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Everything posted by Bulldust

  1. I have a jar of Ilium Dermapred which i got from the vets, its a thick green ointment that has cod liver oil in it, its magic stuff for healing wounds and fungal things, i even use it on myself when my fingers get a bit cracked it heals them up very fast.
  2. It sounds like it is the season of advanced puppies... ours have been right up on their feet and walking around since they were about 9 days old, and i mean right up cruising like they were weeks older. Already climbing out of the box as well ;) they are 17 days old today, and these pics i took when they turned 2wks And my favourite girl First litter ive had who 'demanded' the heat lamp be turned off at 2wks of age too, they are inside in a cool room, we have airconditioning, and they would not settle unless the lamp was off no matter how high i hung it. Theyre going to be real little buggers in another couple of weeks i reckon ;)
  3. Ive done the same thing with a greyhound x (pigging dog) and a working dog, both times they were oh so happy to jump in the car lol
  4. Thanks Staff n Toller! Thats what the vet and i think it was. Can even happen in humans when drinking or eating something very cold. Busterlove id say thats what your boy did too, very scary isnt it!!!
  5. Yes but you dont just flop down and feebly flail around when you choke either do you not unless you've been choking for quite awhile and are losing consciousness from lack of oxygen, takes more than about 2 seconds...
  6. My vet seems to think it was probably the temperature of the chicken, because it was so cold and went straight down she thinks it was probably shock. Anyway hope it never happens again!
  7. Thats a bit of a relief, i didnt realise something like that could knock them over so quick, i thought theyd be coughing or jumping around if the food is stuck for a few seconds at least, this one just flopped over, gentle paddling with the feet no desperate struggling or anything. Sounds like it was this though because she was definitely still all there when this was happening. Dogmad it was a thigh not a neck, i like to feed thighs because it has bone and lots of flesh, this is the first problem we've had with thigh's. Perhaps we better go back to chicken frames
  8. The vet receptionists/nurses at my vet are worth their weight in gold. Recently one older lady receptionist/nurse had her cheek slashed when a lady slashed her with her nails because she was adamant the resident vet cat was hers she had lost a year before (and its not hes been there forever) I asked her how she was the other day and she just said "Its part of the job" amazing lady
  9. I was just out feeding all the dogs. I handed one girl a small chicken thigh and another dog came up as she took it from my hand so she swallowed it whole. A couple of seconds later she flopped on the ground on her side gently 'swimming' with her legs but still looking 'there' in her eyes, i yanked her mouth open to see if maybe she was choking and she sat up and then stood up and was completely normal. The chicken i gave her was straight from the fridge so its really cold, i can only think it must have been swallowing freezing cold chicken whole? She is health tested and is a healthy girl. Ideas?
  10. MonElite i hope you dont mind, just to reassure everyone MonElite's tally is 10 big babies... will leave her to come and give the details
  11. 6 girls 2 boys here born a couple hours ago
  12. ;) that should have been pts a long time ago
  13. ;) nothing constructive to add, except Wing Wong? If my ex step-dad got a call from an Asian/Chinese etc person, he'd say 'Sorry mate, i think you Wing the Wong number' got the giggles now
  14. Omg look at all those babies just gorgeous! Blakbelgian your girl is stunning My girl had 7 puppies 16mths ago, and she was not nearly this big. They are either really big puppies or we are expecting at least 9 ;) I think i may take her in for a csection tomorrow if nothing happens tonight, she has lost weight and cant keep anything down today, vomiting thick froth alot today too shes just too full
  15. Any day now for my little girl... not doing so great the last couple days shes got so many in there
  16. We had this happen with our first litter, we werrent told how warm to keep the puppies so we basically cooked them, one went very stiff and started frothing, he was dehydrated and once the vet had hydrated him he was fine, and is a very healthy boy now almost 5yrs old
  17. Is the puppy they want a laid back baby? Compared to the others? I would go and visit their home and go from there
  18. Hi Cometbreeze Looks like she has had a temperature drop. Regarding the discharge, i have never had a bitch have green discharge...ive had a bitch have a puppy which its placenta & amniotic fluid was green but never green discharge before the puppies are coming out. If it were me id go to the vets for a check up... lets see if there is any breeders more experienced who can set you straight with this...good luck
  19. Dog help us if they go any further than half siblings... next we'll only be allowed to outcross with every mating ;)
  20. My concern is that around 2 years ago I had a meeting with someone who has a fair bit of clout and is very much credible that there was a plan underway for close breeding to be outlawed and made a crimminal offence under POCTA.There is a review of POCTA in May next year in NSW. Id say the chances of that happening now has definitely risen. Wont matter though its just another law and hardly any of us do it anyway. ;)
  21. I am really getting sick of the crap we are getting put through by the canine governing bodies. I have a half brother/sister mating planned in a couple of years and will not be happy if i wont be able to do this. I can just imagine what we'd have to do to get 'pre approval' no doubt it would be near impossible...
  22. So half siblings (ie same father) would be ok?
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