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Everything posted by poochmad

  1. I think that is friggen terrible. Poor family.
  2. Thank goodness there was a happy ending to this and the dog didn't tire and drown.
  3. We have a bob-a-lot and for a long time it kept our dog amused...until the day we came home and found he had chewed the top off...but a good present to keep your pup amused for quite a while.
  4. I didn't even know it was there. Very cute. My nieces would love that.
  5. Is there a way of getting in touch and pointing them to the pound. (Even though they are different States, stranger things have happened.)
  6. She looks so sweet. Here's hoping there is a happy ending for her, preferably back with her family. (I can't imagine anyone buying a pretty collar for a dog only to then 'dump' it.)
  7. How terribly sad. I'd be looking for some sort of poison as well, including snail bait.
  8. And our friend's Goldie, stealing Jindi's bed.
  9. Oh my god, these photos are great! Here's one of Henschke 'flying'.
  10. Perhaps a behavourist is a good idea? That way they can be assured that what they are doing is not going to cause more anxiety for their pooch. I'm sure someone on here can recommend a good one in your area.
  11. equerry, I hope that the comments on here don't chase you away. The mere fact that you've come on here and told everyone your story takes bravery and you obviously care about your pets to want to protect them and do the right thing. I'm sure in fact that there are a great many people (who won't come forward) and admit that they too have rehomed dogs or whatever, I know I have. When my husband was in the Navy we rehomed a GSD and after that 3 dogs when he took up a 'once in a lifetime job opportunity in Sydney...now he's no longer in the Navy nor in a job where he has to move to a major city and I've told him, never, ever are the dogs we have leaving us (except for when they move on to doggy heaven). Thankfully those days are behind us and each day we kiss and cuddle our furry kids and look upon them as our family. Sorry for stealing your thread, I just wanted you to know that I understand and can empathise.
  12. Oh my goodness! What a stunner! No wonder she's doing so well in the ring! Happy birthday! :D
  13. So sorry for your loss.
  14. Bugger making that for a dog! Sounds delicious!
  15. Not sure I follow, the OP is in the USA. I think they were just posting to show us the breed, not sure anyone at all was suggesting we need it here for huntiing. Oops. I didn't even notice their location. In that case, Sandgrubber, no we don't have this breed in Oz.
  16. We have padlocks on our gates. Can you not put padlocks on?
  17. Pretty cute. Have seen my friend's Great Danes do that. Very funny!
  18. I'm pretty sure they haven't been brought into Australia yet - but maybe someone on DOL knows otherwise. They're a pretty nice looking dog though. How much were they selling for in the paper?
  19. Sorry, I deleted my post because I was going to add more information and then got side tracked. Breeds that I would recommend for a 10 year old are breeds that she can handle, again, the Sheltie comes to mind purely from a temperament and size point of view, as well as a Beagle, lovely temperament (although can be stubborn and prone to wander, so maybe not the best choice for your property). Regarding other people's comment about snakes, etc, I'm not going to lecture you about that as I'm sure you know what to do to prevent that from occuring and also don't wish for that to happen again. If there was anything I've learnt (from our breeder) when I added another dog to our family was to match the temperament and excitement level so you don't end up with one dog being constantly harrassed, etc. Oops. Just re-read your post that you won't be looking at getting another dog until you move back to NZ - so ignore the comment about the snakes and property (not sure what type of property you will be living on). Considering you've had many breeds of dogs and have observed your daughter with them, perhaps look at it from that point of view, i.e. what you think she can handle?
  20. I think another problem with dumping dogs is that it is too easy to get one. For example: Joe Bloggs buys a puppy (and let's face it most puppies are adorable, but we know what hard work they are) and maybe gets through the hard part until it reaches the teenage phase where life really gets 'interesting'and dumps it becuase it is either barking like mad, being destructive or is no longer cute. Then Joe (who 'loves' dogs) wants another, so he either goes through the papers, or goes to the pound or t a pet shop...and the circle starts again.
  21. Sounds interesting. Can you give a few more details, i.e. what's involved?
  22. How terrible! Do you have any photos?
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