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Posts posted by Flaves

  1. We had a bob cat in yesterday to level our backyard, my husband was home and my pup was with him most of the time, but she is now petrified.

    She hangs her head and tail and shakes.

    I took her to her final puppy playgroup, which she passed, and she was fine until near the end when she started to shake and fret.

    When we got home and i tried to give her her dinner. SHe sits and waits for her cue, and normally the little pigdog scoffs her food but she went into her bed and shook. She wouldn't even eat it this morning.

    Please help me undo the damage. I feel so terrible she is like this. I think it was the bull dozer, she was inside with Glenn, or inside in her crate while he went and helped for a little while.

    What can i do?

    I had her sleep with me last night. I amtrying to ignore her shaking and sadness adn being upbeat so hopefully she will come around but what ele can i do?

  2. I agree.

    When i was sharing a house with a couple of people, one of them took a branch to my mal becasue she was being agressive with my other dog. Hwen i saw it i wen t ballistic. I have NEVER EVER hit my dog. Yes i have walked into my dog when it has crossed my path.

    What he couldn't understand is that the next time he went in the ba k yard she 'grabbed' him on the arm in her jaws as a warning. He was livid but as far as i was concerned she was provocked into that behavious by him.

    You do not want a dog who reacts like that. He had only hit her once and she remembered and reacted the next time she saw him.

  3. I know you took in both dogs, but maybe you should look at rehousing the shepherd with someone else. Hudson seems to be doing great, but your shep seems to be getting anxious about something.

    I was told by a trainer when my female mal was attacking my other dog a shepxrotti to remove her from teh situation for 24 hours. He said to use the garage or shed, somehwere secure and safe for her to be, have water but no food in there, and put her in the place. When you get her out in 24 hours if she attacks the other dog, repeat the exercise.

    I did not do this as i felt it was not the right thing for us but maybe this would help you.

    She came from an abusive home, you know that, so please don;t hit her.

    If you feel the need to, find her another home.

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