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Everything posted by poochmad

  1. poochmad


    Horus, just saw this. So sorry for your loss, Lucky sounded like a wonderful pooch. Thanks you people like you, dogs like him can enjoy a little bit of heaven before going to doggy heaven.
  2. So sorry to read of your loss and your recent hardships. Hugs to you and your family.
  3. I can't even read the article. These people deserve the same punishment they inflict on their poor animals.
  4. I think that the owners of the dogs and the guy who did the slaying should all be accountable. The owners for ordering and the slayer for, well, doing it. He should have reported it to the authorities rather than continuing with the killings. PSTD? Yes, I can believe that, but he should have said no; I mean it's not like they held a gun to his head to do the deed. :D
  5. So sorry for your loss. RIP Wallace.
  6. So sorry for your loss Pers. My condolences to you and your family.
  7. So sorry for your loss, especially losing Tobias only recently. Hugs to you and your family in this heartbreaking time. :love:
  8. Oh, Cockerlover, my deepest condolences. A beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl.
  9. A very difficult situation. I feel for the both of you, however, I can understand why you want to keep both dogs together. I can also empathise with your partner as it must be hard for him to end up with 'nothing' and most likely he would miss your male dog.
  10. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous photos. I'd love a Spinone, but hubby doesn't like large breeds...so will be one of the breeds on the wish list.
  11. What a horribe, horrible man (and cowardly) to have taken out his frustrations on a dog that trusted him. Here's hoping that poor Nikki did not suffer too much, unlike this monster when he spends his time in gaol.
  12. Love the picture of Mollie, she looks all 'tuckered' out.
  13. I think the dog should be put to sleep. Look at it's eyes and how can it possibly eat properly with a jaw like that? I think to keep it is extremely cruel. They should do the right thing and give the pup its wings.
  14. Simply gorgeous. Wasn't there a Newfie who had 22 pups recently?
  15. I don't understand how people can be so cruel. But there are idiots and there will always be iditos. I just hope that something happens to them so that they finally wake up to themselves.
  16. What a terrible and horrific thing to do to an animal. These people are sick *****.
  17. I love the photo. It is so sad that Tobias is not physically present, but he seemed such a lovely boy that I'm sure he will never be forgotten.
  18. How exciting! I like the Spinone, they seem like such a great breed. Can't wait to see more photos of him, as he is such a cutie!
  19. poochmad


    What a lovely tribute. She seemed so full of character and was so obviously loved. My condolences to you and your family at this sad time.
  20. poochmad


    So sorry for your loss Koemi, Bambi sounded like such a sweet girl and was obviously loved so very much.
  21. Oh Dogmad, so sorry for your and your Mum's loss. Pepper was so very lucky to have found a home with you. My condolences.
  22. Poor little Bruce, he had such a sweet face. So sorry for your and your family's loss.
  23. Deepest condolences at this terrible time. Hugs to you and your family.
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