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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Very sad to hear of your situation It never is a easy decision to have to make I never thought I could be with mine at the end , but after reading DOL many years ago , I think it helped me accept what I needed to do for them Sam my first one was just over 14 yrs and we knew a decision was coming up the next day as his back legs were really giveing up on him , that night was hard when I layed with him on the floor and the look in his eyes , he I think was telling me it was time , that night I cried myself to sleep with what I had to do for him , he took that decision away from me and passed away during the night in his comfortable spot at home Tara was just over 15 yrs and I hesitated makeing that decision ,but her quality of life was not there anymore , she had Dementia , was deaf and almost totally blind , so I made that decision for her ( again I learnt from DOL I needed to do it for her ) , I cried and cried once I had made that appointment for her to have her final breath at home , that morning I had some tears but then seem to become stronger for her sake as didnt want her senceneing my grief , we had her favourite treats and lots of cuddles , then she had the sedation , and more cuddles then the final one and then she passed in my arms , then my tears started again , she passed in her home and known surroundings , the vet let me carry her to his car before he took her away Tynka she was not quite 9 yrs old and had agressive Lymphoma , she was given aprox a month to live but lasted just over 3 months , my tears flowed many a time for her , but the night before I knew she was ready to leave , so the appointment was made for home the next day , my tears continued that morning , but again became stronger for her and we had some treats and cuddles , but she did it her way and passed away in my arms at home while having a cuddle and telling her how much I loved her , 3 hours prior to the vet coming to my home , then of course the tears started again as I cleaned her up and had more cuddles before she was picked up by AWL It is a hard time , as we all have experienced it but you might find that extra strenght to be there on their final journey , I didnt think I could but was thankfull I was there for them , I bawled my eyes out before and after and even when they came back home in their urns I also had planned and organised things for urns etc before as knew afterwards it would be more confronting Big hugs to you
  2. goes to show how much of our family our "furkids" are and how much we miss when they not here with us at special times particularly Our 1st Christams in this house and Sam laid under the christmas tree and it just seemed right our 1st christmas and he was our christmas present to us that year and his 1st with us he has been gone 5 years this month and then Tara 2 years later and them Tynka has been my 2nd christmas without her so I always hang a bauble on the tree of our past dogs and always present one They always remain in our hearts Sorry to hear of the ones this year at Rainbow Bridge
  3. Run Free Mac So very sorry WM Mac was one special boy and much loved
  4. What a stunner Run Free little one Deepest condolances to you Always in your heart
  5. Please do not leave him another 48 hrs. He is in pain and no longer eating. this , try and see any vet ASAP It isnt easy , I waited longer than I should have for one of mine I did it for me and not her She couldnt walk and I carried her around and even held her up to eat , but her quality wasnt there when she lost her quality and didnt eat then I realised it was time It is not a easy decision to make
  6. With Sam our first dog , we knew we had a decision to make as he could hardly walk on the Friday night due to his HD ,I could see he was getting tired with his age he was just over 14 years , Saturday morning we woke up and he passed away in his sleep in one of his favourite spots of the house , I just wished I had been with him as he passed over Tara was over 15 years and with her blindness and deafness and her Dementia I knew a month before her quality was getting worse and took me a month to come to terms to help her cross over , when the time came I discussed with OH about it happening and he couldnt accept it even when the vet came home OH wanted more tests done even though I and vet knew it was time , then the next appointment date was cancelled by vet due to his recptionist makeing a mistake , then it was rebooked for 2 days later she passed away peacefully in my arms ,thankfully the vet carried her out to the car before placing her in the body bag , so I didnt have to see that , that was a traumatic week all leading up to it , and I felt so guilty after wards ending her life , it still haunts me a bit , but I do realise now it was the best for her as she had no quality in last month With Tynka and her cancer , she lasted longer than expected but the night before I knew her time had come and just the look she gave me , next morning we booked Marie to come to home at 3pm , and I had things prepared for her passing , Tynka didnt wait for Marie to come , she just gave me that look again and came to me and when we cuddled she passed away in my arms , she did it her way , and the AWL were lovely when came and collected her , I had time to be with her and clean her and wraped her in her blanket and she suggested I cary her to the van when I was ready and placed her on the seat of the van , again no bag was witnessed Each time I knew what had to be done I broke down before hand , but was as calm as could be at the time for their sake , but had my tears after wards I still have visions of it all happening to them , but I would continue to be with them as they pass over as much as it heartbreaking I chose to have them at home when the time came , as they had lived with us for all the years and seemed easier and kinder for them in a known enviroment ( and for me ) and their ashes are in home also I wouldnt blame anyone who couldnt be there as it can be traumatic
  7. Tara loved to run around then stop suddenly and start digging like mad and hence had few holes in lawn took a little while to stop her but we put Hot Prapika powder in the hole and it stopped her , Sam had one huge hole under a tree near bedroom window that wasnt a risk of anyone hurting themselves ,and one in the shade house ,so we let him keep them as it was a cool spot for him and he didnt seem to dig anywhere else
  8. If you know the areas the blues are you can also place around some plastic pipes , so they can hide and take shelter that was the easiest way for me to keep my dogs away from them cocker spaniel was the worst , she could smell? them before I spotted what she was after and could catch them and remove to safer grounds we had one blue that would poke it's head out from a old tree stump , see the dogs then retreat if saw the dogs my shade house has the plactic pipes amongst the pots as that is where they seem to love as it cool
  9. Be carefull with some Kongs as they can get caught on the tongues and cause nasty damage one dog recently had his tongue caught on the Kong and sadly had to be put to sleep
  10. My deepest condolances what agood age Run Free Zeddy
  11. Mac is so lucky to have you after that puppy farm spoilt rotten indeed with his special cheese :) I know when Tara had her dementia ( no seizures involved ) we tried a medication suggested by the vet and it actually made her worse she had allready lost weight and this medication gave her the runs very badly to the point she was more lethargic , on speaking to vet we took her of them she came back to as good as could be with better quality than she was on the tablets When her quality was not there anymore , then she joined others at the Bridge Sometimes they worry us so much thinking may not be long , then amaze us with their antics again
  12. So very sorry to hear this , was hopeing for a different outcome It is heartbreaking , lots of memories to be made and lots of photos When my girl had cancer the vet gave her high doses of Prednisilone and we gave her lots of Omega ( salmon ) etc and lots of smaller meals to keep her tummy full and stopped her from loosing more weight so heartbreaking for you all
  13. only pics seen so far are all with bigger dogs Very sad situation hope the real answers comes out , instead of the constant change of story
  14. the facebook link doesn't work I thought she was a dingo as soon as I saw the clip. Neko would be dead in an instant at that place because as soon as one of my whippets even touches her when they're running, she squeals to warn them. If she did that in a group of excited boisterous dogs who dont know her she'd likely be torn to shreds. I can imagine if poor little Wags yelped because he was trodden on, or knocked the same thing would have happened. Can someone post a link to the facility's page please? the link I posted came from the FB page of the owner of Wags and that page has now gone
  15. Any one else think it strange / odd in the videos on their page they let out 50-60 ? dogs from the run and only 2 staff to supervise just to me if a fight broke out they have no hope of controlling them I notice the support page for Wags has dissapeared
  16. I feel for you Darien as my OH couldnt accept the fact it was time for my Tara ,, then when I spoke to him about it ,( everytime I tried to raise the subject he wouldnt talk about it ) I made the decision and said Vet coming tomorrow to give her her wings then OH "talked" the vet into some more blood work to make sure , and then it was delayed until tests came back , but they got lost , had to wait a week before she had her wings , it was heartbreaking but I knew myself she should have had her wings earlier as her quality just wasnt there anymore she was just over 15 yrs , ate well but just walked around in circles and got caught behing doors etc , messing inside I held on for as long as I could but realised it was about her and not me / us Tara didnt really give us a sign , I just knew in my heart it was the right time for her , and should have been that bit earlier I didnt hesitate when Tynka ( who had cancer ) she lasted longer than expected and vet assured me there was no pain ,ate well and still walked around and tried to play , then one night she had a bad night and I knew it was time ,first time ever next morning she didnt eat , she was booked for that day but she passed away before vet arrived I knew her sign of her telling me it was time that night and I didnt hesistate for her sake It is heartbreaking , but do what your heart tells you to for her sake and remember all those great memories you have in your heart
  17. Thank you I will recommend some rescues for her to try hopefully she will do that and not let her go to someone undesexed , which I know probally will happen as much as I wanted to help the pup , and do the right thing for it , dont think it possible
  18. Thanks for the replies Glad I asked here about the breeds I have heard before JRT can be full on as you say I having a feeling that maybe she may not be right for my cav , especially if she becomes a dominant type I do know mine got on very well with my older Cocker Spaniel , and gets on well with mums older CKCS , and Tynka and Ruby got on very well when Ruby arrived I do appreciate the feedback , would love to see this pup in the right home , might try and help her find a home for her Thank you
  19. Yes my girl has all her vet work up to date and wormed , heartwormed etc didnt think of that , it was mainly this pup bringing anything in I think they have lacked the essentials for their dogs I dont beleive they are BYB , just silly not having desexed dogs Gretel , having CKCS it is said they normally like their own kind , any thoughts on this as my girl is sensitive in nature and dont want to upset her HMD - I just would hate to see this little girl end up being used or maybe having a litter herself as she isnt desexed , and I know rescues are full at the moment over here I have been looking for a companion for Ruby, just this one has come along and I feel as though could give it a good home ( I know I could ) lol
  20. Yes I had thought of doing that last night and have a trial but after talking to my girlfriend the dog is 8 months old and had no injections , vax's etc so not keen of bringing her into my home even for a trial and she hasnt got the time before she moves to do the vax's etc so dont want to risk my dog picking anything up I was willing to try and help her and get her desexed and all vax
  21. thanks Gretel from what I have read about both breeds they do seem as though would be a good temperament will try and speak to owner more before decideing
  22. Posting here as sure rescue may know more info on temperaments jack Russel x Papilon a friends daughter has to rehome her 2 female pups due to having to move it was just a quick call so not sure exactly how old , she said pups but I beleive they maybe about 12 months I am considering , depending on how the tempermant would be I would talk more to the owner before I make any decissions I would prefer to get one so it doesnt end up in some wrong hands and used for breeding I would have her desexed as I have all my other dogs so could anyone give me a idea of what this cross would be like , tempremant possible sizing etc I have a CKCS desexed female Thanks
  23. How heartbreaking for you and your mum so very sorry for your loss
  24. Aww Rebecca so sorry to hear this my little girl has been gone almost 12 months now from Multi Centric Lymphoma it came on so quick and was very aggressive also she did last a bit longer than the vet said but I also chose not to go the chemo track as wasnt going to be a good outcome we gave her the quality till her last morning with us feeling your pain so much as it a horrible thing Hugs to you and family
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