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Posts posted by Flaves

  1. ^It seems that we could come to visit ;)

    Very kind words from Dodo :grouphug: Her dogs are lovely and we really loved the beautiful garden. It was very nice week in the countryside :)

    We are still looking for a house sitting place from Sydney. At the moment we are in Melbourne.

    If you need somewhere to stay in Melbourne, let me know

    I am about an hour from the city on the train but am close to public transport.

    And i have 2 dogs that would love cuddles lol

  2. Congrats on your new baby

    My boy didnt carry on when outside, he had heaps of toys, a bone and a friend to play with

    I think it is a good idea getting her used to you not being there as you are doing

    Maybe leave her a bone? A big cuddly toy that she can snuggle up too maybe

    Other than that, enjoy her cause they grow up way to quick

    Are you taking her to training? If you are not maybe look in to the GSDCV club at KCC Park on a sunday :grouphug:

  3. awesome for the setters!!

    Thansk anyways i was waiting on facebook but seems everyone is busy busy!!

    There was a gorgeous baby called Sage that got baby in group on sat night, and i think a bitch called Summer but i dont know what class

  4. Please do not desex her at 17 weeks because the vet wants to xray her hips

    He may also tell you your pup requires expensive surgery that can only be done before the pup is 12mo

    You need to either give her back, or wait until she is older, keep her lean, dont over exercise her and she may be fine

  5. This morning we said goodbye to our 9yr old Shepherd

    2 days ago he was running around normal, but he got sick on

    Tuesday night and we rushed him to after hours vets

    He had fluid around his heart and further tests showed cancer

    in his liver and spleen. They drained the fluid from his heart to help him

    and we took him home yesterday. This morning he was ready to be free

    So he went for his last car trip and he loved the car.

    He had his head on his favourite ball and he had the sun shining on him

    and fresh air. The vet climbed in the back of the car and

    set him free.

    We love you beautiful boy. We will miss your silliness

    Bartok i am so sorry

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