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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. I just did the change of ownership form in SA for my new girl and it only cost $8 and if wanted the tag that cost extra $9 I remeber paying that about 18 months ago for another dog I got , and 1 was through CAR company and one through Australasion Animal Records
  2. Erny I think she has not had a collar and lead on for possibly 4 years , breeder said since a puppy and she almost 5 yrs old in 2 months , apparently on the property they have they had a fenced of area for them to run and play she wears the nylon collar with her tags since I had her and she doesnt seem to mind the collar , she does lower her head when clipping the lead on , so clip it from underneath her neck and then adjust collar and lead did try the lead and let her walk around with that and she was fine I thinking now she just not use to a lead I tried in the beginning the nylon rope as it was lighter but she didnt even like that she is praised a lot during her training without even realalising it until you mentioned it , I wasnt watching her as such as I could feel when she stopped , I was watching Tynka and makeing sure she was ok when I felt her stop I just stood and waited until she moved forward then praise and a treat Yes have been letting her investigate , then continue on there is a lot of noises she isnt use to , neighbour has car and when he starts that she does shy , and she dislikes the wind in the palm trees , so a lot of new noises for her to also contend with Piper , no it appears as though been years since on a lead and also a bit stubborn I have tried her in the car with Tynka to see how she would react to that , and that part seems to be ok with her we were going to take them to small park nearby , but it was raining and missed that chance , so hopefully tomorrow , as I would like to take Tynka there also She is takeing notice more of her different areas Persephone , you reminded me I do have a longer lead that I used with Sam ( long horse lead type ) , will get that out kelpiecuddles I did think of that afew days ago and used a nylon cord almost like the size of show lead , but she still sat butt down Thanks hankdog , will check them out She has been harder to get going than Sam and Tara were as puppies I think it comes back to no lead for years , just use to running free with other dogs Well we did have some more improvement last two days this morning I took them outside when got up and I could see the stray cat that hangs around , and they have all met before and have cuddles and purrs and rub heads together so I said "lets go see puss puss " and she trotted right next to me down the back yard came back in , and about hour later after they had breakfast , put lead on Ruby and said those magic words , and she trotted beautifully with me down back yard to see the cat again with out sitting bum down at all so those magic words came into action again in another training sessions , out the front door then back inside and out the backyard , again a beautifull walk with no bum sitting later after tea OH and we were outside , so gave him the lead and she just sat and wouldnt move :laugh: , she just wanted me , so I gave him treats and said walk few steps , get her to sit , treat , praise and then continue , she did hesitate with him again so I walked in front of them both to get her going and she got around the yard a few times again :) with him treating and praising her , then I moved away from them both as he did a lap around so hopefully we are breaking her dislike of the lead and sitting down I am starting to feel bit more confident about trying her out in park now Tynka came from same breeder and loved her lead and walks Thanks for replies and new ideas to try also :)
  3. Will look into the martingale collar Was speaking to her breeder tonight and she wasnt in the ring , ( I must have got confused when spoke to her first time , it was her sister that was in the ring ) she grew up on large property and had free run with others in fenced areas and apparently she can be a bit "stubborn" :laugh: she will walk and follow me around the yard , so I know she can do it , just appears to be the collar , almost like she doesnt like it above her I have stopped before she does and treat her , then continue few paces and treat again I have also moved to more shorter times during the day now it is a bit cooler here I dont get anxious about her stopping as know this wont help her , and praise her after she follows a command she is good at sitting , dropping and almost good at stay command Yes BlackJaq I have tried some different lures such as a favourite toy Tweety bird , she seems to favour some liver or some cheese my other dog is helping her with motivation a bit also , and also small walks around helps muscle tone for sick one raineth , I never used clicker training before but will try that also I did try from inside the house and also took her out the front door to front yard as new area to investigate then back and through house to back yard , and seems as though we are having some headway I have no problems with her walking without lead next to me she has good recall on her we have made some advances the last few days we can make it out the front then to the back yard and around yard 3-4 times with out miss stubborn sitting bum down , so yes I did the waiting game until she moved forward and lots of praises and when took the leash off to see her start doing zoomies around yard was a delight she tried to get Tynka to play chasey with her but Tynka just cant do that anymore so small steps at a time thanks for the replies
  4. Someone let some bangers of last night about 1 am near the marion area someone around here lets them of anytime during the year I feel sorry for the elderly getting woken at early hours of morning with them Not sure how my new girl will go with them or thunderstorms as yet dreading tomorrow night with the noise as we hear them from Adelaide , Glenelg and Brighton surrounded by them Hope you find a nice quiet spot to get away from it all
  5. What sort of collar or lead do you use for training a adult dog to walk on I have a almost 5 year old dog who I have had just over a month came from a ethical registered breeder and lived on acres of land with other dogs I beleive she was in the ring , but maybe more when younger she has the lovely trot / walk as show dogs have I havent had a chance in last month to actually take her to a park ( have a dog that is sick with advanced cancer and with Christmas and allowed new girl to settle in ) she has the most beautifull trot on her and can run like the wind but when put a lead on her she walks about 4-5 metres then sits her bum down and will not budge mum was here and had her on lead and did the same thing to the point she slipped her collar new girl is totally obsessed with me and cant bare me out of her sight , have been leaving her away from me inside or outside at small times of day , and that has eased abit but she will not budge her butt when trying to walk her she wears a nylon collar with her tags , have clipped the lead to that but she slips it have tried the Purina ? harness and when she drops she manages to get that up around her neck she is a cavie , and not a food obsessed cav , she will leave her bone or food to come look for me she will trot a litte bit with my other cav , but cant walk sick cav to much and only does a few small laps around yard I have liver treats which young ones does have , but only walks a few paces then drops bum again I have trained 3 other dogs ( 2 were puppies ) and never had this problem , so any other suggestions please as I cant take her out until I know she cant and wont slip her collar and will walk on lead I have trained morning and night for last 5 days and not much improvement I have tried the lead on her and let her drag it around and no problems with that I am 99% sure if in public she would walk next to me without a lead BUT I want her on a lead ( I always walk dogs with leads on in parks or public ) she sits on command and drops on command any suggestions please either she doesnt like walking , or afraid of the lead or just plain pig headed :laugh: I know it still probally all new to her new home etc but I need help with getting her on the lead to walk
  6. I would check or recheck with vet my boy who was 40 kilo had to have them for his HD and Arthritis and in later years for his disc in his back the vet suggested 4 x 1000mg per day we did swap from the injections to the Cartophen ? or similar name tablets that helped with his pain It was suggested by my vet to give 2 x 1000mg a day for my CKCS who is 8 kilo , But that was to build her immune system up because she has cancer , and that amount did give her sloopy poos , but I got around that with Dry food for sensative tummy I also give Salmon for breakfast if they wont swallow the capsules , peirce the capsule and mix with food
  7. This is so horrendous hope they catch who ever did this and full punishment is given I am totally overwhelmed by public response to this massacre. I have just had an on-air discussion with Jeremy Cordeaux at radio station 5AA in Adelaide. He has personally added $10,000 to the $100,000 reward money offered by Julie Jackson. The people of Adelaide have been calling in to his program offering cash contributions and help. Thank you Jeremy, 5AA and all those people who have called him to express their utter horror just reading their FB page and notice they were closing down posted back in October Hope it has nothing to do with there closing down It is sad to have to advise that Jackson's Miniatures is closing down. Certain horses may continue to be owned by Julie and myself but all others are open to offer Those poor animals RIP little ones
  8. OHHH I am so loving this thread always brings a smile to face lovely pics everyone have to say I have a soft spot for the big gentle giants there Grumpette
  9. Loveing the photos :) where do you get the lovely dog Christmas coats and suits from ? Ruby ( Blenheim ) and her first christmas with us Tynka ( Tri colour ) hopefully will still be with us for Christmas )
  10. Local pet shop makes all natural meatloaf 1 kilo aprox $ 2-00 feeds my cav for about 6 meals raw chicken mince a kilo about $2-00 also about 6 meals I did a bulk buy one day about $25-00 and when seperated it , it worked out to about 40+ meals for her when had 40 kilo and 20 kilo dog , packet mince from supermarket then potatoes and vegies mada a good amoutn of meals for them I try and buy meat in bulk when on speical for us and fill freezer up i tend to buy more frozen vegies as they do seem to last longer fresh cauli and brocoli though Maggie Potatoe bakes sachets makes a good meal for small costs and can add bits to it , like small amount bacon etc Aliance car insurcance full comprehnsive for $25-00 a month for a car 2003 Getz did drop out house insurance few years back private health is one of my biggest ones a month but manage to rob peter to pay paul sort of thing have prepaid mobile and wifi , cheaper than some plans you can also get a upfront loan from CL or pensions which can help out if big bill if needed but remember you will be down about $40-00 a pay , I always take mine out every year and keep in bank for any emergancy a gold coin jar or a $5-00 jar helps ,, it ceratinly builds up for christmas or emergency also I use to grow vegies but the water cost sent it up just for birds and possums to eat lol Pensioner plus accounts dont take fees out I dont have pet insurance as when worked it out it was worse tha my private insurance , so credit card helps in in a situation and can be paid off monthly I dropped half my income when finished work and whent on pension , it was hard to start with but over years have managed to keep just above water last month or so have had big vet bills , but that coin jar comes in handy if dont touch it during the year or over the years my hardest times are when power bill , gas and phone all come in within a month , but gets extensions and manage to keep good credit rateing , If they know you struggling they also help as long as they know they happy to receive regular payments
  11. Sadly pers I think that is starting to happen in the last 3 days she has gone from 8.1 now down to 7.7 in 12 days she has dropped a kilo she appears to still be happy ,and running around , eating well and toileting well and using the step up I made for her to get on the bed she is having 3 smaller meals so as not to bloat her tummy up , the Prednisilone can cuase more fluid on her she doesnt look skin and bones , but i can see or more feel where she has lost her shoulder and hind leg muscle tone even my OH mentioned she seemed smaller in her head circumfrence
  12. Yeah I agree. There should be nothing to comply with because the bastards should be locked up, Locked up in the cages those pore animals were that is terrible
  13. Thanks for the link smiley , have had a good look around it Thanks Jules Yes it is a rough time , but after telling her breeder and having tears I sent a copy of Tynka's Path test to the breeder so she could also show her vet , and he agrees it is a agressive Lymphoma and wont be "maybe" a couple of months So there wont be anymore testing for her as it will be the same outcome it will be totall quality time from now on She has started a bit of decline in the fact she has gone from 8.7 kilo down to 8.1 in about a week , with no change to her food intake she is starting to loose muscle tone in her hind legs the last 2-3 days she has trouble getting on our bed so am getting some steps for her to makke it easier , "just" in case we our out , then she can still get on her favourite spots without trouble of hurting helself other than that she is still eating well and toileting is just few more wees due to the Prednisolone still trotting around the garden and having lots of cuddles Cheeky little girl woke me up this morning growling at me and then barking at me to get up to let her out for wee when she saw me awake then she wagged her tail and then her little tap dance as going to the door :laugh: precious memory to hold on to my precious breeder is going to start organising the desexing and flight for a Blenheim to arrive here which was on the cards before all this has happened , but has been brought forward ( a quick resize of a pic ) mums little girl is on the left ( she is Tynka's aunty who is almost 11 years old ) and my girl on the right who is 8 1/2 years old
  14. Yes Pers she doesnt appear to be having any issues at the moment and still running and tail wagging shes doesnt know what her future will be I am struggling with it at the moment as doesnt seem possible looking at her I have been taking many photos as I had with Sam and Tara over the years I couldnt get the Link to open up to see the page ? I do have a friend who has been teachign me the Tapping points for anxiety which has helped last few moths , but this past week has been not so affective I rang her breeder last night and was a hard phone call to make at times I cant help but think are the test results wonrg , or maybe got mixed up I had spoken to the specialist but at the cost suggested I just dont have that money required and only possible 6 months or so after treatement Thank you I will have good look at that site thank you for the replies and thoughts much appreciated
  15. Yes Jules I followed your thread about Joey , and know how har it is stillfor you and others going through the same with furkids I will try and look up Holisitc vets and see if one near by my panick atttacks have come back badly I know her breeder lost her much loved CKCS about the same time I lost Tara and she was heartboken , and had some health issues herself , I have tried to not show it to Tynka , although other day we were cuddlign outside and I just burst into tears and she put her head back and sniffed my face/ tears , this morning we woke up and she was telling me off ( barking ) at me to hurry up for her breakfast and doing her little tap dance around so hard to see her like normal and yet almost beleive the results are wrong about her outsome Thanks
  16. kirty thiking of you and knowing how devestating you must be feeling
  17. I am totally gutted I have had her for about 18 months , I got her as a companion for Tara before she was PTS June last year and has been a great help to me and has the sweetest nature ever , she didnt even flinch when the vet gave the needle to both sides of her neck on Monday When I was told on Monday the possible outcome I had that feeling allready but was hopeing I was wrong I have cried buckets earlier tonight then seemed to just go into disbelif and stopped crying I took her outside and I was down back of yard and called her and she came running to me I cant beleive she is looking so well and this is going to happen I dont know how I can break it to her breeder without breaking down Yes she had no heart murmor , only trouble with allergies my heart is breaking so much I feel as though I have done something wrong by her Sam and Tara lasted to good senior years , with both to pass away in last 3 years Yes the vet will give me a referal to a specialist as I explained I need to know what to expect and to ask more questions
  18. Well it looks like my little girl only has 1- 2 months she has a multicentric lymphoma apparently it is aggressive ( or so the blood results indicated ) I asked about Chemo , and truthfully she said it wont help her as to aggressive she seems to think she has had it about 1 or 2 months she also thinks it is the primary spot and not secondary I cant comprehend she wont be here in a few months there has been no indication of any problem at all apart from the large nodes I picked up on last week she has been running around the yard , even played with a cat today for the first time wagging her tail , eating well I just cant beleive it all
  19. the waiting game is terrible waiting for her results to come back the vet hasnt received them today as yet so ring again tomorrow and hopefully know what is going on Do you know who it was Jules ? can pm if wish to her name did a lot of reading of threads and google last night so if it is what they think then be more prepared with questions From what reading and what vet said they do handle it quiet well Another night wondering what the outcome is going to be Thanks for the replies
  20. I have just had the vet out to my CKCS 8 1/2 years old she has had the needle blood cells taken and get results tomorrow afternoon It seems it is a good chance it is Lymphoma her neck glands are very large and other glands in her back leg she had no heart mmumors and good otherwise Yes it maybe something else but vet has said the most possible is Lymphoma hopefully it may have something to do with her terrible allergy she has had and not the above I did ask if it is this what are we looking at time wise and possible maybe 3 months chemo was mentioned but explained can be expensive so any info the DOL'ers can advice me how they handle chemo and roughly what could be the cost I will talk to vet more tomorow when ring for results Thanks in advance
  21. i keep thinking im dealing with it but my health and anxieties tell me otherwise. Who would have thought his number would up at only 9 years of age, I wouldn't have ( Allow yourself the time to greive I know my panic attacks came back badly with other health issues when I had to give Tara her wings It all happened to quick for you Take care of yourself You mentioned you dont have the best soil up your way maybe a nice large pot with good potting soil will help with the rose
  22. Ohhh Jules and Michael am so sorry to read this Just Joey Rose is perfect for your Joey RIP Joey
  23. Yes Pers , I had thought of that but only have a mobile phone and that will only last about 15 mins or so I will check out the thundershirt options again :) I didnt realise they made a collar for it , the vet nurse only mentioned the spray so will check that out also Ok Thank you for the replies will do some more checking
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