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Everything posted by poochmad

  1. Not nice, especially if untrue. Just raises it back in the public eye again.
  2. Bloody brilliant! I love reading the comments. There is one where a guy basically says the cartoons aren't very good and the response from the artist is a classic. :)
  3. Henschke was a terror as a pup. He chewed shoes, books, ate the telephone, ripped apart the seat covers, chewed the legs of the table and chewed the ass out of a dining room chair. Jindi came to us at the tender age of 5 months and she was an angel, she didn't chew anything.
  4. Thank god he will be back with his owner. Makes you wonder how he escaped if he was kept in a bunker. What a pity the b@stards who took him will never be known.
  5. He sounds like a tosser. Unfortunately bogans would like the look of him and what he 'represents' in the breed. Sigh.
  6. What a beautiful dog. I like him, he has character. :)
  7. SG, so very happy that you finally have the whole family with you. You must be very happy. Great news to read!
  8. Me too. Or, something could have happened to her at that particular spot when you weren't around. Perhaps get down to her level to see if you can see anything that might scare her. It could be the smallest thing.
  9. Gorgeous! You have done an amazing job as well as k9angel.
  10. poochmad


    So very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences.
  11. All very cute. Agree. More photos please, especially as you don't often see these breeds.
  12. Deepest condolences to you. She sounded like a wonderful dog and was very beautiful.
  13. Gorgeous photos everyone! Makes me want to post some new photos (it's only been a couple of years since the last one). You all have stunning dogs.
  14. Hmm a hard one to prove just by photos.
  15. What a shitty situation. If I was in your area, I'd be happy to help out. Do you have any friends or other family members? Do your parents belong to a Church? If so, you may be able to find someone that way. General dog discussion would definitely open more doors.
  16. How freaking terrible. Those poor animals with no escape. how awful it would be to have to ring the owners, as well as losing their home.
  17. Don't all dogs do that? :p
  18. Awww cute picture. :) Hope you and all DOLers have a wonderful night and a fantastic New Year.
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