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Everything posted by mackindy

  1. Be careful with viatmin A inclusive substances. It is highly (liver) toxic in excessive doses. I've added flax seed oil to my regular fish oil supplementation and it worked a treat. Zinc is good for skin too.
  2. Doggy daycare? You poor thing. Mine are inside all day when we are out but have babygated everywhere so they only have access to tiled areas where they can't cause any damage - they adjusted well to this new routine and we feel a lot safer for them when we are out!
  3. Great idea with removing him from the situation with the visitors. He doesn't need the mixed messages! (Some people will never get it!!)
  4. Ok.......... So i go up to a stranger to introduce myself and say hello as i am new to the area........get squirted with vinegar for my trouble...... i know how i'd like to respond !!!!!!!! Just my opinion !!!!!! (go with what feels right - instructors aren't always the be all and end all!) Good Luck
  5. Hiya I have two boxers and have used the dog listener method of Jan Fennell on both of mine. Don't let anyone tell you that boxers don't listen or can't be trained - in fact i have seen them used as guide dogs in the US. You need to assert yourself as the alpha member of your pack -once you do this you will see a completely different dog. I can't recommend the dog listener book highly enough - the methods really worked on my two. Borrow the book from the library if you have to - you've got nothing to lose and a more settled, happier dog to gain!! Good luck with the hyper jumping (i had one of those too!!). Yelling "no" at my boy only increased his bad behaviour too - dogs don't speak in human language! The book taught me better ways to deal with the problems - and not a smack or yell to be heard.
  6. Don't let her eat horse poo. A friends dog got tetanus from eating horse poo. Apparently tetanus passes through the horses stomach without affecting the horse but is still present in the poo.
  7. There will be only ten or so attending Melbourne. 60 registrations for Brisbane???????? Is it just a lecture then and not the course from her website??
  8. My 7 year old boxer boy had his implant a month ago. I have asked the vet to find out how we know it is effective (blood test or semen) as my girl is 10 months and hasn't come in yet. Will be back to the vet tomorrow (boy has corneal ulcer ) so will let you know the outcome. I swear his testes have shrunk already - but still fully palpable as "normal" on examination. Sorry no nads photos Tamela ETA - he has "chilled" out a bit too - was quite a dominant dog. Still peppy but doesn't try to stand over other dogs as much. Also vet did warn about putting on weight/flabbiness with the testosterone blockage (no results on that yet).
  9. Yes Melbourne is confirmed - YAY i am going !!! It will be on November 6 & 7 (Melbourne Cup ) Not being advertised - Jane Anderson from Bluegrace Portugese Waterdogs has organised it. I came across the site whilst looking for BARF diet info (luckily). There are two places left apparently as Jan like to keep her classes small. Info at www.bluegrace.com Cheers Tamela
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