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hi everyone electras mummy is back!!! i havent been online for a while, but ive been learning lots and lots about my baby girl who doesnt look like a baby no more! she has grown so much i just hope she stops... she is now 6 months old and i wanted to know when will she get her period? how will i know she will have her period? what things do i have to change around about the house? how long do doggy periods last? are they messy? is there such a thing as doggy libra's?..hehe!! do i have to change her food in any way?..oh speaking of food..she no longer wants to eat her own doggy food..she wants our food...shes become a WOG DOG eating all our garlic & herbs!!!!! here are 2 pics i took yesterday....shes the biggest bed hog too!!!
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! dogs are feral..haha u make it sound so funny miranda...but its still offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
they like the taste of dirt? eeewwwwwwwwwww................... i hope its not going to damage her teeth or gums either... i will mention it to the vet next time thanks xoxo
for pups to chew and eat dirt and gravel? electra seems to loooove it..and she even brings it inside to save for later!!!! haha its cute tho but im not sure this is normal behaviour ... or that it is actually good for her?
hi guys, we just got back from puppy school..and what a fantastic time electra had....even we had a good time with all the other pups. all we took was electras little house with her blankie so that she could feel comfy in it afterwards and we had her harness on and lead..she hates the lead!! now the trainer didnt use any kind of food reward, which i think is fantastic, his dog was such a good dog, the training techniques he used were absolutely excellent, by the end of the one hour session he had 3 dogs sitting!! thats what we learnt today, we learnt to teach our doggies, who is boss, and how to tell them who is boss, and also how to sit..electra sat for 2 minutes straight...yipeeee!!!! any dog and any breed at any age is trainable, so not matter what, your dog CAN be trained...his dog was a kelpie i think , he got it from a friend of a friend who was going to throw it away, as he had bitten its owner and was just chaos, if u seen the dog now 1 year later, omg he was a gem..he loves kids he loved everyone, and he was such a well trained dog...so next time if someone tells u that u cant train a beagle or a pug or whatever...they lie...they have no clue..this guy was fantastic. im not sure if im allowed to post his details on here, please message me if anyone wants details, i think he is in ferntree gully victoria... i had the best time..weather permitting, next week we will learn how to tell the doggies NO! xoxo
electra is now 4 months old she is an april fool baby..hehe we are going to stud park vet school this saturday good idea, i will take her favorite of all time toy..her soccer ball!! i use the kibble as treats, as her teeth are still not sharp enough to bite thru many things, she is just starting to hurt our skin, thats one question that i want to ask..how do we get her to stop nipping!! thanks guys...will up date u on monday on how we went
hi everyone, this coming saturday, we are taking our pup ELECTRA to puppy school. i just wanted to know what do i need to take with me? do i need to know anything b4 i go? i hope she behaves....but more importantly i hope she listens!! i cant wait hehe xoxo
hi cleo, i cant remember his name, i have his card at home tho he was so nice
electrawoman...hehe thats funni...is that your name? or is it ur pets? i love that name ... i always said which ever comes first the dog or the baby will be named that..so the doggy got it..hehehe shoemonster... we own a little indian ringneck parrot which we take to an avian vet down past mount waverley at the end of huntingale road i think its highbury road u just turn left and its right there.. because it was a bit far for us to take our doggy there too, we were told that the stud park vet hospital is really really good, so we gave that a go and the vet there was fantastic, a nice man!! so i think thats where we will be going now stud park vet in rowville, not too far from us and that bumper to bumper traffic moves!! with regards to nekhbets reply, i only buy her premium meat, the kind that we eat ourselves. i wouldnt want to eat any other meat myself so my doggy gets the best too, well she is part of the family, she is our little baby! well for now, til we have babies of our own..hehe .. she loooooves rice and mince, its like chow mein without all the spices..hehe and its raw...thats so funni. electra has learnt where to pee now, so all you guys were right..patience, something i dont have much of (im a taurus), but thanks to my beautiful hubbie (hes a pisces) he has plenty of it and helps me to cope too with things. we also bought electra a new little hut thing, a soft little house she can stay in while we are at work which is only 3 days a week, i am home the other 2 and she comes with me wherever i go... thought u guys might want to know..thanks for listening and giving me pointers...
hi everyone, just saying hi and letting you all know how electra is going. she is such a playful little character. she loooooooooooooves to snuggle and snooze with us, oh and she loooooooooves to chew on absolutely everything she can get her mouth around! we took her to the vet last night for her second vaccination she was such a good girl...she has been a very good girl actually...hangs onto her piddle/poo so that when she can go outside she will do it...she does have the odd accident but she knows that she has done a bad thing coz she looks at you with her head down and those cute puppy dog eyes...hehe...how can u punish that! we are going to puppy school in 2 weeks at our vet...cant wait!! he said i should also feed her 80% of kibble for another 2 or so months... one thing that i did ask the vet was about the cooked/raw meat thing he said that raw meat tends to carry salmonela/bacteria more than cooked meat..so its better to cook the meat and feed it rather than giving raw meat.... any feedback?
hehahahahahah ive just filled a treat ball with kibble and she is trying just soooooo hard to find out the way to get them out of there....poor thing...thats teasing...hahaha its so funni watching her tho...i feel sorry for her hahaha but it will keep her guessing for hours i guess so i can get some work done around the house and on my ebay store...haha thanks for letting me know about thaat one!
thanks sparky i will give that a go i will mix some kibble some in the rice and veggies ... then another day i will do a test with some mince... what other sort of red meat do u suggest i get .. coz sometimes mince is full of fat and nothing else....im happy to buy the good premium mince for her..im not fussed about cost , as our puppy is just as important as our own selves.
ok i have just tried the rice and veggies...she doesnt want to eat it all she wants is kibbble and meat.... what were they feeding her the poor thing! how do i get her to eat the rice and veggies without killing her of starvation?
we cant instal a doggy door just yet, we will be soon we have an empty swimming pool at the moment, no gate around it and no gate to prevent her from running onto the road...we are hoping and praying that the rain & dampness will stop so our landscapers can work!! i hope to do something real soon tho coz i would love my pup to be free to roam around the yard and explore, it will keep her more entertained than sitting in the laundry all day while we are at work!