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Tunsafun Boxers

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Everything posted by Tunsafun Boxers

  1. Hi Guys, First time i've had a chance to really sit down and give you all an update on Sheeka. She went off to the vet in a big hurry, and thank god she did. It appears that Sheeka had feasted on some sort of towel. a tea-towel, or bath mat or even a facewasher, because she had a terrible tummy upset. The vet had to surgically remove towelling from her gut and bowel, and she has also had to have a portion of her bowel removed due to it being twisted and apparently dead. I haven't got all of the details as yet, im hoping to get fully informed on the situation on sunday so will update you guys again soon. I know that Sheeka came home this evening, and is allowed very very small, soft meals and water. she's on quite a lot of medication, including antibiotics, a mild anti-inflammatory and painkillers. She's got to go back to the vet on tuesday for a checkup unless anything untoward happens, in which case she'll be rushed off in no time at all. Anyway, just thought i'd fill you guys in, and please keep your fingers crossed that this little darling makes a full and speedy recovery. Jenna
  2. Our guys always get out leftovers, except for our puppy. He's 4 months old so is still on puppy food. occasionally we'll give him some of our leftovers, but only if its really inoffensive (i.e. not inclined to give him a bellyache), otherwise the big dogs get all our scraps. they were disappointed this morning because there wasn't any pasta or garlic bread left over from last nights dinner! lol Jenna
  3. I just got a phone call from my friend, poor Sheeka is at the vets at the moment. She's been vomiting all night, has chronic diahorrea (sp?) and is listless. I haven't heard back from her yet to find out exactly what is wrong but the vet seems to think that she's either swallowed something that has gotten stuck, or eaten some form of bait. I'll be ringing her back soon so will have more news then. Sheeka apparently also bit my friend yesterday afternoon. And according to her, it wasn't just a nip, it was a 'drew blood' bite. She got growled at for it and sent to time out which apparently caused a lot of whining and complaining. it was when she was quiet that Kate went to let her back into the lounge to find the huge mess on the floor. Sheeka is still at the vets, has been since 9pm apparently, so will give you an update when i get one. Kodiak, i'll find the other thread and print it out for Kate so she can read it. Keep your fingers crossed guys that all is well for Sheeka eh? Jenna
  4. Oops, yes it is a typo. it was supposed to read 'unacceptable behaviour'. reading it back, it sounds wrong Thanks for picking it up. My friend has been in touch with a sibe breeder who has offered to give her a hand in training Sheeka, she's also enrolled in obedience classes and is looking into K9 training as well. Thanks again Jenna
  5. Thanks TSD, Ive just printed it out for her and she's gone off home. doG im exhausted! That pup has serious energy lol I'll keep you updated on how they go! Jenna
  6. TSD, she has just read that over my shoulder. She loves your idea about the jumping, and was quite adamant that the nipping/biting MUST be stopped now. I believe that any training started will be followed through at home, she is very devoted to Sheeka. I think i've found the problem with the grooming. it seems that Sheeka's coat is quite dirty. although if you look at her coat from a distance she looks clean, when you actually spread the fur, she's got a lot of dirt there which i think is making her sore. she's off for a bath this afternoon. Sheeka has only been in her new home for 4 days, so everyone is trying hard to adjust. Thanks for the tips, and please keep them coming. Im actually printing them out for her to take home so she can refer to them when she needs them, hope you guys dont mind. Jenna
  7. Hi Guys, We had a visit today from a friend of ours who has just purchased a siberian husky puppy. Sheeka is 5 months old and although beautiful, is totally out of control. She constantly jumps up at people, nipping at faces, hands, anything she can reach. She was sold because she was classed as too destructive. Poor baby was alone in the house 6 days a week for on average of 10 hours a day with nothing to do. i'd be destructive too if i was her. Anyway, my friend has owned dogs before, but has always gotten older rescue dogs and hasn't really dealt with puppies before. she's joined her local obedience club and has cleared it with her boss to take Sheeka to work with her during the week. Sheeka is likely to only be left alone for a couple of hours on a sunday while the son goes to play soccer. She used to go to soccer practice but wasn't content to sit and watch, she wanted in on the action. My question is this: My friend absolutely adores Sheeka, spoils her rotten, but is still letting sheeka exhibit acceptable behaviour. she still finds it funny when sheeka jumps up and bites at faces. today she was bitten on her chin, so maybe she'll figure it out. What can i tell her though? Its a shame she doesn't have internet access because this forum would be great for her. Sheeka knows her name, she knows 'come' (can be selective whether she actually comes or not), she's also been taught 'sit'. mainly for food though. she still doesn't walk too well on the lead, and is developing some rather dangerous habits. she bites at ankles when you try to go down the stairs, she rushes through doors, growls over her food bowl and complains very very loudly when you brush her, no matter how gentle you are. Ive suggested maybe training with K9 or something like that, but i was wondering if there was anything else that you guys could suggest. Sheeka wears a collar most of the time. usually as a form of control. gives you something to grab if the need ever arises. she isn't allowed to eat until she has been given her cue. is told to wait before going through doors etc and has been banned from going anywhere near the stairs. not just because of the biting at ankles, but my friend is worried that too much work on the stairs on such a young pup would be a problem. also, sheeka goes for a swim a couple of times a week, goes for short (sort of) walks (still doesn't walk well on the lead) and goes in the car everywhere. she's fully vaccinated, has been desexed and wormed regularly. any tips guys. sorry if i've rambled, i've got my friend here dictating to me whilst im typing. Regards Jenna
  8. An update on Cooper for all those who helped with suggestions: Cooper is now sleeping in the dining room next to the big dogs. i couldn't hack him whinging at me overnight (from his pen he can see straight into my bedroom). Now he's got pippa next to him, he's sleeping through the night beautifully. Ive separated him permanently from Boffa. The old dog just doesn't want to be bothered with pups any more and just wants to sleep all day, so he spends his day on his chair in the lounge room. Cooper is now spending 3 hours a day supervised in the yard out the back with the big dogs. He's learning very quickly that walking up and having a shot at everyone doesn't do you any favours, and is actually starting to play without losing it. yesterday he had an absolulte ball with Pippa. she was very gentle with her play and was actively supervising his playtime with the other dogs. she was always close at hand if anyone got too rough. Poppy got a bit full of herself at one stage and barked at cooper, pippa obviously thought this was uncalled for and told poppy so. she didn't have a shot at her, or tip her over, she was postured up and walked very determinedly over to her. poppy got the message and then it was an all in play. Sarge isn't impressed with having the little upstart in his yard, but defers to pippa about it. Actually, everyone defers to pippa. Its funny, she's the second youngest girl in the pack, doesn't receive anything that the others dont get, hasn't had a litter (obviously) and yet she's very much the boss out there. inside she defers to the old dog, but out in the yard, its her turf. Today, cooper was put out to play with the others and i must say he has changed. he is no-loner walking up and trying to hump them now, he's just trying to initiate play, so im happy. so there you go guys, a quick update for you all. regards Jenna PS. All his playtimes are supervsed by the way.
  9. I found it to be a comfort thing. My hand reared boxer bitch still does it now at just over 2 years old. I think its gone from comfort to grooming with her, cos im her mummy lol I wouldn't worry about it. if she progresses to biting, teach her either 'ouch' or 'no'. our dogs respond to 'ouch' very quickly and go back to licking. Hope that helps Jenna
  10. I tried that with Charlie a couple of days ago and she looked at me as if i was insane lol She was more concerned with that then watching me so i gave up on that idea. so far im still having to touch her flank in order for her to stay on her feet. Thanks for the tip anyway! Jenna
  11. I'll see if i can get to the Berwick Obed club as im dying to train both him and two of my others as well. finances dont allow for that at the moment but we'll see how we go. maybe i can borrow the money off my mum lol i didn't think of bones, i might try that this week and see how we go. at least i know that if they've got one each and there's a spare that boffa wont argue. thanks for the tips Jenna
  12. Hi Sas, I've thought about this, but as i believe he needs socialising with other dogs, i've chosen the dogs to put with him that i consider safe. All but one of our dogs is exceptionally are with puppies thankfully but just in case i still supervise. Hi Mel, He's got lots of toys, balls and tug toys etc, he's also got a treat ball which he adores, even if its empty. Ive started having him inside more and more to give the other dogs a break because as you said, they dont always want to playl. I was wondering if his crumpiness was due to being tired, so i've cut his playtime down as well. Should i be worried by his behaviour? Ive never known a puppy to be so full-on before with play and then lose him temper like this. He doesn't lose it with us, just the other dogs. Any advice would be welcome. And thanks for the tiips guys!
  13. Hi Myzska, Thanks for the tips. I have an instructor meeting up with me and giving me a hand next weekend so that should help. Im going to do more sessions with her today and see how we go. Chatting with you has reminded me of a lot of stuff that i was taught years ago when i was trialing, so thanks for refreshing my memory too lol Jenna
  14. Oh, and do you give your dogs a day off or do you train every day?
  15. Okay, i can see where im going wrong now, thanks Myszka. The only time i've seen charlie spark up is when there is a big fat stick around to play keepings off the kids with. I'll try uping the repetitions and giving more breaks and see how we go. also, is it correct to give the hand signal at the same time i give the verbal command?
  16. I was worried about her getting bored or tired with the exercises. Ive got time to spare these days, so should i do more sessions in a day? I was thinking along the lines of 4 or 5, but keep them short and when she's doing well to end the session (this is how i've always done it with horses) with some playtime. How many repetitions should i do? in your opinion? Charlie is 2 years 2 months old. has a very sensitive personality but loves to be with me. she enjoys her walks but anything that requires energy she tends to do rather slowly. she lives with 2 other bitches and her father, spends her days outside playing or lazing around, and her evenings and nights inside either on the couch or her overnight pen. she was bottle fed from birth and seriously babied by myself and my OH from day dot. she still thinks she's a lap dog at some 30kgs, even though we dont let her on our laps. much to her disgust. just thought i'd give you some background on her in case it helps. thanks for your advice, i appreciate it!
  17. i do about 5 repetitions per session and 2 sessions a day. the sessions are only short. im no longer working on anything else with her, just stands at this stage. i figure everything else can wait.
  18. Hi Myszka, Because he can be such a monster, he is always supervised with the older dogs. Im worried that play will turn rough and he'll get hurt. The others are sooooo much bigger than him lol He definitely has a 'Look At Me' attitude. Is scared of nothing! if he gets a fright, he'll spin around and have a look at what frightens him, and even go and have a sniff. He's forever tail up, head up and checking out the world. He may be a brat but he's a proud brat :D
  19. Honestly, i dont think she did. Ive been doing work with her yesterday and today and she's getting the idea, but i think she was confused to begin with, which means i wasn't making myself clear. She's learning more from the hand signal i think, rather than my voice. is that possible? I always give the signal at the time that i give the command.
  20. The joys of the boys eh ? lmao he's an adorable baby, but his attitude has changed in the last couple of weeks. he's got a lot of respect for us which is great, just the others deserve belting up it seems lol maybe i'll try swapping the playtimes around and put him with poppy a couple of times and charlie with strict supervision. He needs to learn to get along with everyone. if he wasn't so damn cute, disciplining him would be sooooo much easier lmao thanks for the advice guys!
  21. Our girls seem to be constantly trying to sort out the pack order, but little Cooper, well lets just say he's getting on the other dogs nerves. He's worse if he's tired though so we constantly look out for that. I think our dogs are too soft on him i think. they know to be gentle but i think its almost to the point where they need to stop being quite so gentle with him. Dont get me wrong, i dont want him to get beaten up or hurt, but i think he needs a little bit of a scruffing from one of the older dogs to put him back in his place a bit. My OH keeps joking, saying that we didn't have an earthquake in Gembrook, it was Coopers balls dropping ! lol im beginning to wonder myself lol Jenna
  22. I put my hand on her flank briefly and said stand, which she held. I cant watch youtube at the moment but have copied the link to look at when i can again. Originally charlie was taught to sit when we stopped. Since then i have been show training her, and she's getting the hang of it, but is still inclined to sit when we put the brakes on because this is what she has been taught since she was about 4 months old.
  23. Hi Guys, Im just wondering about something with my puppy. He is absolutely adorable, quite smart and very people friendly. lately though, he has been losing his temper with the other dogs. Cooper is three and a half months old, and spends his days with three other dogs. not all at once though. Mornings he is with boffa, after lunch he's with Sarge, and evening play time is spent with Pippa. All three of these dogs with tell him off if he gets out of control, or bites too hard etc, but are very gentle about this. lately when playing, he's been getting really shitty. if they dont play, he full on has a shot at them. you can tell by his barking and growling that he's lost the plot and this is when the other dog either has a shot at him, or tries to get away. If he does get told off by one of the dogs, he jumps in for one last shot and then struts off. he doesn't do that with us. he doesn't seem to get to the point in losing his temper, just with the other dogs. Pippa has put him in his place a couple of times, to the point where he will submit to her, then give it 3 seconds and he's at it again. Should i be worried? he's really happy to play with other dogs, loves to meet them when out and about and is very very gentle with adults and kids. Just after some opinions guys. Jenna
  24. At the show when i came back to the judge from our out and back, i had to put my hand just under her waist to keep her on her feet. I've been doing this at home and saying stand at the same time. She's getting there and stands probably 1 in 5 times, so we're getting there. Jenna
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