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Everything posted by poochmad

  1. Ha! Well blow me down with a feather but my question disappeared, so too did the questions from other people regarding them needing rescue groups to foster dogs! Hmm...methinks that if perhaps if it wasn't posted here, it may not have been deleted?? Or am I being paranoid?
  2. Help! Just posted a question and accidentally did it twice - how do I delete or edit the post on FB? This is what I asked: PR, can you please explain why a foster requires a rescue group? Also, if I donated money to save this dog, where does the money go if the dog remains in the pound?. I'm sure it will be deleted, ignored, or they will give me their standard answer...
  3. It's freaking me out the number of continuous responses saying they have donated money. What I have noticed is that someone says they are wanting to foster the dog and they keep getting no response. Here, if that happened, the ball would roll super fast, which makes me think they want the dog to stay in need as much as possible. Ka-ching! On their 'about us' blurb, they talk about their role, in working with rescue groups to find homes, yet on the FB page, they talk about having a rescue group in the wings, but no name mentioned.
  4. Ooh...and dare I say it...is making 'us' money...
  5. Ta. The reason I was asking because it's confusing whether the dog is due to be PTS or whether it's in a holding cell waiting to be purchased. I was wondering if they (PR) were listing any dog on the website regardless of the dog's status. ETA: I note that on the urgent dog rescues on here, the same dog as listed on PR facebook page - number PC25 is also listed as on the PTS list...so I guess the dog is at risk. However, it still doesn't show on PR where the money goes - if money is given and the dog is not rescued, then where does it go? Shouldn't the money collected for that dog, go to that dog? Or, do they get around this issue by saying: they need a rescue (i.e. a kennel) to take the dog out of the pound?
  6. Just a question...if the dog is listed on the 'available' page on the pound website and is being offered for sale, does this mean it is off the 'PTS list'?
  7. What I don't understand is why people donate money to the organisation when the dog is still in the pound, often months on end? I would not give them money as there is no update on where the money goes. Here, money goes directly to the rescue group who has the dog. Or am I just reading too much into it and to everyone else it's as clear as mud?
  8. deleted. blonde moment. Oops. Didn't need to delete, but can't undo...Double :laugh:
  9. Well, according to them Spotty, funds are used for transport, desexing and kennelling. Pound Rounds all donations go towards tranportation to rescue groups, kennelling costs if required between being to the vets and transportaton. All funds are dispursed as needed to save the dogs and to rehome them. However we need homes for them to go to, so its important that you share the dogs pictures, to find them suitable homes. Thank you for your support.
  10. Well, there doesnt seem to be website. It's based purely on Facebook.
  11. I have. But, how do I do it so it doesn't show the side bits (i.e. my contacts)?
  12. Also note the costs change - the below is for the same dog. Pound Rounds: desexing and kenneling and transport would be $1,000 - any amount even close to that or part of it helps!! Pound Rounds: desexing and kenneling and transport would be $500 - any amount even close to that or part of it helps!!
  13. Whenever a question is asked, they say the same thing over and over... Foster caring requires a rescue group. We need a rescue for her to save her up there - we are taking that offer seriously however we don't have a rescue to support the foster situation - we need to keep trying xox
  14. PR rely purely on the goodness of people's hearts. I don't know how they sleep at night, especially with people advising they have donated money from their savings - you just know that these people need their money, rather than giving it away. They are very good at tugging at emotions. Quite clever really, if it wasn't so cruel; i.e. praying on people's kindess.
  15. People want the 'biggest dog' and others want the 'smallest dog'. I don't understand either of these wishes. Both are going to have severe medical problems and are going to cost the owner many $$$.
  16. Yeah, he does look sad and it's so nice that the community looks after him. The picture of the Navy SEAL dog lying under the coffin is so heartbreaking. Makes me wish I could go home and hug the pooches!
  17. An 80kg Rottie would be mastiffsive. I can't even imagine a Rottie of that size. Well, a well known guard dog training centre in Sydney which has Rottie's says, these dogs can easily weigh more than us humans., so this may be where the craze started?
  18. This is a really hard habit to break. We have an indoor washing line and our female used to pull the washing off and spread it all over the backyard. Luckily she didn't chew anything. We just ignored the behaviour and now she ignores the washing. Outside, the washing has always been put up high and the dogs have never paid any interest. I have heard of tying water balloons to the washing and doing it in a way to 'surprise' them when they grab the washing. As others have said, best way is to do what you can until they grow out of it.
  19. Pretty quick thinking on the vet's part - I wonder how many other vets would think of that?
  20. What a tragedy. The family must be devastated - it's a horrible lesson to learn. I guess no one expects that their furry member could harm their baby. Just terrible.
  21. Saw this online and had to share. A loyal dog whose owner died late last year has apparently been showing up for Mass every day for the last two months at the church where the funeral was held. Tommy, a 7-year-old German shepherd, used to accompany his owner, Maria Margherita Lochi, to services at Santa Maria Assunta church in San Donaci, Italy, according to the Daily Mail, and was allowed to sit at her feet. After Lochi died, the dog "joined mourners at her funeral service" according to locals and "followed after Maria's coffin" as it was carried into the church. Tommy, a stray who was adopted by Lochi, has been showing up "when the bell rings out to mark the beginning of services" ever since. "He's there every time I celebrate mass and is very well behaved," Father Donato Panna told the paper. "He doesn't make a sound." None of the other parishioners has complained, Panna said, and villagers give the dog food and water and allow him to sleep nearby. "I've not heard one bark from him in all the time he has been coming in," Panna added. "He waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out—I've just recently lost my own dog, so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out." Examples of this type of extreme canine loyalty are incredibly common. More details and photos here. Loyal Dog Continues to Attend Mass at Church Where Owner's Funeral Was Held
  22. Although I feel sorry for the poor pups being bred so large, I worry more about the types of people who want a dog of this size...
  23. When we were looking at adding to our family, the best advice I got from breeders was to get a dog of similar temperament. I learnt the hard way when I ignored that and ended up with a rescue, who was very cute, but very dominate and caused a lot of stress. Luckily it was a trial, so he went back and we ended up with another Field who is bossy, but lovely. ETA: Maggie is gorgeous. They are on my wish list. :)
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