking with that now.
  10. Thanks KitKat and ML will do. I will be home all of next week and can now get stack into the freezer.
  11. I have sent Chris an email with the first thread appeared still no reply. That is ok as I am cleaning out the freezer. 95% dog food 5% human usually eaten by the dogs. ;)
  12. I do not wait till they are in agony. I do what I hope will be done for me, still feel quite good but the quality is going and there is no hope. It is hard but it is done with love and much tears. I give them a special day with their favourite treats my vet will come over and they get kissed and cuddled till it is done. ;) Hope I do not have to do this again for a long time .
  13. Finger crossed for both of you Mel. They are so special aren't they? ;) for your little tyke from me.
  14. throw in a whole egg shell and all and a tin of sardines would not go astray. 1 cup break it up into little pieces so that it is more than one gulp. Good luck.
  15. Mel I do have a dog with brain damage sometimes for a period she seems to get worse then reverts to what I call "normal"behaviour for her. I did ask the vet when she had her check up in June if age would make it worse. He said it could as the arteries hardened but they now have medication for Alzamiers in dogs that clean out the radicals in the body and this would help. I know what you mean about worry. Maybe a checkup is due? Mine do not have yearly vaccinations but do still have a yearly checkup.
  16. Ahem the taste test report please. I may have to change from the patties. First I will clean out the freezer.
  17. Is is the same address as the billinghurst patties.
  18. Isn't that the Barf Patties Called " Ian Billinghurst Barf Patties" they do have a web site that list all the distributors. Also vets all natural are now selling there version though it is like a bulk mince and is very reasonable. I think in the new future there will be more and more versions of Barf.
  19. When your children say "you have photos of the dogs everywhere where are photos of us? So you take a photo lift the dog picture and they see you have recycle their photos and it is underneath. :rolleyes: It is ok now daughter has the virus as well.
  20. CANINE VIRUS REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION > > > This virus is no joke. It is progressive and dangerous. It will begin with > one cute puppy usually obtained for companionship. > > You will not realize that you have been infected, even when you begin > trying to convince your family that searching for a better quality dog > food is more important than buying groceries. > > You may not recognize the symptoms even when 90% of your snail mail > consists of pet supply catalogues and dog show premium lists, and "sick > days" have all been used to visit every dog show within 600 miles. > > By the time the virus has taken a firm hold, you will have reduced your > yard to a safe area that can be enjoyed by your dogs. You will be trying > to sell the kids' swing set to pay for the latest dog toy. > > Your computer will threaten to crash because of the huge amounts of dog > web sites, nutrition sites, pedigree programs, rescue lists, advice lists, > dog images, and canine health html bookmarks that have filled all > available space. You will "borrow" from your child's college fund or IRA > to add more memory. > > This virus will take over every room of your house in the form of flyers, > catalogues, premium lists, dog toys, dog beds, crates, dog food, and dog > treats. You will begin to avoid anyone who doesn't have a dog and will try > to convert anyone who doesn't know your breed. > > Your family will not recognize you unless you are covered with dog hair. > You will seriously consider a second mortgage to take advantage of dog toy > sales or, even worse, dog show entries. > > Depression will set in immediately after the last dog show of the season. > Your own dog will worry about you. There is no cure. > > Thankfully, there are groups where you can talk to others who have been > infected and who will understand you. With luck, they'll also know of a > really good sale on dog food and supplements The bad news is there is no known cure. Sorry Folks.
  21. Sigh Same as mine I alway say to the vet I should wear him round my neck as the most expensive Bling Bling. And the vet never ever charges me the full rate.
  22. Oh boy do I have a problem child. That is why I looked into Barf, Herbalists, asked about vacinnes. If it was not for him all my dogs would still be vaccinated yearly as I would not have asked here if yearly was the way to go.
  23. Before this section started up these queries were in the General Discussion area. Last week for someone I went into that section typed vaccinations. There are some great threads there and with very interesting reading. After that I stopped the annual vaccinations and my dogs health has improved in particular the one with very bad allergies now they are mild allergies. BTW my vet did not raise an eyebrow when I said I was following the American protocol, so they have heard about it.
  24. Keperra at the big shopping centre there. there is a pet shop very close to Mackros? and they sell all the vairities there. PS Ignore the pups.
  25. Were are you in Brisbane they sell them at Keperra, Clayfield, Ashgrove stacks of places though very expensive for such a big dog.
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