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Everything posted by Bulldust

  1. Oh god im afraid this is what this little monster is turning out to be, Bull Terrier pups think theyre king d!ck anyway without being a single pup and thinking theyre human to boot i think better change her sweet name to something more appropriate
  2. Handraising Bull Terriers sadly is common, bitches want to kill pups, make no milk etc which is what happened in each of our cases. We are not blessed with a breed that it is the norm to give birth naturally, to bond to puppies and raise them with no hassles. Combine that with squashing them or standing on them and breaking bits.... groan Its just me and my OH who pick her up at this stage noone else has ever touched her yet Ive heard singleton pups of my breed are real little sh!ts, as shes proving to be. never in my litters have i had this problem. I dont just race in and sweep her into the air, she hears me coming as i call her while im walking over to her box, so shes up and looking at me. i pat her head and thats when the growling starts. Even when its food time and shes hungry she will still growl. I pick her up and shes growling the whole time im carrying her into the loungeroom to feed and play with her. She growls sometimes when shes sucking on the bottle! She growls when i burp her, and when i put her down and try to play with her! Then when i pick her up and put her back to bed shes growling nearly the whole way back! See what i mean?? Shes nuts
  3. There is no dam as i am raising her for someone else, she is now my puppy anyway. I remember with my last 2 litters (3yrs ago handraised also) that they would growl at each other (no fighting of course at this age) when they got older thered be little scraps though What would a mother dog teach her 3 1/2wk old puppy when it growls?? Would a dam punish this behaviour at this young age? She is not in any pain, its just become a bad habit or maybe shes just a really cranky pup! Ive never seen anything like this before! My flipping her on her back when she does it works for awhile, i keep her on her back til she stops moving and whining, then she is a sweetie for awhile, of course i just want to play with her and pick her up all the time! Shes started on foods today actually, ive been persisting with lapping but she keeps snorting it up her nose then she gives up! but she somehow manages to lap up a fresh wee though Rottgems what can i expect in the next few weeks?? Shes too little for me to be bringing in an adult bitch and way to breakable to bring in an older puppy as theyre terribly rough
  4. Hi, I have a prob with a puppy ive handraised from 1 day old Shes an only puppy, so i thought she will bond to me like crazy, but since about 2 1/2wks shes started growling when i pat her, even when im picking her up to give her a bottle! Now shes a week older and shes just going stupid! I cant pick her up, or pat her without her growling! Ive started flipping her onto her back when she does it and it settles her down cos shes hates it Is this an only puppy thing? Should i be worried? Is she going to be a nightmare when shes older?
  5. Does anyone know someone who makes those banners for websites? I have a DOL website just with my prefix but id love one of those custom banners that have moving bits or change words like "PREFIX" "KENNELS" "AUSTRALIA" i would pay to have one done please just not sure how i want it to look just yet Its been driving me mad i have this flash webby and a crappy banner
  6. Geez the last thing the dog world needs is Pointers getting a bad name because they are badly trained and start hanging off peoples arms I can think of better party tricks to train a dog to amuse my blockhead mates than a dog hanging off my arm "Gee that looks like great fun, can he hang off my arm next? please? it looks like so much fun!!" Watch out Indians if this boy gets a taste for towels he'll bite your head off Do everything else youve suggested youre interested in i reckon itd be a hell of alot more fun. Though your posts have amused me to no end, sh!t you are funny :cool: Otherwise please come back and tell us how your Pointer goes in his training, and if we dont hear from ya, its prob because he bit BOTH your arms off
  7. I would invest in one of those inside doggie-loo's and try train him onto that, if he's toilet trained inside on paper how will he learn to hang on until you take him 3 stories down to some grass?? i dont think it would be very pleasant having an adult doing his buisness in the laundry every day or having to run him downstairs every few hours 24/7 These indoor doggie toilets are about $300, i think one would be a good idea though ive never had one maybe someone on here has. He is absolutely adorable by the way!!
  8. Just wormed my 2wk old puppies today for the first time, and one girl vomited a big amount of rotten spew/milk/wormer a couple hours after her worming (i use Drontal Puppy allwormer, she had 1ml ) is this normal for a puppy to do this and do i need to give her another dose tomorrow now??
  9. I used to feed all my dogs a big mixture every day, in each bowl there would be : dry food, beef mince, chicken mince/carcass, cooked doggie stew and a Supercoat biscuit !! After getting waaay sick of how much i was giving them to keep them in good nick (and of course they started getting fussy and leave the dry or the beef etc) i went on the hunt and came home with Eagle Pack Holistic dry food And thats all they get now with a chicken carcass every now and then. And YES the first few days (or week) they wouldnt eat it all, so id sit with them and anyone that had any left overs after 20mins i would take their bowls away til next feed. I didnt give in (as hard as it is to resist those beautiful eyes) and now i have a whole kennel of dogs who wolf down their meal happy as Larry, they look fantastic and im not giving them about 2kg of food a day!! Dont give in, choose a GOOD brand of complete dry food, give her a bone every now and then, take her food away if its not eaten within 15-20mins and dont feed her again until her next meal time (whether it be the next day or whatever) and she should learn to eat eventually and you dont have to worry about a fussy eater anymore! Dogs are smart and they sooo have (most) of us figured out! She has you wrapped around her little toe at the moment ;)
  10. My puppy is just 5mths old, a male Bull Terrier who weve had for only about a month. When we first brought him home he was fine, and for the first couple of weeks. Now last fortnight or so he seems to be in that first Fear Stage is this normal at this age? He is being totally wimpy just with things like picking up the hose to fill his water, or picking up his bowl, or my 4yr old boy driving a toy truck past him he runs into his kennel If you could please point me in the direction of any info to understand this and build his confidence up again that would be fanstastic. .
  11. Hello all I have only had 2 litters thus far with a 3rd coming soon. I started a post regarding puppy formulas which was extremely helpful now i would like to hear your views on this subject **At what age do you start your new litter on solid food? **And WHAT foods do you start them on? My first litter i raised my poor babies on DiVetelac (bad BAD me) and the poor things dove into the first meal of Farex Rice cereal i made for them as they were starving My second litter were raised on Wombaroo and turned their noses up at Farex, i persisted for a couple of days with no luck so decided to try them on minced beef (our own steer we had killed and YES we froze the mince first) mixed with a bit of Wombaroo and they nearly bit my fingers off for the meat Both litters did fine with their first foods but im thinking with this new litter maybe i should try starting them on soaked puppy kibble? We had been feeding our dogs all on Hills Science Diet but recently changed to Eagle Pack and ive heard great things on Royal Canine also, so i am thinking ill start them on either Eagle Pack or RC I am totally against canned food unless i have a constipated puppy a bit of canned seems to empty them out lol Any help would be very appreciated!
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