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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Loving this thread and all the christmas photos Aunt Molly ( mums girl ) on the left , Ruby in middle and Tynka on the right , Ruby and Tynka last christmas RIP Tynka Ruby this year
  2. Squeeee love love love the photos smile on the face for sure :) have always loved Rotties , but at 4ft 11 inches they almost as big as me :laugh: Very lovely looking Rotties and love seeing pics of them absolutely love the pic of all of them , stunning
  3. Could someone Please resize pic for signature Thank you
  4. Yesterday was a hard day as Tynka would have had her 9th birthday Aww Vizsla when I told her breeder when she first got the cancer and then in conversations after that , she always said to me " thank you for loveing and looking after Tynka " I have always kept in contact with Tynka's and Ruby's breeder for about 7 years or so as mum got her CKCS from same lady she was also heartbroken and we had tears over the phone Dont know if brave or not when the time came , but just that look she had and I knew she was going to be in my arms that final time , as I had intended anyhow ( as we all wish for ) I knew it was about to happen when she wet her pillow and the way she looked at me Her time had come to go be with her grandfather and her grandmother over at the bridge last year I had been putting together a video so I could send to her breeder , and I had chosen the song I Thank You as it just seemed so right for her I Thank You Tynka for letting me be part of your life and love , we knew each other only 22 months , but you took a massive part of me with you When I was so sick this time last year , you were there for me to cuddle me and to comfort me I am sure all our lovely DOL dogs are haveing a great run around together My link
  5. R.I.P Stella Run free over the bridge such a gorgeous girl So sorry for your loss :hugs:
  6. Thank you everyone She was such a sweet girl , she was so gentle natured and I do miss her so much and it is so quiet with out her snoreing Tynka was returned back to me this morning to stay forever with me and she is now back in my bedroom Back at home now with Sam and Tara run free with all the other loved animals thank you AWL for all the kidness and compassion that you have in times of sadness for our loved animals
  7. So very sorry to hear R.I. P Jack
  8. R.I.P Mandrake So sorry for your loss
  9. You came to me 22 months ago as a companion for my Tara and to join our family for 7 years of age you were a bundle of energy and the way you ran around the rainwater tank ,you had me in fits of laughter you loved your sleeping arrangements, My bed ,and the way your paw rested on my hand as we fell asleep after our cuddle time you certainly loved your food , like most CKCS do You were my little one , as you were smaller than Sam or Tara were so I had to learn to cut your food back , otherwise you would have eaten just as much as they did You loved your cuddles and Kiss Kisses as that was our special saying I found the lumps on your neck andI felt a heaviness in my stomache I was devestated when the vet said to me , more than likely it was Lymphoma and the long wait for your results to come back You didnt look sick and had no signs of not being well It was Agressive Multi Centric Lymphoma and you were given 1-2 months to live My heart was ripped in two I did all the research I could , I chose not to go the chemo trip as there was not much chance of a good longer outcome I chose the quality time with you , and you being the little fighter you were you lived bit longer than they expected Yes we had some ups and downs but we finally got you sorted onto something that helped you feel more comfortable I didnt mind helping you get up as your legs struggling as once you got up you walked around and still had that tail wag We struggled with the terrible heatwaves we had , and again you came through that but last night we noticed your breathing wasnt the best , and as you and I laid side by side on the floor together until the early hours of this morning , I knew by the look in your eyes and they way you placed your paw on my hand that is was time You were still with me this morning , but I had to make that call we booked for 3 pm , and when I laid down for awhile you got up from the bed in the kitchen and came to me in the bedroom when you got on your bed and looked at me , I again got down to you and I saw that look again , I knew then it was coming quicker than later , I picked you up to cuddle you and whisper Kiss Kiss and cuddles , then you fell asleep in my arms for the last time about midday You were where you wanted to be in those last minutes You did it your way , and not the way it had to be I sat and cuddled you for a long time , then rang the AWL and arranged a pick up time I sponged you down and gave you one final brush then wrapped you again to continue holding you until I had to take you to the van I didnt want to let you go , but knew I had to let the lady take you so that you will come back to me soon and forever stay with me I am going to miss you , not hearing your snoreing in the bedroom , your going through the garden I find it hard going into the bedroom this afternoon , I can still smell you and see inprints on the bed , But I understand that is where you wanted your final sleep Ruby your sister whent looking for you when she had tea alone for the first time without you , she will miss her cuddling up with you as well I was hopeing you would make it to your 9th birthday in 10 days time, but sadly you didnt I love you my Little one Run free with Sam and Tara Until you come back home again 15th Feb 2005 - 5 the Feb 2014
  10. Well Thankfully that is over for awhile before we hit those temps again was starting to think poor Tynka wasnt going to get through it even when the cool change came through house was still hot , it was a freaky day thats for sure , with the heat and then the thunder storm and then humid I still had the fan on over night for Tynka to keep her cool Glad to hear you had some cool nights for the westies was listening to the radio last night and the amount of fire warnings put over was terrible to hear Glad to hear your gran got through it Noishe Little Gifts - I remember talking to mum once when we had a heat wave few years back , and she grew up in the Riverland and in those days they lived in a tin shed only way to cook was with wood stove , no electricity and no fans slept outside , kept cool by going into river and sitting under fruit trees and grapevines Westiemum ring the 000 number and they will send out the Paramedics first ,( depending on what they think ) I know they have done that a few times I called them for a elderly neighbour who I was checking on and once for me Glad to hear everyone and their animals made it through this heatwave
  11. I find this really hard to read. All the symbols overlay each other and it's hard to know what's underneath. I've got friends in the Grampians, Bacchus Marsh, Bendigo, Heathcote and Rubicon. All those areas could be affected with a change in the wind, not to mention where I live in the Yarra Valley. I just wish Saturday would come soon with no loss of life or property before then. http://www.incidentalert.com.au/iav4/vemapv2.asp click the right side Victoria then can click Fire List and gives you more of a listing and bit easier to read than some sites the SA site if anyone needs it also http://www.cfs.sa.gov.au/site/news_media/current_incidents.jsp or the site 1st posted also is good Stay safe everyone certainly has been a stinker and nasty day
  12. Glad to hear you and fur kids got some releif Westie I used a cool bandana on my CKCS and she ended up with leg caught up in it as it slipped around on her , will have to adjust hers didnt get much bellow 35C last night , until this morning then crept back up again quickly even with air con late arfternoons /early evening it starts to sruggle and then starts my panick attacks then read this on news http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/un-report-says-temperatures-in-adelaide-will-make-it-worlds-hottest-city-on-thursday/story-fnl1ee8j-1226802735418 stay cool everyone
  13. But Andy... what do I do with Andy... he stays away from the fan as he doesn't seem to like the air movement or noise and jumped off the bed and gets into his putridly hot hidey holes eg under my bed maybe Andy is finding that cooler as it the floor which is not as hot as up higher Sam use to lay on the carpet floor in between the warddrobe and bed in a corner of room of room and he seemed as thought that was his spot what about a damp towel in his hiding spot ? tynka is my concern with her advanced cancer and after trying to keep her in the coolest room she prefers the kitchen , so I direct a fan into the kitchen and she is handling it a bit better View Post"Tara and Sam, on 15 January 2014 - 12:11 AM, said: Iced water in a hot water bottle and place in bed and that apparently kept them cool , might work for puppies or smaller dogs This is a great idea!! I did try it once one summer and it did help me , made the sheets on bed feel nice when get in it and stayed cool put more smaller ice cubes in and cold water and hand towel around it and smaller dogs might sleep on it or near it
  14. We had a good heavy rain for about 5 minutes about 6 pm then droped in temp , but still 30C the CFS site jumped to almost a 100 incidents once that lightning came through
  15. thanks for that Lisa CC The one I have I got about 8 years ago as it takes both cold water or warm depending which needed at the time when use it in summer can use little ice cubes and cold water in it and it stays cool for long time and doesnt get damp I am constantly freezing the ice blocks and using it in their water bowls those portable air cons they are great but make a heck of a lot of noise , very noisey , We did that once kelpiecuddles on a table in window until had it installed correctly , and worked like a charm Glad mentioned about the misting fans as was telling mum about them last summer heard some of the older people didnt like using air cons and they use iced water in a hot water bottle and place in bed and that apparently kept them cool , might work for puppies or smaller dogs
  16. http://www.weatherzone.com.au/radar/sa http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDS65502.shtml
  17. I trying to remember where I got mine from , it can be used with cool water or warm water for winter for dogs Where did you get yours from ?
  18. that is like the one I have can put cool water or ice blocks in it its even good for human use on beds :laugh: as I used it one summer when didnt have air con Little Gifts I remember one summer we had two weeks over 100F , that was unbearable
  19. :laugh: Tara and Sam loved their clam shell pool Tynka and Ruby not so much at all I have to pick them up and put them in there have a PVC cool mat filled with cool water in it and they wont touch it at all but does feel nice to lay on ( for me ) :laugh: air con on and fan pushing it into kitchem where Tynka is and so far she handling it well ,Ruby doing ok today Like the look of those fans Cas
  20. Thats cute DD also looked at Ebay and they had some Vintage ones which might suit smaller dogs http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/vintage-dolls-pram-wicker-pram-blue-cloth-hood-to-refurbish-or-prop-vintage-toy-/370953258441?pt=AU_Doll_Accessories&hash=item565e8985c9#ht_22128wt_978 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/vintage-dolls-pram-wicker-pram-white-hood-hood-nice-old-pram-vintage-toy-/370948705177?pt=AU_Doll_Accessories&hash=item565e440b99#ht_13687wt_922
  21. I have also been thinking of something similar to take my girl out in was thinking of the garden trolly , but as advised maybe harder to steer and guide just as a thought maybe a shopping trolly similar to these and can cut down the bag to what size you need not overly expensive but might do the job http://www.ebay.com.au/bhp/shopping-trolley-bag http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Shopping-Trolley-Cooler-Bag-/151206816262#ht_536wt_922 this one would be easy enough to cut a hole lower down under the zip area and can still have the top part for shade if needed or undo it as per shown
  22. http://www.holdfastdogcentre.com.au/page5.htm they are on facebook and watching some of their videos and pics the dogs love it there I like those portable evap coolers ( on wheels and easy to move ) http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/mistral-10l-evaporative-cooler-remote-control/ bunnings have them also and reasonable prices it has 7 1/2 hours timer on it and can cool down pretty well I also have fans going in rooms the dogs decide to lay in when it gets really hot like what coming up I also like the box fans as can sit safely on a table top or bench top where dogs cant reach it , also with timers I also use a damp hand towel and lay on them when they laying down and they dont seem to mind that I have a clam shell with water outside in the shade in case they need it I do have a window aircon but because shape of house it doenst get to all rooms , so then use fans to push it to other rooms I have a girl from Tassie , so will see how she handles this heat coming up and other girl has cancer and it knocking her around allready stay cool and safe everyone with what's coming up
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