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Everything posted by doit4thedogz

  1. as far as they know. their name is just a sound their owner makes when they are gonna be given attention, food, love, tummy rub etcc.
  2. You ought to talk. You are the one who had an AmStaff that became a SBT. Im talking about a stand on fighting BSL. Having an actual STAND is a topic people like you always avoid. You're passing an AmStaff aka Pit Bull off as a Staffy. Is this your idea of a stand??? I can call my dog whatever I want. Are you gonna correct all those people who say staffy instead of staffordshire bull terrier. Awww have a cry now And what i call my dog has sooOoo much to do with having a stand on BSL. What else do you want to talk about??? what I had for breakfast?
  3. You ought to talk. You are the one who had an AmStaff that became a SBT. Im talking about a stand on fighting BSL. Having an actual STAND is a topic people like you always avoid. And for someone who's never owned any of the breeds you seem to know so much about them.
  4. Atleast you're trying to make a stand on your argument. Not like others on the forum who are constantly contradicting themselves. Don't know about lifting all bans. If the Tosa made it over I know it will be popular in certain cricles. And we know where that would lead to.
  5. I don't understand this point. A proper, game-bred APBT is a dog suited to pit fights. That it's a disgusting practice and one which is thankfully outlawed is irrelevant, as is the fact that nobody in their right mind would "advertise" them as such. But it's a fact. The dogs are bred to enjoy fighting another dog and to not give up. Does this mean you do support BSL, because they are bred to enjoy fighting other dogs? I dont understand your point? So do you support game-bred Apbts or not?
  6. He was totally wrong. Good posts "Greytmate" Which part is totally wrong rottiadore , most of what the ranger told me reflects the same as what Greytmate has told us??? A game dog "can" be handled and stopped from fighting whilst retaining a will to win because of their level head. That is one of the things looked for in a pit fighting dog. Nobody wants a dog that can't be stopped or controlled by a handler. Both dogs must be able to fight another day. Yes a game dog can be stopped. By the owner using a break stick. A game dog that loves to fight will ofcourse will need someone to step in and force the dog off.
  7. It can be controlled to an extent but there is the issue of - if you take away the DA then you're taking away a large part of what makes the dog an APBT. A lot of hardcore fanciers of the breed don't want a dog that only looks like an APBT they want a dog that looks & acts like an APBT and DA is a part of that they're willing to deal with. Too true re: we need breeding legalised. The wheat would be separated from the chaff and the public would start seeing the APBT as it's meant to be. A smart, hard-working, stable dog. Not a bloody-minded child-eating weapon of mass destruction like the public now sees them. There are of course breeders doing the right thing at the moment but they're unable to reap the rewards of their work (that is, public recognition) because then they'd have to admit to owning & breeding a RB. They're doing some hard work and it's a darn thankless task. Why on earth would anyone WANT a DA dog? Purposefully bred DA dogs certainly don't belong in an urban environment. There is an obvious demand for this type of dog. Hence why the breed is popular.
  8. I know of many people who wants their Apbt to be game and DA and not just all show. And that is the way it is, or else they would of just got a staffy. Who would want an Apbt that doesnt act like what it was bred for? MIght aswell get an amstaff. At this point in time if Apbts owners cared about BSL they should stop pumping out litters and giving away dogs. Thats where the problem started. Pumping out litters of DA dogs until every bogan on the block had one. And those bogans bred litters and gave them away to their bogon frineds. And the cycle continued. Maybe BSL is a good thing. Stop the uneducated fools from getting their hands on them. When apbt owners pumped out DA dogs and it was easy to get them, it was the new trend. Now if people want to breed GAME or DA dogs thats their business. If they cared about the breed they should just breed for themselves, keep a couple of pups and give the rest a knock on the head. But who does care anyway??
  9. pm me when the time comes. hopefully hear from you in less than 20 years.
  10. Whats your next step. Seriously you have no clue do you?
  11. Tosa Inu, BoearBoel, Presa, Fila, Dogo, Cane Corso, Kangal, Bully Kutta, Dosa Inu, Caucasian Ovcharka, Central Asia Shepherd Dog , They all are suitable for the average family. What we need is more dogs like these recommded to familys, especially in the suburbs. As nanny dogs, kids playmates, etcc every household needs one of them because they are so easy to take care of and handle and no experience necessary. You state these dogs are easier have you ever owned one??? Nope you own APBT's/AST it took you 2 years to edited your posts and remove American. Why????? tybrax you obviously misssed the sarcasm in the thread. I just listed some of the hardest dogs out there.
  12. my staffies are great. hows you female? is she getting along with your male?
  13. no im not serious. and its seems youre not serious about it either.
  14. Why not set out some goals for starters? So what do you want to achieve? - Abolish all BSL? - Ablosh BSL on Apbts only? - Change the image of the apbt? - Prove that the apbt is no threat? - Prove that the breed of a dog doesn't matter? - Stop attracting the wrong crowd to the breed? Why not make a list of short term and long term goals? and why not look at other breeds and whats happening there? Instead of getting all defensive etc.
  15. I dont understand how BSL ruined the breed??? how did you jump to this conclusion. Didnt any 'unscrupulous' breeders exist before BSL was introduced. And what kind of standards are you talking about? I agree for the 'in for the money' part. Cause that definatly is a reason the breed is where it is today. well, how are you goning to stop attracting the worong kind of owners to this breed?? They have a fearsome reputation for aggression and fighting and often assotiated with criminals, gangs,organised crime etc. Some people like this. They can also make top fighting dogs, if thats what people want them for. So why wouldn't this attract the undsirables? Why would they go for a poodle instead?
  16. But they do have a lot in common. Both in history and behaviour. I have seen staffies that would equal an APBT when it comes dog/animal aggression and locking on (strength excluded). Many staffy owners don the rose coloured glasses. They are prone to it too. Anyone who truly knows and understands the staffy would not deny this. Staffies are great little fighters and hunters The British "brotha's" like the Staffy too. (the dog on the right) Im talking about the breeds as wholes. Not rare individuals in both breeds. And im also talking about in Australia, it gets out of context when people start mentioning things from overseas.
  17. Are you just here for a sh!t stir??? no, are you?
  18. some of you guys need to make a stand and stick with it. So you do or you dont beleive in stats? or only blame the breed when its convininet.
  19. if you guys know the breed so well. jst think really hard to yourselves and be honest with yourselves and you'll know why the breed is where it is today.
  20. Nanna, Chris: " OH, Blame the deed not the breed "- Pull out some stats and blame other breeds.
  21. No denial. No debate needed. I have stated in previous posts that they have to be watched with strange dogs and other animals. Their are exceptions, but mostly that is the rule with the APBT and AmStaff and to a lesser extent the SBT. So what? I'm surprised you haven't picked on my beloved Rotties. Did you know they rank consistantly high up in the attack per capita lists. Higher than Pit Bulls. But then so do many other breeds. Like I said no denial here. WHAT SORT OF BREED DO YOU OWN??? Be honest and up front. atleast you now admit that the apbt is no staffy.
  22. i dont know what you're n about. The debate was between myslef and rottidora. and my point was made. Many people jumped aboard rottidoras boat and that is; denial. Respect the rules of the nation mate. Im sure many people want drugs, euthanasia, street racing, etc to be legal too. The only way to be free is to buy yourself a piece of the ocean, and build yourself an island in top.
  23. Agree with that. One look into those beautiful expressive eyes then you're hooked.Love them for that! Move over Border Collies. C'mon in, I'll just lay here, you help yourself. When the mood strikes. Oh so true!Well summed up 'gredan' Why would you deny any of the above? My Staffy and Pit Bull are much the same as Gredan describes. Bloody proud of them too. Best \\\'type\\\' of dogs in the world!!!!!!!!! What about the other points rottiadora chose to leave out. do you agree with them too?/
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