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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. Has any one used a Flea Bomb I have read about some of them and the thought of them I dislike I can suffer Asthma with certain scents my OH also suffers hayfever enough as it is I have been battling the fleas on Tara for a few months now and when I think I am on top of it then she gets them again Personally I am starting to think they are in the carpet now I have had 2 dogs , sadly one now for 14 years and never had a problem like the last few months ( one or two flea attacks in 14 years which was easy to control) Since Sam has passed away I have had more cats in the backyard and even found them sleeping on the outside bedding , and I am sure this is where they are coming from All bedding washed regularly carpet vacumed flea treatment applied I just washed Tara with flea shampoo again and still found 4 walking on her body so how good / bad are the flea bombs ? do they leave a harsh odour are they safe to use for bad hayfever sufferer's and how or what can I use to keep the cats away in the garden or outside I have read up on natural things also like Eucalyptus and Vinegar I would prefer to use as Natural as I can inside the house if possible Thanks Edited to also say outside bedding is sprayed every morning and night to keep the b**** cats off them and to try and kill any flea on there
  2. I also thought he looked happy running around he was enjoying himself so much who ever invented his wheels did a great job he can certainly move in them
  3. pumpitdog I made the decision earlier today that I would make a slideshow of photo's and ask my son (who plays the guitar and writes some beautiful songs) to add the music. I'm doing this because I'm struggling with the idea that he's never coming back and I'm hoping that in some way this will help keep his memory clear and close. Allerzeit thank you and returning the to you too This has been about the 2nd time I have beenback in Rainbow Bridge thread as it hurt so much , as I have seen the others go through it also since I lost Sam 3 months ago the tears still come so strong some days , and others not as bad it hurts like heck not to see him or cuddle him one thing mentioned above helped me on the rough days I made a tribute for Sam also I started of in tears but always had a smile or laugh at his antics it helped ease it abit to laugh at his ways and to know he was much loved and still much loved and always will be They wont leave our hearts ever
  4. I loved the accusatory head turns and then the very guilty sidling off by Maggie I don't think Maggie is the white poodle, at least I hope not because the white poodle has a penis :D same thing I noticed Maggie is a he very cute nomatter what and a good laugh :D
  5. Nah - around january 2007. I am pulling up a link for you now GB! GB try this one Ohhh I see now he is a purebred black malty just like my purebred golden cocker spaniel who just happens to have some poodle in her
  6. OMG I didnt even think of the Wizard of Oz havent seen that for years you lot doing my head in with Black Maltese and Toto now and yes he is a cutie no matter what breed or breeds he is
  7. A very old, very funny joke here... Oh ok , must have missed that thread then sorry didnt pick up on the joke as just had a nasty episode with a "supposed " breeder ( not the breeder of this scruffy here ) lol the most rudest / nastiest one I have spoken to well she lost a sale from me is all I can say
  8. Yes he is cute the lady who owns him just said terier X so I was interested in maybe what other people thought I at first thought maybe Maltese in there somewhere someone else also suggested maybe Silky definately a windswept look to him and who is Toto ? pics needed please at least I can see that he doesnt have Staffy in him OK OK a Black Maltese ?
  9. This boy is listed as a Terrier X any ideas of what his cross might be ? he is a cute scruffy
  10. This is such an accurate description of Grumpy. Today he jumped up on the bed, got about halfway and got stuck. I had to very quickly give him a shove up, poor little man. Yes have to do the same with Tara ( 14 kilo ) Sam we know had a backproblem and last few years we let him get his front feet into the car then he looked at us to lift his back of body up into the car Sam was 40 kilo , but we did it for him as he loved sitting / laying in back seat of the car Sam didnt loose Muscle tone in his hind quarters though or do the splits
  11. Tara has lost weight over about 2 years just over 3 kilos as mentioned I have mentioned to vets but didnt mention muscle tone only my groomer explained it more to me we have a 1/4 acre house yard , so both her and Sam had good exercise around the yard , and also to the local park near by yes she is on lead when walking or the park as she is deaf and safer for her to be under our control with the lead on her she use to stay outside with me when out there , but since Sam passed away she seems more secure inside we have started her on the Glucosimine and fish oil we use to have Sam's bowl up higher for him as it did ease his HD and arthritis so will try that with her as well , the water bowl has stayed up higher I would love another dog for her , but at the moment I chose not to as mum has had a cancer op and feel as though didnt have the amount of time to devote to a new addition at the moment allthough Tara got on well with mums dog when mum stayed here after the op her muscle tone seems to around her hind legs area I am also thinking there is a problem with her back / lower spine area going to look into x-rays to check soon Tara isnt stiff in her legs , they just tend to do the splits on her just made me remeber also , other day she had like spasms in her hind quarters while she was sleeping on the floor next to me maybe a pinched nerve? would the swimming or hydro pools help with the muslce tone also ? I can turn her back feet under and she doesn't put them back immedieatly like a younger dog would. I forgot about that test as the vet did that to Sam , and his foot didnt come back quicker Thanks for replies
  12. Tara is now 14 years old over the last few years I have kept syaing to the vet about her looseing weight and was only told it is her age Ok fair enough some older ones can loose weight but it has been bothering me after Sam passed away 2 months ago , she was fretting and didnt apear to like the food they were both eating so have changed her diet and now she eating better when she was clipped by groomer I mentioned her weight loss to her and finally someone mentioned loss of muslce tone and explained it better to me than the vet did weight loss due to muscle tone we have non slip matting on floor which helps with her legs slipping on her ( we had them last few years due to Sam's hip problem he had ( HD ) from Bunnings , can buy it in metre lenghts ) she eats from her bowl and her little back legs do the splits on her the mats are helping her but is there anything else medication wise that would help build up the muscle tone ? Sam was on Glucosamine and fish oil caps , but he never lost muscle tone in his back legs another thing Tara does is to be calm and just walk around then all of a sudden she just takes of and runs madly around house or yard , almost like out of control to the point I have to try and stand in her way to try and stop her before she breaks a leg did mention this to vet few weeks ago and possibly neurological she is deaf , and almost blind and has become so insecure last few years , but worse since Sam passed away she wants to be with me the whole time if she can and wont stay outside by herself Thanks
  13. Stay safe all those up there everything crossed for you to get through this safely
  14. Oh dear , this has turned into more than my question the owner of the chickens lives in Alexandrina Council area which is not a rural property more a residential neighbourhood he has reported it to council and they will look into it further I also rang them and explained a bit better as he was upset with what he found the dog controller is going to do further checks with him and get him to sign a statement etc they are trying to track the dogs as pretty sure it was same dogs who have been roaming but also benifit of doubt as not seen doing the attacking it was explained to me he did have the right to shoot them if they were killing his animals on his property as explained to me via our conversation , describeing the dogs that were seen by neighbours roaming , there doesnt appear to have been other reports lodged as them killing or hurting anyone it might have been their first time , none the less , the dogs should not be roaming to be able to do this so , a report will be done and investigated to try and find these roaming dogs for everyones sake We agree the dogs should not be roaming as they are so hopefully they find the owners and alert them or take action to stop the dogs getting out
  15. He believes they are the same dogs who have been roaming and was interested in his chickens last week agree he doens tknow for sure , but almost certain they same ones who have been hanging around since he got his chickens only 3 weeks ago As I understand the situation with fences is that: It is an offense to allow your animals to wander onto some else's property. thats what I thought the ruling was also Yes he just forgot to close the gate as he has a few issues going on and his mind was elsewhere when he took his dog for the walk but thought the enclosure was strong enough to keep dogs out and as a good handy man it would have been strong sadly wasnt for these two big dogs yes he is so upset and shocked over it , as things were starting to look up for him then to find this when he got home Thanks for replies think let the police know as well then . at least as say it on record
  16. What can be done by council or police if you come home to find your chickens dead some in the enclosure and 1 dead outside the enclosure they broke into the chicken enclosure owner had taken his own dog for a walk and came back and found his chickens dead he had two big dogs in his back yard last week and shooed them off these 2 dogs appear to roam and looks like killed his chickens as these dogs came onto his property and killed animals would this needed to be reported to police or just the coumcil he is angry , upset , horrified etc and can probally also say thankfully his small dog was with him and not in back yard also he had left the gates open and the dogs wandered into his yard and killed the chickens we cant contact the council until tomorrow , but he isnt sure if needs to be reported to police also
  17. R.I.P Goldie Run pain free so sorry Greytmate
  18. it's a hard thing to explain "how" one understands their need to take their final journey. It is different for each dog, but the bond you have with them just "tells" you that they need this final bit of help from you. I have read similar posts like that after joining DOL , and could never understand how our beloved dogs will tell us Sadly I found out 3 weeks ago Oh had been away and got back on the Friday that night Sam had trouble moveing too far and we mentioned then we had a decision to make over the weekend the look I saw in Sam's face after his regular ear rub , it was different and I knew he was ready he took the decision away from us , and passed in his sleep My tears still flow for him , but think back over his wonderfull love and pleasure he gave us and know he is at peace now hugs to all those that have to make the decision
  19. My Darling Sam You have now returned home to us in time for Christmas where you will forever stay with us It's been two weeks now and missing you so much thanks for the thoughts and hugs Sam was a beautiful boy Sam did choose his own time and the place when he needed to go to Rainbow Bridge R.I.P My Darling boy Run Free of pain and play with all the other loved pets who have crossed over the bridge
  20. I lost my male dog Sam just over a week ago the day before I had news of mum having breat cancer I havent been back to Rainbow Bridge thread at the moment , as it hurts like heck still for me personally that fact that people have said Sorry to hear off your loss or similar does help , knowing that at least other people do care and feel your loss I had a friend who tried three times to find the right words but just couldnt , but the fact he said that also I understood how he felt it is hard to find the right words with my emotions / grief going between mum and Sam at the moment what I found helped me was to make a video tribute to Sam ( in signature ) I have cried heaps and had my laughs at his antics over the years that seems to have helped me a little bit I am haveing trouble functioning normally , but allow myself the time to have that cry
  21. Sam or even Tara never touched what was under the tree until it was given to them
  22. I wont have Sam with us this Christmas , but some past pictures I cherish Our First Christmas , he climbed up there by himself
  23. Glad I ask questions on here as I get answers that I dont think of espeically when mind is racing all directions at the moment I tried to prepare OH a few years back about she would fret without Sam but he didnt believe it , now I think he is understanding it more I had to go out today with my support worker ( suffer panic attacks and agrophobia ) to get some things done for Christmas as next week mum might be in hopsital depending on her tests this week etc I asked OH to be back in time before I left as she cant be left alone at moment and asked him to watch her closely and see how she reacts etc yes he saw the way she sniffed and looked for Sam , so now he understands what I was trying to say before he was concerned her lack of eating , so a small change in food has helped her eat a bit more today , so see how that goes in next few days also I know he is haveing a hard time copeing , he not talking too much about it last two days he had to go to vets today to pay for the cremation and urn and bring back Sam's blanket ( which they couldnt find ) and he asked to see Sam They took him in and he had the chance to say another goodbye I am not ready to move Sam's things yet , and didnt want another change for her , so they stay until she has adjusted abit more also I have cried for days with both mum and then Sam and takeing time out for me also I wrote my tribute to Sam and think it helped me alot doing that as had smiles , and been going back through photos when he was younger and had some good memories and smiles there also Rescue remedy - where do people get it from ? the bush flower one I have is almost empty Yes it is heartbreaking to watch Tara :D she just did the same thing outside tonight ,.just walked around sniffing and looking , then would come back to me and we would come back inside together it seems to affect her more outside than inside , as when she inside she is my shadow White Shepherd I was like that when I joined DOL I read posts and learnt things like let the other dog say good bye and how some can fret great place for learning and asking for help in times like these , as others have gone though it and know how to help Tara has always loved being inside close to me and food ( cockers love their food ) lol Thanks again
  24. I am trying not to dote on her too much I am leting her come to me when she needs to , but keep a eye on her at the same time it's thigs like after she finishes her food she ( both of them ) normally checks the other ones bowl and that lost look onher face I;m going to try for some friends dogs or mum's dog to visit as soon as can sadly I am prepareing myself ( in case ) one question as not sure what to do I am not ready to wash / remove / change Sam's bedding etc at the moment I just cant seem to do it and probally dont want to yet but should I do this for Tara or leave his scent still here for her ? Thanks for the thoughts and hugs
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