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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Has any one used Adaptil Spray for dogs mum's CKCS has suffered seperation from her when she goes out normally she is left in a crate with a small part of Marrow Bone and has been Ok with that she had teeth out last month and vet said no more bones as only 5 teeth left Vet has always been happy with her weight ,her diet and her condition no heart murmur and always well looked after mum got her from breeder when she was about 3 yrs old and over the years her teeth have had to coem out , nothing from what mum has done but maybe she lacked something when younger She is 10 and a bit years old now , and going deaf and Catarachs so some insecureity is comig in now as well her dog doesnt like playing with balls or toys ,but keeps herself busy frolocking in the garden chaseing lizards, and her walks She doesnt mind going into her crate , but by the time mum gets home her chest area in wet , and I presumed it was from hyper Salvateing with her SA I rang my vet and spokek to them and they suggested Adaptil Spray So has anyone had good results with this for their animals ? Thanks
  2. So sorry to hear this Heartbreaking RIP Smudge
  3. I have a allergy to my CKCS my vet thinks it is the dander from her I use Furminator shampoo and conditioner and brush out the undercoat and regurlar brushing and washing helps a bit but the hair she looses is Everywhere didnt have same problem with my Border Collie X or my Cocker Spaniel Yet I dont have the problem with mum's CKCS ( my girls Aunty ) Dont know what it like to live in house without some form of dog hair :laugh:
  4. My friend just suggested an air horn, My side neighbours used the air horn method for dogs barking behind us and it worked just everyso often when the barking was long our back neighbours female dog was jumping over the fence ( she didnt do it before , until she knew ( or could hear the puppy ) there was a puppy across the road from me , Vet seems to think she wanted to get to the puppy ) anyway she jumped over the fence and tried to get into my other side neighbours place to get over her gate ( which she couldnt ) boy did she try though many times she tried this jumping and hurt herself few times If I hear the noise of her trying to get over I would tell her off and she backed off back neighbours tried everything they could to keep her in in the end they put up a big sheet of fencing type wire ( like they use before putting cement in ) it was 8 ft tall , all around the fence line but she climed it still , in the end they placed thick black plastic on it so she couldnt climb , that worked until she worked out how to dig a hole under the fence , I found her in my backyard once and couldnt work out how as I didnt hear her attempting it in the end they also put a inside fence on their side to keep her in and so far so good , she has stayed put I was home more than the neighbours so often witnessed or heard her coming over the fence , and saw the blood and saw her get hurt At the time I had two elderly dogs and didnt want them hurt , yet also didnt want to see the female dog hurt or get hit by a car if she got over my or my side neighbours gate and onto the road Good luck , but would consider makeing a inner fenceline for your own yard so all dogs concerned are kept safe
  5. And inside cubboards ( just in case ) our cat years ago spent almost 2 days in the linen cubboard , asleep most of the time and never made a noise have shared on my FB page also as have friends up QLD way
  6. awww she is gorgeous and her colouring is lovely I was advised by the vet to give Prozac for when my Tara was having her anxiety issues from her Dementia , but he also advised she may have tummy problems Hope you get some results for Misty PS need a baby sitter for her look my way :)
  7. Deeon had been getting an ice-cream from the outdoor freezer at his grandmother Joyce Higgins' home about 2.30pm on Sunday. The 71-year-old was looking after Deeon while his mother Vicki Higgins shopped. She rushed outside when she heard his screams and managed to pry him from the dog's jaws and take him inside the house. But the powerful pet followed and took hold of him again The dog was familiar with quite a lot of the grandkids who go there and frequent the grandmother's house My link
  8. Just so so so sad for all involved heartbreaking R.I.P Deeon
  9. My link a tiny little Shih Tzu puppy play with her daddy
  10. Maybe give her a bone to chew on as a treat when outside when my 7 yr old CKCS who came from kennel arrived here , after a week or so I gave her a bone outside and I came back inside and could watch and see her , my food obsessed cocker right from the start I gave her a small treat after her toilet trips outside my cocker followed me everywhere for 15 years Good Luck and when time Pics Please :)
  11. Same here I absolutely love Rottweiler's would have loved one myself , but at 4ft 11" I didnt think I was strong enough to handle one I love drooling oops looking at the gorgeous Rotties on DOL :)
  12. Me too! Would have taken a lot of the guesswork out. But I'm very happy there's a diagnosis. :) same here glad to hear of the cause for his discomfort has been diagnosed and can start to get better
  13. I agree Nekhbet, the last time we had a dog with a nasal infection the Baytril knocked it within two days. It's been 5 days now and there's no noticeable improvement. I've added your suggestions to my notes. xx So glad you took him there last night also AB's can upset the digestive track which in turn can also affect the throat area and goes around in a circle hopefully with all the suggestions on here to inquire about the Vet can soon find the problem and have Chester feeling much better very soon He is so cute sound like one very strong boy to go through what he has been Hopefully some good news tomorrow
  14. Dont forget to mention aspiration or ask about it as gillbear mentioned also Good luck and hopefully they can make Chester feel more comfortable
  15. As I said before I not a vet but have suffered croup and sinus over years and know how uncomfortable it can be It would make him cough if it was going into his lungs though wouldn't it? His heart and lungs were both good Not always . like a person has bronchitis , the muscos can settle but only have a slight cough ,depending how congested it is Vet said lungs were clear so "maybe " the mucos from the nose is " clogging" up the throat area ( like a froggy throat we humans can get ) I asked if they could do anything for him if I brought him in now and the receptionist said she thought that there would be options to make him more comfortable. I'm thinking of just going in again, at least I'll feel like I'm doing something Might be a good idea if they can make Chester more comfortable 2nd opnions certainly dont hurt when worried
  16. I'll ring the emergency vet now and ask about antihistamines and bendryl. They would have his records there from Tuesday's visit and should have some idea of what would be safe to try for the weekend. I hate the thought of having to wait yet another day for our regular vet to see him. Yeah , better to ask them now if can :) so both of you can get some rest infected sinus can be terrible
  17. His heart is really good gillbear. xx That's good. He may be seizing due to lack of oxygen. I use children's benadryl @ .2ml/kg for kennel cough. Maybe give him something that will dry up the secretions for the night. If it is a serious sinus infection there may be a large cavity involved. Good luck, I hope he can be put right very soon. Does he cough after drinking? You may be looking at an aspiration? It's not knowing exactly what he needs that's so hard gillbear. He's on Mucodyne to help break up any mucous, so I'm not sure that we should be drying it up while we're trying to clear his nose out. I'm hesitant to give him anything else without talking to our vet first. He does cough after drinking, aspiration is another good suggestion for Monday, thank you. edited to add - yes, the seizures are due to the lack of oxygen. Would a sinus infection cause this kind of trouble with breathing? If he has a sinus infection starting from the nose and post nasal drip etc then it goes to chest or lung area so clearing it or breaking it up from the chest area is good but also needs to stop it dripping down throat to chest yes those breathing issues can be from a sinus attack nose blocked from congestion , also dripping down throat into chest also collecting mucas , heavy mucas then causing breathing problems Benadryl can be given at night time , just for easing problems so can sleep easier did the vet say his lungs were rattly or clear ? and sinus infections can get worse at night due to cold air check it out with vet
  18. Another thought also to ask vet maybe a antihistamine might help with Sinus ? congestion for him I know with some sinus sufferer's ( and I ) that antihistamines eases the sinus tracks , and as gillbear suggested Benadryl is good Poor darling having a rough trot with it
  19. I have been watching Chester on FB I am not a Vet but someone mentioned Croup on the page and might be worth a check with the vet I dont recall if you have mentioned a cough with him on there but the way he takes deep breaths in the first video , seems like he doesnt appear to be getting enough air in causeing his deep breaths maybe he doesnt have the nasty cough , but more in the trachea are causing his breathing issue the 2nd video he licking alot , does he appear stressed ? as when my girl gets anxious or stressed she licks like Chester does and sinus problems could taker few days to clear between ear / nose and throat area can you hear him breathing through his nose ok ? the vaporiser is good idea , but have you tried him in the bathroom with steam from hot shower I know that helped me as a child with croup , eased the nose and throat plus the old fashion remedy for humans Hope he gets bettter soon , and you doing a great job with him :) Croup refers to an infection of the upper airway, generally in children, which obstructs breathing and causes a characteristic barking cough. The cough and other symptoms of croup are the result of inflammation around the vocal cords (larynx), windpipe (trachea) and bronchial tubes (bronchi). When a cough forces air through this narrowed passage, the swollen vocal cords produce a noise similar to a seal barking. Likewise, taking a breath often produces a high-pitched whistling sound (stridor).
  20. So sad to see all this hate and mud slinging . personal threats ,personal information being posted , attacking each other on ALL the sites out there people reading them wanting to support dogs that need help ( after they had seen what happened on tv and newspapers ) are only getting turned away from all the nastiness on the pages , which they dont want to be invoved in and recently have heard 3 people actually got their dogs from places like Gumtree and Trading post even though some are given links or groups to try they just dont want to because of all the hate on the pages Just because one started it with maybe false and misleading antics , it doesnt help when it continues on both sides , as the animals are now going to suffer even more
  21. Thanks Teebs :) Felt like a stalker asking about him :laugh: but glad to see everyone else also wondering Was certainly a huge following and left huge impact on many
  22. I havent been around much last few years but often think of Leo the Poodle any news how he is ? miss the updates on him
  23. At this stage, it looks like the dogs are going first to the RSPCA foster carers already on board - which makes sense. They asked for help from the wider community because they don't have enough carers. I suppose then they'll weed through the other applications and choose people. I don't think there will actually be any rescue groups on a whole. They need anyone - not necessarily a group. thanks for reply the reason was wanting names if possablie is because it has been mentioned a few times by Rspca that they wanted expereinced fosters so friends wanted names to add to FB so can keep a watch out I know a few groups but not all Thanks At this stage, it looks like the dogs are going first to the RSPCA foster carers already on board - which makes sense. They asked for help from the wider community because they don't have enough carers. I suppose then they'll weed through the other applications and choose people. I don't think there will actually be any rescue groups on a whole. They need anyone - not necessarily a group. I'm of the understanding that PnH are taking in a number of the dogs. PnH + = Paws and ? I know have read it on here but cant remember for sure
  24. Second that for Glen and Pets Pantry , all their meatloafs are natural and no preservatives
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