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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Nope dont believe those 2 angels made that mess last pic is great
  2. Cheap as chips sells a horn like the ones for sports games , the starting horn ( I dont know the offical name of it ) my side neighbour has one our back neighbours dogs go off all the time 2 dogs jumping and banging on fences play fights that start to turn nasty and the high pitched noise can be defeaning I saw one of the back dogs trying to get over their neighbours fence to the other dog lucky I had the hose in hand and squirted them to stop them and they backed of they have tried digging under our fence which I have covered up with bricks etc I have even put a fencing inside out own property in case they get under I do not trust these dogs behind us sadly I have dropped a letter of to them explaining the dogs barking etc , but seems as though they either dont want to listen or dont know how to stop them talking to them is hard as we see no movement until late at night , and I not walking around the street in the dark I also at times use a personal alarm to shut them up a quick burst of the alarm and they stop
  3. totally agree had a smile on my face when started reading about puppies adventures thank you Jed
  4. I would put my dogs before friends staying mainly for the fact they are 13 years old and have never been crate trained ( I didnt know it exsisted apart for showing dogs , before I came on DOL ) adults who stay know I have dogs and are comfortable with that , one dog likes to sleep in the spare bedroom floor ( where the guest would be sleeping ) a young child I would be very cautious of young child around dog/s they dont know could be trouble split second and things can go bad even my neices and nephews are told they can not be around the dogs without a adult present so they ask before going outside I would rather explain to friends before a final decision was made for the safety of all concerned
  5. Sad for all concerned and I hope the child doesnt have on going problems with it all from the news also said the teen also had a brother or friend ( cant remember which ) who suffered hemapheliac ( a bleeder ) and as much as he was concerned for his dog he was also very concerned about the other person who could have bled to death if the dog got him as well so very sad
  6. Wishing you well in finding him a home such a sad decision to make when trying to protect all involved I can understand him being overwhelemed , as my male dog as he gets older is starting to get overwhelemed with the kids and extra adults when they visit my boy chose his safe haven after a hour or so of the kids , he walks up to the car and wants to get in the back seat he quiet happily stays there until they leave or until he ready to get out and the kids are told Leave him alone ( the kids are not allowed to be alone with the dogs at all )
  7. Interesting you mention the tummy bug my male dog is just sarting to get over his he has had it just over a week at first I thought it was medication he was prescribed for his Arthritis ( even though he has had them before ) but he also ate some cat poo Vet thought it might be the cat poo but you mention the bug and you in same state , so wondering if maybe something is going around my vet suggested Inner health also ( I had not got around to getting any yet due to higher vet bill at the moment ) and also plain yoghurt and cottage cheese so far so good , but will get some Inner health next pay Glad to hear you haveing good reports with it
  8. Everyone i've spoken to about this has told me not to pay a cent. I already told them i would contribute, but i didn't mention a figure QUOTE (SecretKei @ 4th Mar 2010 - 11:18 AM) Instead of giving them money offer to come over and help them patch up the fence from their side so that this can NEVER happen again. If it makes you feel better tell them that you will pay for the materials and do the work for them. I know I'd much prefer a neighbour who was honest and wanted to be part of the solution rather than one who threw a bit of money over the fence and said "well now it's not my problem". You havent said a figure , so doesnt mean it cant be a gift of above mentioned as in crates , bed , toys etc I like the idea of the fence repair for neighbour as mentioned above and just a general question . why does Good will Gesture have to include money I have very goodwill with my neighbours on the side of us we both look out for each others dogs and house if either of us are out or away we can reply on each other without any money exchanged , and help each other when needed to me that is good will for looking out for each other or pets I fed the old neighbours cat while she was in hospital , she offered money but it was declined
  9. I would buy some nice treats or nice bed for the pup and some toys ( as mentioned before ) as a good gesture for the pup while it gets better I wouldnt be handing money over towards the vet bill from your posts if seems as though you have done everything to keep your dog safe and secure sadly the puppy owner didnt
  10. Such a lovely pic the first one , love the photos everyone reminds me of the days many years ago of the cat and dog we had at mum and dads place
  11. I thought that cataracts block a reflection when you shine a light into the eyes. Dogs have something called a tapetum lucidum in their eyes that reflects light back through the retina. That's normal. There is also something called lens nuclear sclerosis that is quite common in older dogs. It's a cloudiness in the eyes that can be mistaken for cataracts, but it doesn't affect the eyesight. Anyway I'm sure the vet would know how to distinguish between the two, but just thought I'd say something because of what you said about the reflection. If it turns out that Mozart doesn't have cataracts but nuclear sclerosis, there might be another cause for his confused behaviour. Thats interesting I had the vet out to my boy today and his eyes are bluey haze to them almost like cloudiness my girl ( both about 13 yrs old ) her eyes started to deterirate last year with the cloudiness and her hearing also is becomeing worse the vet today suggested Ester C to help the eyes , and ease any fluid there Zug Zug your boy is gorgeous oops sorry misread it the first time
  12. Sam is back on Carprofen tabs he had them back in the 7 th month last year for a similar problem ( weeing . smelly wind and limping ) as mentioned he has HD and arthritis and his lower back has Siatica the tabs he was on for Arthritis ( from a different vet as we couldnt get to see this vet ) were Prednisilone which caused him to drink more , then wee more but I have never seen three huge spots in one night , like it happened few nights ago Vet doesnt think it is incontinence as such with old age , but more from his back ailment so no more Prednisilone tabs caught a nice fresh urine sample this morning , and that was tested and fine no trace of any other problem there he checked his eyes and is getting the blue haze in them so he also going to be given Ester C vitamin C , apparently that will help the fluid in eyes Tara will also be given Vitamin C as her sight started going the last few years apart from his HD and Arthrits apparently he ( and Tara ) are both in good condtion and healthy I also asked him about Hills Science Brain Diet ( as mentioned on a thread in here ) and he said it was great for older dogs Schnauzer - what made me start to think it could be Diabetes is was the other night he drank a bucker of water over night I saw our family dog many many years ago basically go into semi coma with Diabetes because a stupid vet didnt diagnose her correctly for the weeks prior to her passing away at another vets we took her to another vet as she wasnt getting better , the second vet couldnt even identify one of the medications the first vet prescribed for her by the time the second vet had her blood work and test results back sadly she passed away that was 30 years ago and still brings tears to my eyes kirst thanks for that will also get a packet of BIOZET as they getting older I am expecting these accidents so far the vinegar and water has helped with the smell and the Bi Carb has soaked up a fair amount
  13. For some reason I actually thought my little girl who is 13 years next week would be the first one to have this problem I would love to take the carpet up but I dont think the boards underneath are suitable for staining ( house is about 50 years old ) and not mine as we rent , but the carpet is mine as it came from the old tennant most of their bedding is washable here also but as they both move around alot during the night it hard to know where to put the mats we got today we got the picnic rugs as mentioned in another thread i read and they seem to be good Yes I did try some vinegar and water earlier today and that helped the smell for a while and then repeated it again not long ago might try and get carpet cleaners in and see if that can help in a few days after we see what says tomorrow Sam used to be on the Catrophen injections over the years but vet gave him some other ones and they helped him alot Carprofen Tabs 100mg I beleive they similar to the injections ( different brand I think ) but seems as though they helped him more Thanks Dianed
  14. MY male boy is 13 1/2 years old so far he has wet inside 6 time in a week 3 times last night in the main bedroom once on his bed and twice on carpet where he lays We are seeing the Vet tomorrow has had HD since a young dog Arthristis the last few years currently on anti inflamatries for a stiff / sore elbow joint a few weeks back ( yes they make him drink more ) will be haveing blood work done to check everything he is starting to go deaf I beleive he is alseep when he does this so before speaking to vet tomorrow any advice of what could be given or what to ask about as per medications others have used for their dogs herbal or prescription and any advice of how to get rid of the smell on carpet as after 3 times last night it is starting to smell badly I have used carper deodorises but not really removing the odour OH is out now buying some rubber backed mats so we can use on carpet where he lays , so to try and save the carpet plus I dont realy want to have him wear Belly bands as yet so any advice would be appreciated please
  15. Stop it you are makeing me want a Boxer mum's cav sounds like the one you just described years ago I was haveing a afternoon nap and my male dog on the floor beside the bed I was half asleep and heard the front screen door make a noise , didnt take much notice as it did make noises at times for some reason my boy got up and rushed to the door growling as I have never heard him before when I go to door I didnt hear anything , so opened the main door only to notice the outside handle was all twisted and almost off the door I had forgotten to lock the outside screen door and someone attempted to break in and my boy obviously scared them / him away with his growling for some reason that afternoon I decided to bring the dogs in while I had a nap so glad I did
  16. There's a plant called Cat Nip if I remember correctly that deters them Yates Keep Off is very good sprinkle around the area the cat/s like to invade it helped me with the 12 cats the neighbour down the road had ( until the council stepped in a took about 6 away and desexed the others left there )
  17. Joined and link in signature of all my emails that get sent out
  18. Yates Keep Off worked wonders for all the cats that came to my front door and pee on door , and spread around my garden bed kept them off just sprinkle it around the area they come to and the smell should keep them away and when the cats started fighting I would spray them with vinegar and water and they didnt stay long spray bottle does spray through windows screens havve it set to high power spray and it works there was about 12 cats that roamed our area and 7 of them loved fighting under our windows during the night Thankfully after many many calls to council , they did remove half the cats and desexed them as the neighbours where they came from also didnt care that they roamed around
  19. Millie x 2 Ruby Chloe Clover Tinny (Tin Tin) Vada Tilly Holly Logan Finta Lucy, Tayla, Abbey. Hayley, Ella, Jodie, Bree, Tori, Becky Nala Peggie April storm Kara glitter gypsy Hayley skye Tara Molly Bonny
  20. Glad to hear Leo is back home and in his mums arms that is a bond that can never be broken he looks so content in your arms
  21. still about 29C at the moment but much cooler outside than in the house hosed down the lawn after the sun whent down so it would retain the moisture better and the lovely cooler breeze had 2 dogs rolling around playing on some cool lawn and they loved it rolling on their back legs up in the air think they were happy to be outside instead of stuck inside after the last few days
  22. Could you throw some wet blankets/towels/old stuf over the fence for them? Poor dogs No good doing that as the dogs would start running around ripping them to shreds they were in the shade of the backyard when I looked before ( a L shaped house so the shade is in the middle of the L shape under a veranda ) I'd be more inclined to spray the bushes soil grass etc in the shady spots every hour or so and nope cant do that if you sprayed the bushes in this heat you will end up killing the bushes by cooking them when so hot and the soil / lawn is in the sun so only would encourage the dogs out to play in sun love the pics of dogs in their pools and tubs
  23. Please everyone. Most states are experiencing extremely high temperatures at present so please make sure your dogs and your animals are not exposed to this heat Good reminder IR wish my neighbours behind me were home their poor dogs outside and the wind in stifling here yes they have shade and water bowls but the heat even in the shade is terrible my 2 are inside under aircon ( which is struggling ) clam pool outside and everytime they have wee breaks they go in pool before comeing back inside currently they laying down with wet hand towels on them currently 40C at midday , so would say it going to go over the predicted 43C
  24. Glad to see you back have been wondering how you been going sorry to hear the bad news but glad to hear you moving on and getting things together and Leo is looking so happy and content Welcome Back
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