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  1. Koolie 2017 Results: Parvo 1:80 Distemper 1:20
  2. Koolie 2015 Results Parvo 1:80 Distemper 1:80
  3. Hi All My old peke girl had an injection of Buprenorphine about 1.30am this morning as she was experiencing some discomfort in her abdomen (she had been intermittently panting and pacing during the afternoon and evening and had also gone off her food but was still drinking). I should also mention she was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia about three weeks ago and has been taking Imuran and Prednisolone since (red blood cells and platelets were checked last night and all good). She has been very sedate today...hasn't had anything to eat or drink. I took her to the vet earlier this afternoon, and they agreed that it was likely an adverse reaction to the Buprenorphine and hopefully by the time 24 hours has passed since the injection she will be back to normal...otherwise she will need to be admitted at the after hours vet and placed on a drip. Wondering if anyone else's dogs have experienced a reaction to this drug?
  4. Great news that the ointment is working! Sun baking!!! Lucky girl!!! That's unheard of here in Hobart at the moment lol
  5. Good news...no cancer present in the ultrasound :-) So diagnosis is early stages of kidney disease which I can live with...I have 17 yo and 20 yo cats that have been diagnosed with kidney disease too...both a few years ago and they are both going really well...changes to their diet and the addition of a few herbal tonics have seen their results either stabilise or improve. Koolie is the first dog I've had with KD though...so am madly researching diet/supplements/herbal remedies etc. Thanks to everyone who has replied and wished him well ????
  6. Unfortunately it seems that early stages of kidney disease is the diagnosis for my boy...but kidney cancer also needs to be ruled out tomorrow when an ultrasound is performed to look at the structure of the kidneys. Not sure about what has caused the suddenness of the drinking...still a few things to work out :-( Hope all is going well with your girl Mrs Rusty Bucket :-)
  7. Yes, treatment stopped last night...will be contacting the vet tomorrow morning. Just seems very coincidental the timing. Prior blood work and urine testing has all been normal (I get these done annually but last testing was back in Oct so I guess something may have changed since then). Thanks for your reply :-)
  8. I started treatment for a hot spot on my dog using Ilium Neocort on Friday (4 x a day) and late yesterday noticed him drinking and urinating more than normal... I can't find anything about potential side effects online, so was wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar? I know that hydro cortisone is one of the active ingredients, which if taken orally, excessive drinking and urination is quite common...can the same be expected for topical treatment absorbed through the skin???
  9. All the packaging/information/customs forms etc. are included in the kit as to how to send back. Australia Post is fine to use. I got my results within a week of the lab receiving the completed kit. The test itself is very easy...they send you a piece of small cotton rope which is placed in the dogs mouth for a short time so that they get a salivary sample (a couple of minutes from memory) and then you put in the tube and package and send back.
  10. Are you in Australia koolietas? How did you get this test in aus? Yes, I'm in Australia. Just log onto the nutriscan website and you can order the test kit and they will send to you. The test itself is easy to conduct, and they give you all the customs details/mailing tubes etc. to send back. I ordered and had the results in 4 weeks. I have followed the results and not had one issue with feeding since...best thing I ever did and in my experience was much better than trialling a food elimination diet which takes forever and can be difficult to conduct.
  11. Thanks for the replies :-) Vet confirmed today that 10 ml was supposed to be dispensed for the $29.74 not the 1ml we were given
  12. Have you thought of trying the Dr Jean Dodd food sensitivity tests? http://www.nutriscan.org/ I have a raw fed dog that I spent over a year trialling food elimination diets with before I found out about these tests...within the month, I had received the test kit, sent the kit back and received the results. Fantastic to actually see the results...which did confirm some of my elimination diet results (but also disproved some of what I thought too!) I have fed my dog by these results ever since, and not had one issue with dietary related issues. Best thing I ever did!
  13. We received 1ml of tramadol from the vet and they charged $29.74 Does that sound right??? I suspect we were meant to be given 10ml (that's what was written on the invoice as well), but when we queried it at the vet surgery today, they (vet nurse and receptionist) said 1ml was correct and that was also the correct price for 1ml. I also believe the amount released was incorrect and 1ml will only provide 5 dosages (only a 4kg dog) and she is meant to be on the tramadol for several weeks (which also makes me think 10ml was supposed to be given). Waiting for the vet who prescribed the medication to call me back tomorrow...but just wanted to see what others thought of the pricing. TIA
  14. Koolie 2014 Results Parvo 1:80 Distemper 1:20 No vac since May 2006! This is the sixth year of annual titre testing and his results are different every year...
  15. Thanks for your suggestions everyone :) He has had a hammock bed in the past and didn't use it...he prefers a cushion type bed which is why I was asking for those recommendations...but given they have various fillings, wanted to know if anyone had any experience with a particular filling/brand if they have a hot dog. Wool makes the most sense to me given that it is a natural, breathable fibre. A cotton blanket will not provide him any support on it's own so that option is out (otherwise would have been good for a hammock bed).
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