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Everything posted by Bulldust

  1. I wish designer crossbreeders would just get it through their thick heads, if no-one bred purebreds, then there would be nothing to cross breed with.. why do they take 2 breeds who have been bred (sometimes) for hundreds of years and think its then ok to undo all that by x breeding
  2. Mmmmm ive been thinking of adding a second Maremma to the family soon
  3. Who knows where theyve come from though, i think dog dealings are quite different in some countries maybe ask them to call you
  4. :D Seriously?!! I think my dogs would get it in eventually if let to their own devices, but i reckon by the time that happens they would be so exhausted with failed tries itd nearly be a waste of time Im really glad i started this thread because i didnt know that red meat & aloe were dog viagra! Yes we rarely get a tie ;) my current boy who only had his second ever mating this morning cant even get his knot out my back is killing me How are Bulldogs at mating themselves? Wish all studs were like your young fella!! I mated an older dog once who'd never had a mating ever before, i even had to lift him onto the bitch's back for him to get anything going :D :D Methinks you like AI's Angelsun
  5. I am pretty sure vets have resident animals so there is a ready supply of blood in case of a patient coming in who needs a transfusion/operations gone wrong etc etc. (well thats why my vet has them) The cats at my vet and one dog lives 100% at the vets, the rest of the zoo are the vets and workers animals they bring in to work every day. But i wish they wouldnt keep them in reception thats all! I dont mind the old Siamese or the ancient dog who wont let anyone under 'her' chair, but the rest
  6. Abbey Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel X2 Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Bailey Becky Bella x2 Bit Blossom Bonny x 2 (Bonnie) Brandy Bree Bridie Buffy Cally Cassie Cedar Chelsea Chloe x 2 Charlotte Cinta CJ Claire Claudia Clover Cleoparta Coco x2 Daisy Dallas Delilah Delta Dexta Dinky Durham Dyzney Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie Emily Emma Erin Evie Fanta Finta Gemma Glitter Grace Griffin Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 4 Honey Honour Imogen - Imy Jay Jay Jenna Jessie Jezebel Jodie Kara Karma Karmen Katie Katy Kayla Kenzie Kiesha Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey Layla Lea (lele) Lily Lobo Logan Lottie Lucy x3 Mable Maddison Maggie Mallee Marie Claudette Marlo Meg Merrique Mia Millie x2 Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Mischka Molly x2 Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Pearl Peggie Pebbles Pip Polly Popcorn Porridge Quince Reba Rebel Reno Rogue Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby x3 Sabrina Sadie Sally Sascha x 2 Satu Shae Shandy Sharnie Sheba Shine Sinta Skye Snow Sophie x2 Springy Spook Stella x2 Stimpy Storm Sue Sybill Tara Tayla Teegan Tess Tessa Texas Tia Tilly x3 Tinny (tin tin) Tori Tully Vada Voodoo Winter Wilhelmina Xanthe Zillah Ziva Zoe x 3
  7. Armand Balou Bandit Bardigrub Baxter Benny Billy Brock Brockie Brody Bud Bundy Caramel Charlie x 2 Chip Coco Cooper Cowan x 2 Cuba Danny Darcy Dash Dean Diesel Digger Dumas Dylan FlashBazil Frank Gandor Greedy Harrison Hudson Ivan Jack Judd Juggie Kasper Kaos Kiba Kisho Kyzer Lestat Lukas MacKenzie Max Maxie Merry Milosh Minook Mistral Nammu Nigel Nova Nudge Onslow Oz Payton Piikki Raffy Randy Reeve Riku Rover Rupert Rusty Scout Shadow Sterling Storm Tazz Tey Dog Tirra Tusca Tye Ulf Walker Watson Willy Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  8. That is an awesome success rate Angelsun I know breeders who only AI because of how quick it is, and i know breeders who never AI unless theres no other way. I also know of breeders who wont mate unless the bitch is in a mating frame. SBT123 im amazed the dogs wouldnt mate more often when running together, do they try all day to mate or do they tie once and leave it til next day? Mine would try most of the day, only stopping to catch their breath I have a boy who once he's finished his tie and hes had a break for a minute hes trying to get straight back into it Steve is this just Maremma's you've seen hundreds of matings of or other breeds too?
  9. to the world little babies!!! Congrats SP and Ziva!!
  10. I guess it depends on the breed you have too? Yes thats why we never run ours together for matings, we've had a bitch act totally fine, stand for the dog, but once he'd hit the 'jackpot' she spun around and nearly ripped his face off. (and she was ready to mate) Mine can tend to be a bit clueless when it comes to mating! One even preferring the wrong end Me too. I introduce them with the bitch on lead and then let them off , stand in the yard for a few minutes and make sure she won't take his head off. Then watch them from the back door or the window. When the dog and bitch are both in my house, I let the out together each day, watch for a couple of minutes and just let them run together. If the bitch isn't ready she'll tell him and I'll seperate them again until the next day. Once they have a mating I let them run together for the duration of the season. By the time the bitch goes off, the stud dog has worked hard and is not interested in harrassing them. I've not had a bitch squeal or protest, if they are allowed to run together and do it on their own. It's a mating, it's supposed to be natural How many matings would they do through out the day when the bitches are ready? Rysup- yes exactly here too!!! Its the head end or the ribs or a back leg, never the back end!!!
  11. Just interested in hearing how others prefer to mate their dogs. Do you mate them natural or prefer to AI? Do you let the dogs run together for matings, do you hold the bitch and assist the dog or do you use a mate frame? I prefer to do natural matings, and i hold the bitch and we assist the dog if need be.
  12. Its a young one, mother killed by car, theyve been raising it. Its not stressed at all whatsoever, its a right little shit who wants to have a box with anyone!
  13. I think my vet tops the lot They currently have 2 cats, at least 7 dogs (a very spoilt and slightly aggressive young Pug, a Bull Terrier x, whippets, swf's and working dogs) and a kangaroo in reception. Occasionally there will be a lamb too. None of this is any drama if you're just staying on one side of the reception desk. But when you're there to have an animal looked at, you have to enter into the 'other side' They used to have a MASSIVE cat called Noddy, who was brain damaged because his mum had gotten a virus when she was pregnant, and only Noddy survived. This cat was the tallest cat ive ever seen, he had a bad head shake (hence his name) and he would jump up and use the claws without realising he was latching on too hard. The more you pushed him away the more he grabbed hold. He would also sit on the reception desk and had been known to spray a customer in the face on occasion. I moved away for a couple of years and was glad when i came back he had passed on by then. Ive had to battle the stinking Pug twice during bitches csections, while rubbing pups she'll be hanging off your shoes and when trying to put pups on mum she'll be trying to get at the pups. Last csection i had to throw her out of the room as well as the joey as they just wouldnt p!ss off Cats spray any where they want... thats just our quirky country vet for you though
  14. OMG What a bloody KNOW IT ALL!!!! I would have been ROFL if a vet said something like this to me from a photo :D I nearly have to add new stuff to my puppy information folder with every litter, as some pet owners vet or puppy preschool instructor has said this or that and got them worried...
  15. You go girl!!!! Hand up to ants here. Ive been terrified of them forever. I can handle tiger snakes slithering out from between cows legs when im milking them... i go into 'cow protection mode' as the poor ladies cant do anything or go anywhere when theyre in the dairy, but ants!
  16. I am certain, if there was a problem with this persons pup that they would make time to email the breeder then... I used to chase pup buyers especially from my first 2 litters as i was so excited. Some were happy to keep in regular contact, others i got the feeling werent so happy after awhile. Ive slowly over the last almost 3yrs weaned myself off doing this, i make contact usually the next day the pup goes to see how the first night went, and ive let the buyers know the whole time before and when and after they get the pup i am here for any reason big or small should they need advice. Took me a few years to stop myself panicking when i didnt hear from every owner every month but its just not worth the risk of making them shitty. If i havent heard from anyone for a few months i will email them though just to see if all is well. The dogs birthday or Christmas is a good time to do it as its not so obvious
  17. Oooh I've actually done that. How many cows have ya got? And what breed? Are you interested in a hypoallergenc cow? I"m very versatile. 300 ;) Stud Holstein. And nup, i dont think ive met anyone allergic to a cow so your money making scams are not wanted here...
  18. You are welcome to come help me milk some cows if you are so bored poodlefan
  19. Hi guys, the pup is nearly 8mths old and hes been out of sorts since he was desexed, he'd had a chew on a squid jig a couple months before and after that op he was not himself for nearly a week but came good, the behaviour he's displaying can be a fatal problem in the breed, but he was 100% before his operation and hes not too bad atm so we are needing to fix it now, before it becomes ingrained in his silly little brain. Thus needing a very good behaviourist not an average one. Thanks luckypup and Tassie any help is appreciated
  20. Hi, as the title suggests i am looking for recommendations for behaviourists in Tassie, as i dont want my pup person to go to one who might do more damage than good. Thank you guys
  21. I think it depends on the particular breed whether a dog is 'barking its head off' to protect itself, or doing so to protect us, our Maremma barks her head off at people and she is not protecting herself but 'her' property, and will only stop if i tell her too. She is used to the regulars who come past daily except for this one old guy who every time will yell at her to shut up she doesnt bite but she gets mad and will move about a centimetre from his butt and bark more The only thing a person can do to make her run for the hills is to produce a rifle, she knows what theyre all about Great thread Midol, sorry i didnt have anything informative for you
  22. Ditch the rawhide- nasty dangerous stuff it is, give him chew toys or big beef bones he can only chew, and not consume wholly, i think the poo issue will right itself then
  23. We had this happen in our first litter, and once he came back to life we took him to the vets and the pup was extremely dehydrated. He is over 2 now and hes fine
  24. Hi I know this was ages ago i just thought id update that as soon as this girl was fully vacc we made sure she had as much interaction with our other dogs as possible including the older ones who would tell her off if she got too carried away, and now she is the second most placid Bully we have here, shes an absolute sweetheart, very cuddly and does no wrong... a miracle i know :rolleyes: But she is very indifferent to other dogs so she definately thinks she is still human :D
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