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Everything posted by bertie

  1. What a lovely way to keep them around :D
  2. Private practice wouldn't get to have as much buying power for bulk stuff. And generally wouldn't have the same amount of backup in an underbidding war, I imagine.
  3. Stan - meet Dizzy. Nothing is left out here. Ever. Little $h!t can even open cupboards... Stan & Dizzy But seriously, your cat is broken!! Raw pumpkin???? :laugh:
  4. It's the way the breed is the focus of the story. Read the story again & replace the word 'bullmastiff' with 'black youth'. See how far you think the story would get then in today's society. It's obvious bias designed to make people fearful, instead of informed. Poor kid. Poor dog. Heaps smarter to explain why people like DesertDobes & Trinabean put their dogs away when kids are visiting & why more people should do it.
  5. He is gorgeous though. Hope his new person shows up soon.
  6. This. Was wondering how to word it :laugh: My response (& I assume Maeby's) here is a clarification to Kirislin's pondering on whether her calling him a 'dirty old f***ker had more to it than the horrible incident in which her little dog was killed. I myself can barely get a sentence out in real life without swearing. So calling someone that doesn't mean you have a history with them in my own white trash/rednecky circles. And her FB looks like many other teenagers that I know. (And don't despise).
  7. :laugh: But helping procrastinators like me, so thanks!
  8. I *think* if you press edit on that first post, you can edit content & heading.
  9. This. Was wondering how to word it :laugh:
  10. No, not leave him inside, just access to a room inside, like a laundry where you could remove stuff you didn't want chewed. So he can choose to be inside or outside. So let's say your laundry could be locked off from the rest of the house, then have a dog door leading out of the laundry, so he can go inside to his cave,away from scary stuff, if he's feeling stressed. Radio may help him to feel calm & mask outside noises that are worrying him.
  11. Can he have access to a room of the house when you are out? Like a kitchen or laundry that can be locked off from the rest of the house? And try leaving a radio on for him?
  12. And that's why I feel guilty about Pacers, I wish I could've helped properly & now it's gone.
  13. Great link thanks Aphra.I think organisations that give practical help to at risk families are vastly underrated.
  14. I don't think anyone here is saying that there's not f*ckwits who do terrible thing in the world, Aussie. Just that there are people in terrible circumstances who do deserve compassion instead of derision. And that there are far worse fates than the pound.
  15. This, plus everything Mel said. I'm happy for all of you that have never had unexpected & devastating life-changing events. But that's just not everyone's luck.
  16. By 'in care', did you mean 'foster failure'? :laugh: She looks sweet.
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