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Everything posted by Dogs4Fun

  1. The force drier will work fine, especially on short coats. You won't get that completely finished, ready for the show look, but they will be dry, know free and comfortable, and absolutely fine to look at.
  2. Teach the front as its own exercise. Treat him highly when he is in a perfect front, then ask him to find the front position from one step away, two steps, etc, and then gradually build in angles until the dog can find a perfect front position from wherever he is, including behind you. Most dogs love this game. If the dog is "bowing" on the way into you on a recall, get a toy and throw it between your legs (ie behind you) just as the dog gets close to you and release him tot he toy. This builds more drive to get to you quickly, and the shortest distance to you is a STRAIGHT line.
  3. Look up, find a line, and walk like you are going somewhere.
  4. No one will insure you for an already identified issue, but you can look at it longer term. there have been a few recent threads on this - perhaps a search may bring up what you need.
  5. I wouldn't be feeding any of these types of treats with all the horror stories around at the moment. If you can feed him brisket bones, these are probably much better for him. just lock him outside, in a crate or a washable room (laundry) while he eats it. if he is like most dogs, he won't really care where he is while he is working on a bone.
  6. Hardy: Start trialling UD and hopefully title Fling: Keep cheering from the sidelines New puppy: To be born, but of good enough quality, and start obedience and showing career.
  7. I have a Double K and a liberty stand dryer. I use the double K as a blaster to get the majority of water out of the coat, and this removes any loose coat on my terriers as well. I use the stand dryer for fluff drying.
  8. I had two male Cairn terriers together. The first was 3 when we got the second. Yes they had occasional "words", bit no more than I would expect from any grouping of dogs. I think a lot depends on the dogs' temperaments and the way the pack structure is managed. Is the leadership from the humans good?
  9. Do you mean you have already had the prefix approved and will breed oneday or do you mean you hope to have Saldo as your prefix oneday? If it isn't already approved it shouldn't be added. Just an observation. I have the prefix, just not the first litter.
  10. I think the most important thing is matching the right food to the right dog. I have two terriers who have been tested as highly atopic. They are on Eukanuma and goat flaps. They are both OFF all medication (been thorough hyposensitization and antihistamines with both) and have been for nearly 4 years. So its not a diet that causes allergy issues in all dogs. I see no need to change things when they are so well on it. Oh, and their annual blood tests look fabulous. They are 10 and 13. One was fed (another major brand dog food) at a kennel accidentally and developed bloody runny diarrhoea for 24 hours from the sudden change. Does this mean (the other major brand dog food) is bad?? No - but the sudden change was no good. I know several dogs on this other brand that look fabulous on it.
  11. Yeah, but not like the "spray plastic cheese on the article" brigade. This makes them very hard to get clean, let alone scent "neutral".
  12. I agree with the articles. I just take off the lid and leave them on the back deck to air between uses. I usually have 2 sets per dog I am training and alternate with each training session. I have odd bits and pieces that I start them with, and these just live in a little bucket on the deck and air between uses. No freezing or boiling here! I think these ideas may have come about with the old training methods of putting food on the "correct" article.
  13. I have the rolled WA seek back articles. I HAVE been questioned by NSW judges about them, but have not been prevented for trialling. Most gave me a "warning" which I chose to disregard, as the articles meet the rules.
  14. She is resenting you holding her mouth tight around an object she clearly doesn't want in her mouth. In my opinion, you are causing more problems by trying to force the hold in this way, especially if you are otherwise trying to use positive methods to train. I think you need to decide - are you going to do a forced retrieve or positive trained retrieve, then research each step, and stick to one method. I used a clicker to train two terriers that initially hated retrieving (would refuse to even LOOK at a dumbell), and had happy, reliable retrievers in about 6 months, but took things deliberately very slow, and was very sure that each step was cemented in before moving on. Could someone have a look at a training session and give you feedback on what they can see? Often a second pair of eyes can reveal the cause of being "stuck". Cheers I have previously tried teaching her this way, but with basically the same result - her throwing the dumbell across the room, even if I remove my hands for a nanosecond. How frustrating. What does she do, when you keep gently holding her jaw closed? Any chance someone could Youtube the both of you? Fogot to reply to you last night lablover. If I try to keep holding her jaw, she starts to try to throw her head around - and if I cannot keep hold, yes she spits it out.
  15. Any dog registered with the canine council of the state can complete in these sports (pure or cross bred).
  16. Thats a good point. I guess I am only talking about performance dogs. Bite training is WAY out of my arena (but I love watching some of the videos out there).
  17. Great questions Vicki. I think it is all about "what you do with it". My previously toy neutral dog can now go into drive for me with nearly anything. I don't think that any dog can be made to find all things EQUALLY rewarding, but I have certainly made an old food hound that hated all toys into a dog that will be happy with a toy reward, but he still prefers food rewards. he was about 8 years when I did this (just for a training exercise). Clicker training is great for this - you simply make the item inherantly rewardable. I think it is technique, technique, technique. But a toy that suits you and your dog will make things easier. If something fits well in your hand, slips into your pocket and is easy on your dog's teeth and jaw, and can go through the washing machine, you are both more likely to enjoy it, and use it often. I think it was important in the drive building stage to use only one toy, but also important to use a whole lot of items, and eventually just your voice command to get the same drive initiation. You can't take toys into competition. Don't know, but certainly some pups are more into strong toy play than others. These will surely be easier to develop drive in. But have the others the same potential?? Who knows. Cheers ETA: Steve (if you are there), if I have got this all wrong, book me another lesson with Hardy!!
  18. Reinforce correct behavior in the same way you taught them to walk well with you alone. Add additional control if you need it - check chains etc.
  19. Could you PM me a price list also please
  20. Having been there, I know how hard you must have worked to get to this point. WELL DONE!!
  21. I'm sorry, but Desmo's deafening squealing, wailing, howling and barking when poor Chopper was trying to have his turn was WITHOUT QUESTION the worst carry-on of the day He was not impressed at being left in the car while all the other dogs had their turns, but none of you would have been able to hear anything for the rest of the day (indeed the rest of the week once your eardrums had burst) if I'd kept him down on the field with me. We had a wonderful time and I feel inspired! Thanks again Was lovely to catch up with "old" friends too ;) Hey if Desmo's barking gets too much for you, I will give him a home. But I might be in line behind someone else!
  22. Another great session with Steve, the information was great, and the pizzas even better! Lots of fun things to go home and try. Hey Chopper wasn't a problem (but I was at the other end of the training ground), and his special jacket looked great!
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