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    Flyball, Jack russell dogs and movies/dvds and all the other normal stuff..
  1. Congrats on your title! its all so exciting! That evil ;) clover dog was the first at our club to get a title, she beat my little one to her FM by a few points *evil evil big red dog*
  2. Hehehe - the fat jack russell was some what skinny until yesterday and today - they broke into the plastic container with clips on it (they chewed the clips off) and ripped the lid of the food. Who said jack russells arent smart???!!!!! Today they demolished 1/2 a bag of supercoat lite while no one was looking (it was in the shed) and this isnt a small bag of supercoat. Carrots for the fat dog! The little man did help demolish some of this food, so at present i have 1 and 1/2 fat dogs. Soon to be 2 skinny dogs. (either that or a nice furry hat)
  3. Hmmmm..... You all keep seeming to missing the point that tinny is MY dog 3 Jack russells just aint enough... I need a border collie too - after all you do have 2 of them rhi... you need to share them round *grins* having 2 good border collies is just greedy - I'll swap a fat jack russell for a border collie I think thats a fair trade..
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