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Posts posted by Flaves

  1. How've you been Flaves :wave: I haven't seen your guys for aaaages, you'll definitely have to bring them along ;-)

    The more the merrier - I'll see if I can pick a date where the weather is not as atrocious as todays!

    hi how is your gorgeous girl going?

    will be there if i am able to on the day if not will have to email you some pics and get you to do one of Daire as i dont have one of him

  2. I give my guys the following:

    JRT 7kg 5mls every 4-6hours

    GSD - 36kg 10-15ml -every 4-6hrs

    I dont take mine to the vet unless the develop other symptoms as the vet will usually put them on antis even if they dont need them :) My choice and i am not saying not to take them to the vet

    If you do take them to the vet, tell the vet that you suspect kennel cough as they may choose to see your dog in the carpark or get you to go in another door so as not to go through the general waiting room.

    As for walks, i dont when mine have KC - i dont take them anywhere outside my yard as i dont think it is fair to risk spreading it.

    I also keep them in the yard until they are clear of coughing for at least 2 weeks. Again my choice :)

  3. Desexing wont fix what you need to train him out of. Really there is nothing to say he has an over-testosterone problem, and all he really has done is wee on people when he's over excited .... we had a couple of LOOOOOOOOOOONG desexed males do the same thing at dog club :laugh: then there is my bitch that lifts her leg on everything ...

    I find it interesting how afraid we are of entire dogs in Australia and how entrenched the idea that whipping out vital organs is the answer to all our problems.

    The veterinary profession has a LOT to answer for.

    I have to agree

    Why does he need to be desexed?

    It is not a desexing issue, it is a behavioural issue.

    He needs training

    A long lead is a great idea but you cant use it when he is at a dog park with other dogs.

    You can always meet a friend somewhere and set him up to fail, so you can correct the behaviour by being right there and not at the other end of the park.

    My dog has never done it, but i have been on the receiving end of it, and it is not acceptable which i am glad you realise.

  4. what you are describing sounds like kennel cough

    Get some benedryl and give that to him every 4-6 hours

    Take him to the vet if he gets worse as it is the secondary infection that will need antibiotics

    He may not get one though

    And dont take him or the other dogs anywhere until they have recovered.

  5. Hi,

    I'm after some advise regarding German Shepherds.

    I've always owned only labrador and golden retrievers. My dogs have been raised with my kids. The kids are used to dogs also. Kids are 12, 9 and 4.

    My ex is now going to get himself a German Shepherd; a four month old puppy apparently. My kids will be visiting him weekly. As I have never owned a German Shepherd, I'm not sure what I can educate the kids about it. What can I teach them regarding behaving with the puppy? I know German Shepherds are guard dogs. Is the puppy likely to view my kids as intruders/strangers?

    I have to add, I have no confidence in my ex's skills; with or wihout dogs.

    Please advise. I'm worried for the kids.


    Why would you feel the need to change how you educate your kids regarding dogs because it is a GSD? :confused: :confused:

    If your kids have been raised with dogs, the same thing applies.

    The pup will learn that the kids are family so that shouldnt be an issue.

    It seems from what you have said maybe it is your ex that needs the educating...not your kids

    Yes a GSD can be a guard dog, mine are protective of me and the house, but they welcome friends and family, and have bonded with those they know well.

    If you are that worried set some clear rules for your kids and the ex, however i think that if your kids have some knowledge about dogs, and they use that knowledge and the pup has some rules from your ex, they wil probably have a long and happy frienship

  6. Barker - Johnny Barker Hawks Footy Player

    Mitchi - Sam Mitchell Hawks footy plater

    Daire - Alasdair which means protector because his kennel name is Blakngold Cerberus - Cerberus was the hound of hades that protected the gates of hell.

  7. So can a GSD be stacked in the All Breeds ring 4 square, or just the White Swiss Shepherd ???

    Also, without causing any conflict, I have always wondered why the GSD is stacked like that. Could someone please enlighten me as to why :) ...

    No a GSD is stacked 3 point.

    They tend to go through an assessment process before training - so they get a good indication that the dog could make the grade before putting them together with a handler and formally training them. Those that don't cut it are desexed and found suitable homes - the waiting list is longer then the list of available dogs tho! Now it could very well be different in the different States etc. Trained dogs tend to retire with their handler, for those that can't be for whatever reason - they get very carefully picked homes to go to. Two of my fav lovebugs are in training and if they can't stay with their handler when they are retired i'll put my name up for them - tho that's a looooooong time away!!

    Thanks Kitkat for the explanation :)

  8. i :heart: seeing pics of Bear and Pearl when she was a baby

    That wasn't Pearl, it was Olive another one of my Seda puppies :)

    Oh was it? Still very cute :)

    Kitkat i was under the impression, and please correct me if i am wrong, that they cannot rehome police trained dogs if they fail anymore.

  9. As said in the other

    GO to an all breeds dog show and you will find what you want, a lot of it is in the handling.


    The slope in the GSD has been done to death.

    Go to the breeds section on Dogzonline to start your research there. There are a number of breeders still breeding the straight back dogs.


    Both have already been suggested PM.

    Good luck with your search Jacqui.

    Hope you find the dog you are looking for.

  10. My guys are going brilliantly on it

    Coats are great, energy levels great, poo is nice and firm and small, they love the food and it really agrees with them

    I love the fact that they have firmed up all over as well and their exercise has not changed at all

    Service is always great!

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