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Everything posted by poochmad

  1. Glad to see more photos of puppies! They're all gorgeous!
  2. Aren't they funny how they do that!! My sister has a miniature poodle and when we were staying with her, she did the same thing - she buried one of her bones in our bed! (Sister said she'd never done that before.)
  3. Do you know how often they were given the treats? Would be good to know for other people worried about their dogs...including me...how long before you see any symptoms? Is it straight away for months/years down the track?
  4. I thought this might be a good time for people to post some recipes for yummy dog treats we can make ourselves instead of having to buy them...anyone have any they'd like to share?
  5. Hopefully nothing is wrong...it could very well be that she had those symptoms because it was something new and went right through her...I've given them to Henschke before with no problems (except for a bit of runny poos which I put down to change of diet).
  6. As an end to the origina reason I started this thread (about being disappointed with my pup's reaction), we have since added Advance Adult to his mix (as it was purchased for another dog) and he gobbles it down and AT LAST, his poos are all lovely and firm!! Yippe!! Seriously, this is the first time since we've had him (5 months). Do you think the grain mix with Advance is 'evening' it out, or do you think that Orijen is just too rich for him?
  7. What I find interesting is that they are only talking about the chicken breast strips...but what about all the other products? The chicken bits and the rawhinde twists with chicken wrapped around it? (Yep, we used to give him these treats...no more!!)
  8. When we lived in Canberra the best vet was located on the Federal Highway - Canberra Vetinerary Hospital. They also treat horses. Lovely, lovely people. The boarding kennel we used was located at Wickerslack Lane.
  9. Well, I hope two dogs of the same sex can work, as today we're picking up a same sex rescue dog as a companion for our 6 month old. My thoughts are that the rescue dog is older and more confident and will automatically slip into the top dog role as our dog has a submissive nature.
  10. Speaking from experience (ours was the reverse), increase the amount of sardines (in oil) and I'm sure you will notice the difference. But be warned...don't give too much too soon. We were feeding our pooch too much and he constantly had soft stools, so we had to reduce it.
  11. Hi VJB - we are picking up 'Sir Edmund (named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to climb Mt Everest, as the new dog likes to climb as well) today. Can't wait. Unfortunately, everyone has rushed to buy a clam shell, so that will have to wait until they restock!
  12. Yeah, I know...wherever there's water, Henschke is there. Will be good for him in the summer though. Will have to think of a way to cover it up when we come home, otherwise he won't be allowed in the house...
  13. Believe that biting feet can be a sign of allergy to dog food. That should be on the list as well as things to look at.
  14. We have a gazebo. Best thing we ever got. Have noticed a few tents at shows, but feel that you would be isolated...I like Gazebos because they seem to be more inviting...you can make eye contact, whereas with tents you have to peer through the netting...
  15. Sorry, I should have been more clear...I'm not concerned about the recall due to cats getting ill (as they have said that dogs are fine), I am just disappointed as he's not performing well on it and I can't change due to no money...
  16. Henschke is 6 months old now and I would have thought stopped teething, however, one of his eyes is continually weepy. Would this be due to his teeth or something else?
  17. I have to continue to feed him the remaining Orijen as I can't afford to start him on something else until hubby gets paid...
  18. Thanks for all your replies. Henschke is no longer contained only in the house. We've installed a doggy door and he now has free run of the backyard. We've put padlocks and chains on all fences and have realised that his health (due to freedom) is more important than us worrying about something happening to him. We are also getting a new buddy for him to keep him company while we're at work. The two have met and got along well. I'm sure they will keep each other entertained. We are getting a clam shell (one side with water the other sand) and will hang things from the building so the backyard will be like a fun park for both dogs.
  19. Our 6 month old pup is what trainers call 'in your face', whereas he pounces on dogs and is overly enthusiastic. At training we were taught to teach the dog to wait to play. This involves having the dog sitting next to you, saying wait (and making it wait) and when calm, allow the dog to calmly approach the dog. If your dog rushes at the dog, pull it back and walk the other way. Only when it calmly approaches the dog is it allowed to say hello. The benefit of this, is that not all dogs are friendly and my dog could get bitten by a dog taking offense to his 'rowdy' behaviour. You could try this, as for me it works well.
  20. Yeah, they told me earlier in the week they were going to stock it. Good, I will be trying it through them as their service is really good.
  21. Well the information in this has been really good. Thank you for sharing. So far at the top of my list to try is Pro Plan, Artemis and Eagle Pack Holistic.
  22. Ever since the Orijen removal, I have been trying to decide what to feed Henschke (and soon his buddy). I thought this thread might be useful to assist people like me trying to determine what to feed their dog now that Orijen has been removed. I'll start. I've fed the following: Advance Puppy - results: itchy coat & consitently sloppy poos. Dog was not interested in eating it. Persevered for 1 month. Orijen puppy - result: some hard stools and some soft (first stool hard, second bit soft) Smelly poos and farts! 50/50 mix of soft and hard stools. Itching stopped. Dog eats it. Persevered for 3 months. (Was going to change kibble regardless.) Your turn.
  23. Except plenty of people disagree on what is the most appropriate vaccination protcol... I know. It's a difficult topic.
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