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  1. Thanks will try that. Have the receipt etc The breeders assure me they will send the papers down when they get them.
  2. You need to contact your states governing dog body and talk to them. No good looking up prefixes online. That is not going to help you. You need to tell them your problem, not just ask if they are current members. I did that when I rang them. Explained the situation and then asked if they were still current and financial. And go the reply of it is a privacy issue. I also emailed the president and received no reply.
  3. The reason I ask is because I bought a puppy in January but am yet to receive his papers so am getting a bit worried that they are actually not registered.
  4. Vicc dogs said they could not tell me due to privacy. It is bull terrier.
  5. I was wondering if anyone is able to check if a prefix in victoria is still current? i have contacted Vicdogs but they are unable to give me the information. It is Mmoatsvale.
  6. bell


    I am so sorry Teebs!! Run free Atlas
  7. The lump os up under her front left leg at the top, it is probably 5c piece big. We would opt to not operate as even if it is removed it may not solve the problem and the lump is not getting in her way. She is eating again now but is slow to get around and bit unsteady on her feet. She had a months worth of cortisone and we will go back for more bloods in a couple of week so will have to see how we go.
  8. I was wondering if anyone has had mast cell tumours (cancers) treated with cortisone? and if so how long was it affective for? Stella our 10.5yo boxer had a turn on sunday and stopped walking about and eating. Took her to the vet yesterday who took blood tests which initially showed low red count (white normal). They also took a sample of a lump of her leg which showed mast cells. The full bloods came back indicating most probably a cancer. She has been sent home on cortisone and is looking 10 times better than yesterday, but am wondering how long it may last for?
  9. Please get better Jed. As others have said you are my favourite Doler. My thoughts are with you and all your babies.
  10. she has always been one to gulp her water, so we always watch her drinking cause if she drinks too much at one time she will throw up, but the intake has definately increase in the past few months, i thought it was just summer heat but it is the same on cooler days. We dont let her drink after about 6pm as she wets the bed at night otherwise (the get let out to pee at about 10 and then 6am). Will see about taking her to the vet.
  11. there is a little bit of spill but not much, she is a pretty clean drinker.
  12. i guess due to her age i worry about kidney problems. I am not concerned about the harm, i am concerned about why she would be drinking lots.
  13. about 25kg. I will try and measure how much, it is hard with 2 around but she drinks the most out of both of them and i fill their 2.5lt bowl up at least twice a day.
  14. Just trying to guage if this amount of water is alot or within normal limits. My 10.5year old boxer can drink about 3lt of water in a day. It is also not over the day she will stand there and drink for a couple of minutes empty half the bowl at a time. I also noticed her the other day in the space of 5 minutes pee twice. I know alot of water would make her pee alot but she is getting older so do worry.
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