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Tara and Sam

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Everything posted by Tara and Sam

  1. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/killer-dog-owners-warned-of-ayens-law/story-fn7x8me2-1226135193336 54-year-old man was bitten on the face and arm by the labrador If that is a Labrador in that pic then I must not know what a lab looks like what a horrible pic to use when it is not a Labrador A person has the right to go for a walk without another dog attacking their pet. Agree just read in our local paper a 12 yrs od Cocker Spaniel was attacked in our area last month by a wandering dog owner of dog just grabbed his dog and took of with it leaving the lady and her dog traumatised My elderly parents (mum 74, ) are too frightened to take their 8 year old Rescue Cavalier for a walk around the block Poor mum is also feeling the same with walking her little cavie also It was only last few days I have noticed that the elderly people in my area havent been walking their dogs on leads sad that people dont feel safe anymore out walking their pets
  2. Yes sounds better than they way it was said on the TV this morning our local paper has just came out and Holdfast bay is offering assistance to pay for dogs if needed also just read a poor 12 yr old Cocker Spaniel was attacked in our area last month by a wandering dog
  3. I missed some of the advert on TV but heard thenm say a council will pay owners to put down thier dangerous dogs sounded like they would pay $1,000 for the dogs did anyone else here this ? I "think" it was chanel 7 Adelaide
  4. Great News Who steals Rottweilers when most people are very cautious of them? It's almost as if the thieves knew what good temps the girls have prior to stealing them.... ? My thoughts also , and the fact they were returned back into a safe yard nearby to be found sounds like someone knows the area and the dogs temperment , but didnt realise one was pregnant and panicked ? Either way so VERY glad they are back home safe and sound Happy tears when reading they were home safe
  5. Wishing and hopeing CJ and Chevvy return home safe and sound ASAP Heartbreaking
  6. NO NO NO NO NO FFS when is this wanting to ban certain breeds stop BAN idiot owners who dont to the right thing ( sorry getting sick of reading about poor dog breeds getting the blame )
  7. Had the vet out today for my litle girl Tara and she has the anxiety from her Dementia she is 14 1/2 years old she started losing her hearing about 2 years ago and has about 1/4 % eye sight left she has lost muscle tone in her back legs which has also been about a year last few weeks she has been haveing accidents inside and the look on her face is so sad after she does this she is eating well still , in fact to the point of wanting more she has been insecure for awhile now and doesnt like being outside , since she lost her mate she paces a lot so far we havent had the barking for no reason and she still sleeps most of the night through Vet has put her on Clomicalm and suggested the BD food also so glad to hear others have had good results with it he also suggested Lecithin for her as that helps the memory as well as Carophen for her back legs Anyone tried the Clomicalm ? and how did it work ( I beleive it similar to Prozac for humans ) Has been a interesting thread
  8. Before I joined DOL I didnt realise what happened to our loved animals at the Vets I have read some threads years ago asking of what happens I decided with my OH when the time came for our dogs to have them cremated at first when Sam passed away 2 weeks before Christmas I was happy to have him cremated and bought back home but I am finding it very hard to look at his Urn / Box I am missing him so much lately , I almost feel him around me and around the house , I cant move his bedding or put away his coats Maybe as at the time he passed away mum found out she had breast cancer and had her op and then dad passed away few months later I dont feel as though I have greived for him properly and still cry buckets at him not here
  9. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/breaking-news/vets-warning-on-banning-dangerous-dogs/story-e6frea73-1226118317206 VETERINARIANS say banning breeds of dangerous dogs would not stop attacks, despite a Victorian government vow to crack down on vicious pets Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu said today the government wanted to "be rid of these dogs as soon as possible" following the death of a four-year-old girl who was mauled by an unregistered American pit bull mastiff cross in Melbourne on Wednesday. The owner of the dog could face charges under the Domestic Animals Act and fines in excess of $19,000. The government has also foreshadowed measures that could include the owners of dangerous dogs facing 20 years' jail in a similar law that applies to culpable drivers. The amnesty for registering dangerous dogs will end, meaning councils can seize and destroy the animals, while a "dob in a dangerous dog" anonymous hotline will also be set up.
  10. How about maiming instead then? Get your blinkers off and read this http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8228648/pet-dog-mauls-four-in-sydney also about Buster as to why he possibly turned on them Buster and his owner had been threatened by a knife so possibly why he was spooked or felt threatened and this The four-year-old girl from Larnook was playing with the family labrador while it was eating dinner about 7.15pm on Monday night. Leave dogs alone while eating ! and this Labrador kills 2-month-old boy left unattended in swing why left unattended ? and this again left unatteneded mums friend had a beautifull Ridgeback she got from the pound he knew a gentleman very well one day the gentlemann turned up wearing a coat and hood and carrrying a stake to put in to the garden the dog flew at him and stopped short of biteing him that was the first time the dog ever showed any aggresion something must have happened to the dog before the owner got the dog so what triggered off the agression towards that male? once he took his jacket of the dog was fine Sometimes there is a reason for a attack and other times not always know the reason I am not a great lover of Pitbulls but have seeen and heard of some lovely ones on here who have responsible owners I would hate to see the breed banned , but tougher penalties for idiot owners for any dog PS only quoteing youor links Poodlefan
  11. Tara and Sam


    http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/enough-bullpit.-destroy-these-murderous-mutts/ Enough bullpit. Destroy these murderous mutts What a horrible heading R.I.P Ayen
  12. I notice that dogs accept death quicker, if they have a chance to say good bye themselves I wasnt sure what to do with Tara when Sam passed away We found him in the morning in his favourite place in the laundry Tara stepped over him to go outside for a wee when she came back in she stepped over him as per normal I coaxed her back to Sam and myself once she got closer she then started shaking and turned and walked away to the loungeroom I wasnt sure if I had done the right thing or not as have never had 2 dogs before
  13. Sadly we whent through that sad circumstances in the last 6 months We had 2 dogs 5 months apart in age They were together 99% of the time from puppies if we were out they were outside together , only time they were apart was when 1 had a vet visit Tara started getting deaf and blind about 12 years of age she followed Sam around , he basically became her guide dog Sam passed away in December last year and Tara became so insecure we cant leave out side or be outside by herself she sniffed for Sam everywhere , she whent looking for him , she fretted badly for him , it was heartbreaking to watch , then sadly mum was in hospital and she was left alone again by us , then dad was in hospital also , so once again she was left alone she whent from having a companion with her her whole life to suddenly in 6 months left alone alot I was advised to be prepared just in case , but so far she still with us at 14 1/2 years I think having mum's dog here on occasions has helped her abit she has time with another companion to follow around and then has time to herself I was considering another dog at the time for her , but realised with parents in hospital it wasnt fair on a new addition to family at that time to also be left alone As dysney suggested my next 2 dogs will have more time apart on their own so it is easier adjustment when one passes away
  14. I mentioned a Electric fence last week end when spoke to owners how much do they cost ? will metnion it again to owner to check it out they are trying everything to keep her in and is baffled as to why the last few weeks only she is getting out after last nights episode she ended up with a cut on her leg she will be speaking with her regular vet also to see if there is a problem with her dog is it possible she may have a maternal instint to hearing the puppy barking ? even though it isnt her own pup Thanks for the replies much appreciated all neighbours involved what to keep her safe
  15. Thats agood idea to try also as long as not wire as such as she seems to use her paws to climb anything that has gaps in it maybe something slipery so she cant grab on to it will mention that idea to her , as she is upset her dog getting out , and could also get hit if she gets over my gate or other neighbours gate onto road none of us want to see that happen Thanks
  16. Thanks SecreKei They do like nice fenceing will mention that to neighbours but will have to be probally 8ft high as the dog got over the 8ft high fencing again tonight and she hurt herself trying to get back over to her house after I rang her owner she seems to be taking off when her owner isnt there and also when she hears a puppy from across the road from our house she makes a beline towards the puppy direction straigh over back fence into my nieghbours backyard and then tries to get over my side neighbours gates owner of dog is not sure why she doing this in last few weeks as she hasnt got out before or wanted to the male dog doesnt go anywhere he just stays home and barks for her tocome back trouble is she is getting hurt each time she jumps the fences I like the look of those ones SecretKei as she may not be able to grab on to get over Thanks
  17. Feeling very dumb today and this cold has me out of sorts I tried searching for topics on extending tops of fences but I cant seem to find them Back neighbours dog in jumping over the fence she ha only started doing it this last week and owner cant work out why he other dog doesnt jump them so after talking to her need some ideas tokeep the dog in before she gets hurt so cut her foot yesterday gettting over the fence 5ft high Galvanised fence with railings Thanks
  18. I am soooo sorry to hear this :hugs: R.I.P Brock
  19. Received in a Email and way to lovely not to share The Kiss She is Pregnant he had just saved her from a fire in her house rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard , while he continued to fight the fire When he finally got done putting the fire out , he sat down to catch his breath and rest A photographer from a newspaper , noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do As he raised his camera , she came up to the tired man who saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph The Kiss And people say animals are dumb
  20. I have also been following the thread as much as possible and also shed tears for you ( and other posts on here ) A very sad time ahead for you I am soo sorry to hear this
  21. Thanks for the replies I did ring the Vet and spoke to another one and voiced my concerns especially about the blood pressure and respiratory and he agreeded he wouldnt use them himself so he is going to swap them for Valium , and see how she goes on those IF I need them , he said they can be quick acting I did ring my groomer yesterday and talked to her about the sedation side of it and she agreed we will see how she goes to start with and then take it from there , ReadySetGo , Tara did that when she was younger in a split 2nd to get to me just outside the mobile van , and she was cuaght mid air lol so then I go into the trailer with her and that has settled her a little bit over the years Thanks for the replies I knew I could get some good advice on the medications much appreciated
  22. I am going to ring the Vet back and mention about what I have read on the ACP I did actually ask about the Valium yesterday before the girl spoke to the vet I was told her eyes would look droopy I forgot all about Nervatona , thats athought also and also need to get some Rescue Remedy for future use My Mobile Groomer I have used for many years and she is good and I have always stayed with her and Tara , as it has calmed Tara as mentioned she shook and shaked but she really has lost a lot of secureity last year or so Pers that was the bit that frightened me , that she would be alert and have no control over her body , even though I and groomer would have been more aware of this Readysetgo , yes I have heaard that many times about not being there with dogs, but with Tara it has always settled her with me there and her appointments are normally 2 1/2 hours for clipping and wash and dry etc Thanks for the replies I was worried abbout the seizures , and possible death at her age from what some had said about them Lost 1 dog 6 months ago and my Dad 2 months ago , so dont need another one happening Thought I was doing the right thing to keep her more settled , but not sure about what was given Thanks for the replies
  23. Tara is 14 and half years old and has never liked being groomed I normally scissor cut her in between mobile groomer ,( full clip and wash ) she shivers and shakes but normally will settle down after hour or so she did get very fearfull last clipping with groomer as she is getting older and has been deaf for few years now and is loosing her sight with Caterahs ? and the loss of her partner for 14 years , she has become so insecure and fearfull She wont even let me get close enough to try and scissor cut her anymore it is a real struggle for both of us I am frightened I will cut her accidently she just squeals and wriggles so much , ( it upsets me and stresses her out ) So as she is going to be groomed by regular groomer I rang Vet and asked about something to help calm her before the appointment they read her history and health records and have recommended ACP 10 mg 1 tablet hour before grooming but after reading some comments about them they looked like nasty side affects for some dogs to the extent some have died after having them and apparently they relax the body but not the mind or the anxiety she allready has problems with her legs giving way on her some times so has any one tried these and are they as bad as what I have been reading, to the point they could cause fits and other problems Thanks
  24. Yes sounds like the Mortein brand so far ( fingers crossed havent had any other creatures crawling around inside ) but will certainly get the one for all creepy crawlies Yes Pandii I have had a few bites the last week myself no under the house area is accessable to cats or dogs will get the bomb next week as this week I am flat out with appointments and cant leave Tara outside by herself as she is insecure with no one around with her :D all her normal bedding has been hot washed and soaked with Eucalyptus oil and hanging on the line and she using some other bedding that will be washed on friday when OH and I have the chance to get our bed out of the bedroom outside so I can thougherly get to every crevis in the bedroom I have also been using some natural things ( allready had in the house ) spraying carpets and corners with Eucalyptus and water vinegar and water in spray bottle I do have lavender bushes but further down the back yard ( but might be time to make up some lavender sachets for the rooms ) Lavender in water is also mentioned as a natural detereent , so will also be put to use one natural thing I found that did work well it was mentioned if you see a live flea on the dog to use vegetable oil , it kills the flea instantly so I tried it and killed 4 straight away I just used a syringe with oil in it and squirted the flea and then wiped her clean ( I didnt beleive it would work actually , and was surprised when it did ) Thanks for the replies about the Flea Bombs as never had to use them but never had them this bad either some of the natural things suggested and not harsh either a. Citrus repellent: You can make an effective flea repellent from lemon by cutting it into quarters and immersing it in boiling water. This is then steeped overnight to get you the repellent. By spraying this all over your pet, especially behind the ears and generally around the head, and also at the base of the tail and the ‘armpits’, you can rid it of fleas. b. Aromatherapy repellent: This repellent is made by adding lavender and cedarwood essential oils to pure almond carrier oil as the base. This is then shaken well and spread over the pet’s skin to keep the fleas away. You can also make effective flea collars by rubbing an essential oil of eucalyptus , tea tree , citronella , lavender or geranium on webbing, rope collar or even a doggy bandanna . c. Essential oil bath: If your pet is badly infested, it’d need an essential oil bath. So, draw the bath using a few drops of tea tree or lavender essential oils. An alternative is a herbal flea dip made from fresh rosemary leaf . d. Internal flea repellents: Garlic when fed to your dog works wonders. This is because its smell is excreted through the skin making it ‘inhospitable’ for the fleas. Brewer’s yeast tablets also help in controlling fleas. Another good alternative is natural apple cider vinegar that makes the skin more acidic and unpleasant to fleas and ticks. e. External flea repellents: Sprinkling diatomaceous earth, generally in the filtration system for swimming pools, all over the yard is an effective way to keep the fleas at bay. You can also put cedar chips along your fence to keep the fleas out. Planting a herb, called tansy, around your pet’s pen will also keep the problem in check. All these external repellents are effective natural home remedies for fleas. If you have a pet, total eradication of fleas is generally next to impossible, but if you’re diligent and persistent enough, you can control these pests and not only give relief to your pet, but also make your home safe for kids.
  25. Sam use to chase them if he saw them , although never caught one ( thankfully ) Tara is going blind so wont see one unless we right next to the cat by that time I have shooed cat away which one did you use Persephone did it have much odour to it ? and reading one brand you have to tape up all cubboards etc ? windows always open here ,so no problems with airing it out after
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