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  1. It's the stupid government backlash. Not even the AVA supports BSL. Numerous vets, and animal welfare and industry based people all agree that BSL does not work. By the way. This particular case, if you read the documents, the dog was previously registered, but registration had lapsed. So like I said irresponsible - unregistered and at large
  2. While I think that the BSL laws are a load of bull crap, this owner showed they were irresponsible. The dog was entire and unregistered, not to mention at large. The sad thing about the situation is that the dog will suffer, while the twit of an owner won't. We need to punish the deed and most importantly the dickhead owners who create these bad raps for these high powered dogs. Owners should face much harsher penalties.
  3. I would restrict where you take your pup. NEVER walk it outside your backyard until 2 weeks post 2nd vacc. Parvo is spread via faeces, vomit etc and it IS parvo season (we are full up in our isolation ward now - usually because of idiots who have failed to vaccinate their pets ). It is vital that the pup is socialised, though in a controlled setting. Ie - puppy preschool etc. Common sense comes into play - ie - you can socialise your pup with a friends dog - provided it is fully vaccinated. Trust me - not worth the risk. Horrendous watching the poor things go through such a PREVENTABLE disease. We shouldn't even be seeing parvo as it is preventable - but sadly - I see it all too often
  4. Unfortunately these drugs are quite expensive. See if your vet knows of any generic tablets, or alternatives. It's hard, because not medicating is not an option.
  5. I would desex him around 5 months, before he starts to become sexually mature. Show the males in your house this link, maybe that will make them think about desexing www.borntodiepets.com
  6. Shihzoo that's great You need to have that trusting relationship, after all you're placing your pet in their hands, so it is vital that you are happy.
  7. Candice0 - oxygen bath? If it's what I think it is then I would say - "ahem Ripoff ahem". I tend to look for a vet that genuinely cares for the pet (you can often tell if they do). A vet that is honest, and reasonable. Cost is always a factor with many clients. I tend to see a good vet as being able to recognise who does and doesn't have money, and suggests treatments accordingly. IE -Saying to an old age pensioner - "your pet needs an ultrasound/MRI etc/chemo and it's gonna cost x amount.." In a perfect world - we could all afford to do everything, but we are not in a perfect world. I lose respect for a vet that does that, when it's blatant to see that the person can barely afford things for themselves. It's best if they give those options, but also the less than perfect options. Ie - chemo is costly, we can just give pain meds and keep the animal comfortable for a couple of months and then discuss euthanasia etc. Vets that come across as money, money, money, just give the profession a bad name. People will also then think of all vets as bad, when really there are some bloody good ones out there. The trick is finding them
  8. shmoo - are you a vet/ vet nurse/ vet tech? Otherwise you can't really make that call about the stitches. If they are infected, then antibiotics may be indicated. Once infection sets in - it's very important to stop it.
  9. I would consult your local vet. Research has shown the it is better to spey a bitch BEFORE their first season. Mammary cancers etc are greatly reduced. My girl was done at 5 months, she is fine. Plus you don't need to worry about the hassle of a season. Often people don't realise how much of a hassle it is. They end up booking their bitch in to be desexed while in season, or too soon after season. Or their dog has had a misalliance (accidental mating). Less hassle to do it early. Plus - a juvenile bitch spey is cheaper, and the animal is under GA for less time.
  10. How very sad - my thoughts are with Page's family. So very young, it's never fair when such a young one is taken. I'm sure she is in a better place, watching over her loved ones.
  11. For allergies you could try eukanuba fish and potato, or hills z/d - all good diets for allergies, and they are complete as well
  12. If it's a small hernia it is not as much of a problem. The concern with hernias is that sometimes intestine etc can go into the herniated area. If you are breeding from her, she needs the hernia fixed. Is she pure bred with papers? If she's not, then I would STONGLY suggest desexing her, and check out the link in my signature. Breeding should NOT be taken lightly
  13. It does vary greatly - which is frustrating sometimes. Esp when people are shopping around. That always concerns me, because the client is concentrating on the cheapest price, and NOT on the quality of care given. My point - I would rather know what the vet is like. How he/she is with my pet, years of experience etc. If they happen to be cheap, then that's a bonus. If they are expensive - as long as I believe my pet is getting quality care and I trust the vet, then I would pay it. Oh, and my clinic charges $40 for consults
  14. ;) can't believe some people. Have you called them to see if they took the dog to the vets, otherwise I'd be calling the RSPCA
  15. sorry to hear of those who have had bad experiences with vets. It's never an exact science. So many things factor into what makes a vet trusted by some. What may be seen as good service by some, may be seen as excessive by others. I very much believe in the basics being done (ie vacc, worm, flea treatment). However I can easily see how things can get out of hand for those who don't have a lot of money. Ie - elderly pensioners cannot always afford pre ga blood tests, fluids etc for an animals surgery. For me, a good vet is one who can see these restraints. Yes it's great to do everything by the book with fluids, bloods etc. However, money constraints will mean that corners may need to be cut. It is also more appreciated by the owner, if the vet understands these constraints and tries to work around them. When it becomes all about money, money, money, and pushing for more sales of products, that is where I'll lose interest.
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