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Everything posted by MyGoldie

  1. Hi all TangerineDream, I made a short tunnel from some popup garden bins from Bunnings (abou
  2. Hi Rom I've used the same technique for my BC. I would use it when we were just standing in class whilst the instructor was talking. I would drop treats from standing position between his front feet, reinforcing that him lying there was what was required, rather than fidgeting around. The "randomness" of the treat dropping kept his focus. I found that when I kept bending down to give him his treat for holding a down, he would break from the position. I now have an extremely reliable down, so reliable that when he's holding a sit he goes into a down trying to win a treat! I'm back to rewarding a sit and reducing the rewards with the down...........just to let him know that sits win treats too, when that is what is being asked.
  3. One thing that my instructor has recently put into our classes is a "new trick" each week. We don't tend to spend a lot of time on it, but she will show us the initial behaviour which is what we have a go at during class, then we are shown with one of her dogs how we would shape and progress to get to the end result. It's then up to us to work on it at our own pace at home, if we want. For example last week we went through getting our dogs to push a basketball with its nose. Other things on our upcoming programme include "spin", "wave", "crawl". These "tricks" are a great diversion from the "obedience" work adding a lot of fun and often hilarity to the class. It's always great to be able to show off to friends and family!!
  4. .......and what about the "west coast"......... Would be great if she could fly home via Perth!
  5. I can relate to this, my Goldie managed to puncture someone's soccer ball .......... ;) Thankfully it wasn't their shiny new one, but an old one. They ended up giving it to us as it was no longer useful to them...... we slunk away very sheepish!! :rolleyes:
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