Just after some advice about a dog who chews his front legs. This is a behaviour he has developed when bored and become a habit. He chews the coat off his front legs in little patches. Vets have not been much help. He runs with other dogs so can't leave him food toys as they could fight over it. Have tried new toys, he gets a new toy each week. Also tried spraying a variety of things on his legs like; apple cider vinegar, bitter apple spray, a spray designed to keep dogs from weeing on plants, tea tree oil i think that is all. He seems worse when we put these on as he becomes fascinated with liking it off. I'm wondering if anyone has any other suggestions. We have also tried wrapping his legs and then he goes stupid and won't walk and just limps around and then chews them off anyway. My only other idea is a bucket, but was hoping someone may have a more brilliant idea.