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Everything posted by german_shepherd

  1. I need some advise on toilet training as I am at a loss. We have a 3yo shepherd who has always been very clean and would poop in the specified area...until recently.... It started with the odd poop here and there...then over a few months more and more here and there. He now goes anywhere he feels like it. All over the yard, on the concrete. Basically where ever he is standing is just about good enough for him! When I see him about to go, I bring him to the specified area and praise him when he is done. Lots of rewards. I am always quick to catch him and redirect him but of course there are times I am not there to supervise. All poop is scooped up 2 times a day (seriously! I keep it very clean) and I am not sure why he is not catching on? He is a well behaved boy, very eager to please and this is very out of character and has progressively got worse. Any help appreciated.
  2. Thanks Rappie for helping. From what I was told, the test results were from the blood test and I have been helping to phone the vet for over a week now waiting for poo results. Now that I have the test results in front of me I can see that they are talking about a faeces specimen. This was not explained to any of us by the vet. The only thing I can see that refers to blood (i assume the blood test??) is Occult Blood POSITIVE (by gualac acid detection) which I have no idea what this means. I have called the vet myself and have been advised that these results are from the blood test. I am really quite concerned now about how well the GSD is being diagnosed. The syrup was scourban which he has completed 2 bottles of and finished about a day and a half ago. His poos had become firm on the last two days and have now returned soft. They have been advised to give him natural yoghurt. Really at a loss what to do.
  3. Thank you Athena for your reply. I am very interested in any *hope* that it may not be EPI and he will eventually be ok with an appropriate diet. From what I know, the dog was taken to the vet and had a blood test done. They could only manage a few mls of blood as the dog was quite upset. He is generally very good with strangers but didnt take a liking to the vet The vet was unable to feel his tummy as he was all tensed up and barking. They also took a poo sample which has not come back yet. The blood test results said: colatin digestion test POSITIVE for faccal trypsin POSITIVE for undigested fat NEGATIVE for undigested muscle POSITIVE for undigested starch Occult blood POSITIVE (by gualac acid detection) Cryptosporidia and Giardia antigen test Neg. He was sent home with a tub of enzyplex and some pink syrup (i can find out the name if necessary, but I believe it stops the diarreah??) I would welcome any interpretation of the above. We are all at a loss to what a lot of the lingo means. Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your help. He is on Enzyplex which seems to be helping. It's ironic that when you *think* you are really caring for your dog by giving it variety in food, you could be doing more harm than good.
  5. I just posted this same thing in KateK's thread I would call George from Sitdropstay http://www.sitdropstay.com.au George is highly recommended throughout Australia Excerpt from their website: Sitdropstay was created by Proprietor and Head Trainer, George Lygidakis in response to an urgent need to improve the quality of dog training and knowledge available to the Australian public. We feel too many dogs are discarded, destroyed, locked away or lead a poor quality of life due to a lack of understanding, misinformation, misdiagnosis and poor training. Dogs are often turned away from obedience clubs because they don't fit into their particular training system and are classed untrainable. Also many dogs are currently great at doing "circus tricks" at obedience clubs but are unmanageable at home. We are amazed at the number of families and relationships that are under unnecessary stress and tension due to their lack of understanding of canine behaviour. In the majority of cases one consultation is all that is required to address the problem.
  6. I would call Sitdropstay http://www.sitdropstay.com.au George is highly recommended throughout Australia. Excerpt from their website: Sitdropstay was created by Proprietor and Head Trainer, George Lygidakis in response to an urgent need to improve the quality of dog training and knowledge available to the Australian public. We feel too many dogs are discarded, destroyed, locked away or lead a poor quality of life due to a lack of understanding, misinformation, misdiagnosis and poor training. Dogs are often turned away from obedience clubs because they don't fit into their particular training system and are classed untrainable. Also many dogs are currently great at doing "circus tricks" at obedience clubs but are unmanageable at home. We are amazed at the number of families and relationships that are under unnecessary stress and tension due to their lack of understanding of canine behaviour. In the majority of cases one consultation is all that is required to address the problem.
  7. Thanks Mel. I did manage to find something and have pasted it below for reference if anyone else is reading this thread.
  8. Hello, I have just posted in regards to diet information for my friends dog diagnosed with epi. I have another question if someone could share their knowledge. I will provide some background information to paint a better picture. Their GSD was fed bacon fat here and there over a few months. No one knew this was a no-no. He was given a pigs ear as a treat and within a few hours had a very rumbly tummy and extreme diarreah. The vet was called the next day who advised that it is a virus and not to bother coming in. Just fast the dog and then feed rice and chicken. After a week or 2, the GSD suddenly showed signs of pain when sitting or trying to stand. They immediately took him to the vet and the vet said upon looking at him that it was EPI. A blood test revealed problems digesting fat and starch but my question is this... If the dog had a prolonged bacteria or virus in his tummy, could this have upset his pancreas?? And is so, how do you know if it is just an inflamed pancreas that will mend vs a pancreas failure that wont mend? Thank you.
  9. Hello, I really need some help for my friends German Shepherd who has been diagnosed with EPI. He can digest Muscle, but not fat or starch. The vet has recommended rice and chicken, but can not give a specific recipe. ;) I would love some help from you all in what measurements or rice to chicken etc should be given. And how much should he eat in one day? Also are there any other foods that he can be given to give some variety in his diet? Thank you.
  10. Hi everyone, This ones not for me, its for a friend. They have a 6mnth staffyX who has no desire to go for walks or even leave the backyard! Her home life is wonderful, she has home cooked meals, another older playmate (little tenterfield!), and lots of attention from family and friends. She has lots of company all day and lots of family visiting. She is generally running around like a maniac!! with her toys etc and very happy. But.. if you put a dog lead on her and attempt to walk out the gate, she freezes up I have never seen anything like it? To put her in a car to bring her somewhere she will freeze up completely. Even once she gets out the car, if she is not in her yard she is so scared, no matter how much comfort you give her. I am at a loss as none of my dogs have ever acted this way (but i tend to socialise them outside at a young age). If anyone has any suggestions I would love to pass them on. Also she wees herself when visitors come over. If anyone has any ideas how to control this?
  11. Hello, I just wanted to take the time to let everyone who offered their advice know how my boy is. Since elevating his food and putting him on a diet of rice and chicken, he has been absolutely fine. He now is back to eating fresh meat and we are also continuing making his food for him. It's a little bit of extra work but well worth it Thanks to everyone who helped
  12. Tried something different last night ... I elevated his food bowl off the ground and gave him his rice and chicken. He ate slowly and did quite a big burp after his meal. And he did not throw up! Did the same for breakfast and once again he hasnt thrown up. I am hoping this keeps up.
  13. Yes they are perfectly fine. I checked them already and there is nothing odd about them. Dark brown and lots of them!! (considering the amount he is throwing up Im surprised there is anything coming out the other end!) Also to answer Zorro_007. I have read the article you provided and he is definately 'Vomiting' (Vomiting gagging, heaving, and retching as the body actively expels stomach contents.) as opposed to 'regurgitating' Thanks everyone.
  14. He said because my dog has a stable weight and is active, has a good appetite, and there is no odd discolouration in his vomit, he is not concerned as such. He simply said to change his diet and try to narrow down what causes the vomits. I have given my dog till about wednesday to see if he improves, after which I am going back to get the tests. Do dogs get stomach viruses? Sorry if that is an absurd question!
  15. Hello everyone. Just wanting to fill you all in on what has been happening and see if anyone has any further suggestions. I took him to the vet who checked him and weighed him. He has put on 1kg since his last visit. His tummy seemed perfectly normal. He was also very energetic and keen to 'eat' the vet The vet suggested to change his diet initially and see if this helps and if not to go back for blood tests. As soon as I got him home, he threw up. Later I cooked him rice and chicken and he dryreached but it stayed in his belly. I have bought the chicken mince from coles from the meat section, as I wanted to ensure its good quality. Saturday morning, fed him rice and chicken and he was fine. At lunch I dropped some of the chicken on the floor (5cm length, uncooked) so I tossed it to him and he ran and threw up. (very upset with myself ofcourse) He also slept for most of the day and wasnt his usual self. In the evening he ate and was fine. Sunday breakfast, lunch, dinner no problems but he threw up between lunch and dinner for no reason. This morning he ate and was running around wanting to play. No throw ups. His stomach seems ultra-sensitive and it really is quite upsetting for me. The rice and chicken does seem to stay down though (thanks shoemonster). But if he eats anything other than rice and chicken he will throw up. even just a small mouthful. I had thought to stick to the rice for a few days and otherwise take him back to the vet for further tests.
  16. Thanks everyone. My little monkey is off to the vet in 2 hours and I will request a blood test. I will also try the rice and chicken as from tonight. Bit upsetting about the supercoat and bonnie issue. I specifically asked for the best dog food from the pet food company and this is what they recommended. They said all the other foods contained a high cereal content. ..its hard when you try to do the right thing but lack the knowledge to make a educated decision. :D Thanks for everyones feedback. I will let you know the outcome.
  17. Well come to think of it. Yes. It didnt really dawn on me. He was on puppy food until he was 18 months and the last 5 months on adult food. We eased him into it and the progression seemed fine. But yes, it has gone on for a couple months now. I am very eager now to change his food and see what happens. Still, I will see what the vet has to say, but I will definately look at altering his diet.
  18. Thanks everyone for your quick responses. First off... I thought I was feeding my dog the best quality food as I buy it from a pet food shop and this is what they recommended. :D He also never experienced any problems on puppy food. To answer your questions: How often is this happening: once a day generally. How many cups of dry does he eat at one meal?: 1 cup in the morning & 2 cups approx at night. Is he a very fast eater?: no thanks ...also where can I buy Nutros from?? I am in Adelaide.
  19. Hello everyone, I have a 2 year old male shepherd who has been throwing up off and on for the last few weeks. First of all I contacted the vet immediately who thought it may be due to him being fed twice a day and that his stomach was having problems digesting as my dog is happy, playful, & has a good appetite.. He suggested feeding him smaller quantities a few times a day. This seemed to work initially but I have noticed since about a few days ago he is throwing up again. He will eat, throw up, eat it (if I dont get there quick enough to stop him)..then he is absolutely fine. This morning though, he woke up...walked around for about 5 minutes and threw up grass. He hadnt even eaten anything yet. I am taking him to the vet this evening but I like to get as much info as I can and I know there are some very knowledgable people on here. His diet (fyi) consists of dry food (supercoat or bonnie) and a small portion of our dinner (assuming its not spicey). He does not eat canned food. Any info is appreciated.
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