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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Angel Vet's in Adealide tend to operate only from Unley Road. where is Angel Vet my friend asked me once about one called Angel , and we couldnt find it any ideas where Please
  2. aww just like my little girl looked as a puppy , now she is 10 1/2 yrs the memories of how small my little girl was love the puppy pics and getting jealous now I want a puppy again
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slhV3Ww3DA...ted&search=
  4. found a nice site for frames also free trial for 30 days http://www.download.com/3001-2192_4-10716786.html?idl=n I am still trying to figure out the other programs lol
  5. which program is giveing the lovely frames Photoshop or paintshop absolutely gorgeous
  6. Name: Debbie Age (optional): nearly 50 Location: Adelaide S.A Rescue Group: None at the moment Time in Rescue: joined DOL 2006 Who can vouch for: havent met any DOLer's , but short conversation with Carole , many pm's with DOLer's over coats , so really cant say who could vouch for me Preferred Breed: I seem to love most breeds , but cocker spaniels , CKCS , BC, Kelpie , smaller dogs , I curently have a boy about 36 kilo and would say I would probally have dogs his size or smaller , Experience (if any): I have lived with dogs all my life , family pets , currently 2 dogs both about 10 1/2 years old , both desexed , microchipped , all vacs and worm treatments uptodate and basic training Other: one day would like to foster dogs, bring them to my home and love and nurture them I am home 99% of the time 1/2 acre block , fully fenced and 6 ft gates transport would be a bit difficult for me can have refrences from Vets , Council and Landlord , and house checked always welcomed when I apply for Rescue Org previously have donated to Lonsdale donations on DOL when funds handy Sewing of coats for Rescue and Fundraiseing found DOL from a breeder who mum rehomed her CKCS from found the Rescue Forum and have been watching , listening , learning , and decided I would love to help rescue when the time is right
  7. I am haveing trouble with quotes for some reason tonight so will copy them Have you asked your vet about this? I havent asked as yet , as didnt know it excisted until recently reading some threads about it For thunder and fireworks I agree with Erny that behavioural training is a good idea. It sounds like she's pretty freaky so you might need to get advice from a good behaviourist. ----- in her 10 1/2 years she hasnt tried to escape or anything like that , but as mentioned she hides behind doors or under lounge and just shakes I myself hate thunder storms , but never show it to her , in fact she has made me a bit stronger with them , as I see how scared she gets the only time I might give a small scream is when it hits LOUD and right overhead sort of a spontaneous CRACK suddenly I would never leave her outside in the yard at all knowing how freaked she can get , if it is bedtime and thundering I actually put her on the bed inbetween us , so she feels more secure there , no fussing her just let her sleep there , until she ready to get of Works fabulously well - though I have found the 'Australian Bush Remedies' seem to work faster. Rescue Remedy is not the right one to use for thunder and loud noises....can't remember which one is better.... (damn Alzheimer's!)... pm me if you're interested and by that time I should have remembered...(and brushed my teeth with Dencorub). the NYEve of the new mellimun (2000) I knew was going to be bad with fireworks around here , the vet gave us some tabs ( cant remember name ) BUT he said they would make her really dopey , BUT we knew no matter how dopey she would be , she would go running and could probally have hurt herself , so we decided not to use them , we managed to keep her busy by playing chase the ball outside our other dog doesnt mind thunder or fireworks and he wants to bark at it outside knew tonight was going to be HEAPS worse, so I got some RR at the chemist. Gave each dog one drop each about 4.30pm, and then another at about 7. Indy's had the shivers for a bit, but mostly the boys have been inside sleeping ---- roughly how long it takes to work ? thanks
  8. my sisters cat that had been shot in the head,, oh the poor cat , how terrible I use it on me. Works wonders when Im stressing. , now sounds like I could use some at times It will not stop your dog being terrified and I have found it works for some animals and not others. coupling a behaviour modification program would it not give her a bit of calming affect ? Erny - what sort of modification program could I try when the thunder or fireworks start her first places are behind bathroom door, in the toilet , or under the lounge I have in the computer room I dont fuss over her , I leave her to be , I will sit in the room with her and let her stay under the lounge if the power goes out with the thunder storm , we go to lounge room , after a few minutes she comes in and then huddles right next to me , or in between myself and OH and other dog I was told not to fuss over her but it is awfull watching her shiver and shake like that even after it all finished thanks
  9. I have seen Rescue Remedy mentioned a few times how good is it ? I have a cocker spaniel who is petrified of thunder , and fireworks , vacum cleaner and the dryer in mobile doggy wash , and my smoke detector if it goes of it is the thunder and fireworks that are my main concern I am honme 99% of the time , so when they start she is always inside the house , but shakeing non stop for a hour or so after they have stopped in what forms does it come where do you get it from and how much would you give it seems as though a few DOL's use it any advice Please Thanks
  10. Sorry erny I posted asking about the above three products for HD , as I lost the original thread about the options then I found the HD thread sorry should have left origianal post here
  11. have read with interest how to get samples , as mum has to try and get one for her CKCS, which will be close to ground
  12. Yes I had read it was not as acidity for tummys certainly wont hurt them that is for sure I did like the sound of this one also Technyflex sounds liek it also has a combination of the others also recommended Thank you
  13. those sites do look very interesting indeed I tried ringng my vet today , but they were flat out busy , so going to ring tomorrow and chat with him with the Ester C do you give powder form or tablet form Sam has never needed injections every winter , or was never suggested by the vet he hasnt actually limped for years , until this cooler weather came in he has never shown any signs of being in pain and I'm now wondering if he has been in pain and hasnt shown it , and starting to feel guilty we may have missed if he was in pain
  14. Thank you for the replys I now have some more information to ask the vet , as new xrays some of these recomended sound as though they would be ok for my cocker spaniel to have also although she hasnt shown any signs of Hd , but the Ester C and Omega 3 certainly shouldnt hurt appreciate the feed back Thank you
  15. my Border Collie x heeler x bearded collie was diaganosed at the age of 3 years old Hd after xrays to what score I dont know he did have Cartrophen injections back in 1999 after being xrayed I have read with much interest your suggestions of treatements are the treatments recommended here still advisable or anything updated that helps Sam seems to be active , will run , and play with no problems that notice I did notice a few weeks ago that he is a bit stiff in his back hind leg when getting up he can be lying by the side of my bed and go to get up and it also looks as though his left legs seizures into one spot , until he stretches leg and then he walks fine I notice he not jumping up on the bed as much as he used to he does NOT appear in pain tonight (being bit colder ) I notice a slight limp when he walked can Hd turn into Arthritis ? woudl new xrays shows if HD got worse ? Sam is now 10 1/2 years old now I would love to hear any updates on news for new medication etc before I take him back to vet to get it checked Joint Guard where do you get this from ? Glucosamine is this the human one ? TechnyFlex Canine , this would be from the Vets ? Vitamin C , is human one ? Massage , from who ? (that sounds a dumb question ) but could I massage his hips for him Thank you
  16. R.I.P little Page deepest condolances to the family and friends and Jet
  17. I'm speechless , I dont know what to say to hear this news I could not imagine any parent haveing to go through this with a child Page has been a fighter all the way along I do hope the hospital will let her see Jet my thoughts and prayers to Page , her family and Jet
  18. Thank you for that there goes half my tissues in the box I think is wonderfull they way you made the video so lovely
  19. wow that was great music fitted it perfectly my eyes getting bad , and i couldnt read the last pages though could you post them please it was so good
  20. have you tried putting hot chilli praprika powder in the holes ? I used that for my little girl when she started digging holes , I would sprinkle some in the hole and then she seemed to stop , I didnt have trees eaten by my male dog , but he wouldnt stay of the garden , so I fenced the whole edges of garden with chicken wire for abt 12 months , and now he wont go on garden , my male dog has one hole only undr a large Frangepani tree near corner of house ,which he dug years ago , I have let him keep that hole for coolness in summer and warmth in winter , as it by our gates and he can see who comes and goes also , its like a comfort zone for him , he wasnt too bad with the digging , it was the girl who did it more , but the chilli powder certainly worked with her I use to use a spray from the pet shop ,( cant think of the name ) that I sprayed on my feet when I whent outside as my male dog used to attack my feet , he hated the smell and eventually stopped , maybe you could try something like that around edges of garden also , good luck
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