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Posts posted by Flaves

  1. If you put a watermark on your photo's can't people just get rid of it with teh 'clone' stamp?

    Is there any way of making a watermark that is NOT removable?

    If you put your watermark on it then emboss it, it is harder to remove. Also do it over the main part of the picture.

    I took this picture, actually i think all 3 are mine, but 2 have a small watermark

    I put this one on some i had on fb so if they were taken i could see it very easily

    If i can be bothered i do this otherwise i just put a small one in the corner


  2. My first Australian Shepherd, my most beautiful man. We did so much together......obedience, ET, we had a crack at herding, we tried out agility, you were a jack of all trades but master of my heart. Gone too young, my heart is broken into a million pieces. I will never forget you, my gorgeous boy. I will miss you every moment of every day for the rest of my life.

    Benson was laid to rest today after a sudden illness. He had kidney problems that were insurmountable, and not compatible with life. He was 4 years of age. If I could only have him for that long, I would rather that than never have him. He was the best dog ever.

    So this is where we part, my friend,

    And you'll run on around the bend,

    Gone from sight but not from mind,

    New pleasures there you'll surely find.

    I will go on, I'll find the strength,

    Life measures quality, not its length.

    One long embrace before you leave,

    Share one last look, before I grieve.

    There are others, that much is true,

    But they be they and they aren't you.

    And I, fair, impartial, or so I thought

    Will remember well all you've taught.

    Your place I'll hold, you will be missed,

    The fur I stroked, the nose I kissed.

    And as you go to your final rest,

    Take with you this -- I loved you best.

    (Author unknown).

    Gail i am so sorry for your loss :(

    Rest Easy Benson know you will always be missed and loved

  3. Would somebody please tell me the name of the book that has two different breed standards for both the GSD and the Rottweiler. As far as I know there is one standard. In my opinion both of these breeds have been ruined by the so- called speciality clubs. Both breeds speciality shows have become over the years circuses, with the cat calling, baiting etc. All this has been done to appease the Germans and to make sure they will still come and judge these breeds. I have had both breeds and have seem the demise of the once majestic GSDs which were strong,well boned and correct tempraments AND strong toplines. The Rottweilers have also been ruined in the same manner with loss of their true tempraments , boning etc. If members of DOL are honest they would agree with these observations. I hasten to add that with both breeds there are some exceptions, but not too many.The lack of attendance at all breed shows by these breeds further indicates how little their members think of the overall dog scene. And of course the usual protests re judging quality will arise,but let me say I have seen and heard the same remarks re speciality judging as I hear every week at all breed shows. because they are speciality judges does not make them better judges.

    There is ONE standard - Breed Standard

    However, like most things, people interpret it differently

    However there is an extension for the GSD, and i know that the US standard differs in some things

    I think it is funny that is always comes back to the changes in GSDs even if the topic didnt start out that way :laugh:

  4. The rare breeds are certainly a problem but could be easily solved by requiring say 4-Best of Breed placing. I have known people who lived in Perth,Darwin, Adelaide and Hobart who travel to Speciality Shows in Sydney and Newcastle so I cant understand the locality being such a handicap.

    In a truely rare breed, they have to get 17 BOBs (x 6 points) now. :confused:

    it is 17 6 point challenges, does not have to be BOB

    Gee thats strange. I own the 'common' breed everyone is talking about, yet at a recent 'city' show there were only 4 dogs competing, one of which was a baby puppy.

    So much for being common.

    Cheers Leanne

    I should also mention that those people that only show at specilties with German Shepherds don't covert the Aust Ch title.

    The only thing they are interested in is the grading and critique given by the judge. As far as refusing challenges goes it is the complete opposite.

    Excellent gradings may be given to 95% of the class and the class maybe 50 animals. To me this is overkill and I find it hard to believe that there can

    be that many "far above average" dogs being shown.

    I show allbreeds most of the time but do breed survey my dogs and show at specialities rarely.

    In Vic there are not that many GSDs shown at all breeds, a good show may have 6 or 7, a lot of the time it is less than that.

    So maybe they are common but the are not shown as heavily in Vic as they are in NSW or even QLD

    I agree about the Excellents too Leanne, far too many given out sometimes.

    Agree with you RSG

    Dont be confused Yarracully about where we lived - we lived in Sydney for sometime than moved to the mid west. Many people do that you know. As I said before you only need to attend One Speciality Show and be placed. By being placed at a Speciality it shows that your breeding is on the right track or not.

    No it doesn't.

    No it doesnt. It is just what you prefer and what specialist people seem as being to the standard. however the standard is open to individual interpretation

    Bottom line is: it's the Judges interpretation of the standard, on the day ;)

    yes it is, and sometimes we agree with it and sometimes not

  5. *imagines how long it will take a JRT to dig out of a soft crate *

    2 solid crates ;)

    My jack doesnt, she could, but she chooses not too :p

    But then she is crate trained

    If they sleep together and it is only at night, i would get one, but that may just be me

  6. Um i hit my head on tiles when i was head butted by a rotti trying to give me a cuddle - she was rather excited

    Same rotti nearly broke my knee on 2 separate occasions, knees are not meant to bend backwards like a birds!

    I have had a couple os split lips from heads hitting me in the mouth

    I have a scar on my leg from my parents JRT's claw

    I also had a tooth through a nail from my JRT

  7. My little girl Isabella suddenly decided not to eat it was 4 days Took her to the vet and the vet said she has end stage renal failure

    What I cannot understand is how come I didnt see any signs that she was sick Any one can you please help me to understand what I missed

    I am heart broken

    So sorry for your loss

    Rest Easy Isabella

  8. Bruno's fitting in really well so it's with no shame at all that I've decided to make him foster failure #3! Angel and Chopper are happily playing biteyface with him at every opportunity and even Trixie [AKA "the bitch"] has accepted him into the pack. The lord mayor of naughty town is here to stay :D


    Beautiful pic

    And congrats!

  9. Tollers they can be wonderful family members.

    Meet as many dogs from a breeder as you can, not just the ones in their back yard.

    Go to shows, see how they react at shows.

    Dont always look at a survey and think great they are surveyed they must have brilliant temps. Yes they should have but we all know that it is not always the case. :(

    I went to the GSD Nationals last year (I think it was last year, at KCC) and met alot of lovely dogs who showed no unprovoked aggression and saw alot of dog friendly GSD's so it's a bit confusing and detrimental to the breed when Tarope is so adamately saying the breed is DA and will react aggressively if another dog rushes it regardless of the rushing dogs intention.

    Once I am ready for one, I will definately be researching more into lines and breeders as I definately do not wish to own a large powerful dog aggressive dog.

    Yep was last year :)

    And yes it is confusing when someone is saying the breed is DA etc all the time

    They arent, they can be though, the same as any other breed

  10. YES OF COURSE I WAS JOKING !!!!!! His health is fine he has been health tested and he is already spoken for. My vet said that it was most likely just a fluke of nature, one of those things and not likely to his breeding.

    It is always disappointing to have a bred a puppy that does NOT come up to the standard whether it something very minor or a major and I can think of far worse things that that can crop up in a litter. The fact that he has a short tail will not impede on his quality of life only that he will have a shorter tail to wag.

    That is great news that he is all ok. :)

    Of course there are worse things that can happen when breeding

    It certainly wont impede on his life, he will have a wiggle bum when he wags which i used to love watching on Rotts.

  11. I have a natural born Bobtail GSD puppy born 3 weeks ago. Wonder where he fits in the scheme of things???

    Perhaps I can sell him as an exotic breed and make a fortune :cooldance: :cooldance:

    Hope the pup is ok otherwise besides his shorter tail.

    What is his breeding? Be very interesting to see if it had occurred in the lines before

    I am guessing and hoping you are joking about selling him as an exotic breed :)

  12. GSD's are DA,but that doesn't stop them being wonderful loyal family pets. I know what mine are like so I keep them on a short lead, but it's the moron owners in this world who are the real problem. :mad

    I was sitting at the vets a few years ago with my GSD boy when this fool walks in and lets their dog run strait over to my boy who nearly ate this dog and the vet told me to go outside. :confused: Another time at the same vets I was sitting with my Rottie who is not DA, when another moron comes in and you guessed it let their dog jump on my Rottie who growled and snapped at this dog and this stupid woman called my girl dangerous. :mad

    I have never seen DA as a problem,but I have seen many irresponsible owners so please don't blame your dogs. :D

    As for your comments Tarope, you do more harm than good for the breed. :cry:

    If your dogs are so reactive YOU must be the problem, not the dogs or their breeding

    YOU are the common denominator.

    My dog may not like other dogs in his face, but if a dog ran up to him in the waiting room at a vet, my dog would either ignore it, or say hi in a friendly manner.

    YOU need to be looking out for your dog, YOU should be in control of situations, trying to pre empt what may happen. if you have reactive dogs then you need to be proactive and not allowing them to be in situations where they need to be reactive.

    GSDs are NOT DA or HA in general

    Some are, but that is the same in most if not all breeds.

    People make dogs dangerous - maybe we need to make is harder to own a dog in this country, remove dogs from pet shops or impulse buy situations, make people do a course, make them do basic obedience. I am not sure how it would be enforced though

    Active aggression in the breed is a faulty temperament and weak nerve, regardless of what the GSDL excuses aggression as, it's up to the owners of GSD's like this to collar the breeders and ask them what the hell they are breeding? There are too many GSD's bred with poor temperaments and too many excuses and cover up's for aggressive behaviour passing the buck back onto the owners for mismanagement of dogs who are genetically flawed from birth.

    What a pity that some breeders aren't paying attention to the most important part of the standard. I want to own a GSD one day in the future but sounds like it's a bit of a gamble attempting to get one that isn't DA or HA. Such a beautiful breed that is being ruined inside and out by the sounds of what everyone is saying....

    "The German Shepherd Dog must be of well balanced temperament, steady of nerves, self assured, totally at ease (except when provoked) and good natured as well as attentive and easy to train. He must possess instinctive drive, resilience and self confidence in order to be suitable as a companion, watch dog, protection, service and herding dog."


    a) Weak character, aggression without provocation or nervousness

    Please take no notice of what some people are saying about this loyal,loving,Intelligent family pet. The GSD clubs test for health and temperament it is called Breed Survey and this started many years ago as fear bitting and HD were a big problem but not now.

    I have been to several and this is one of the reasons I chose this wonderful breed. :D

    Tollers they can be wonderful family members.

    Meet as many dogs from a breeder as you can, not just the ones in their back yard.

    Go to shows, see how they react at shows.

    Dont always look at a survey and think great they are surveyed they must have brilliant temps. Yes they should have but we all know that it is not always the case. :(

  13. Allerhochst Rottweilers

    Here is some info

    Just as a note to this - our experience with bobtails happened in the early 1970's - and the information that we've out on this page is a bit of historical information only and doesn't reflect our current breeding. We get a lot of enquiries for bobtailed pups because people see this page on our site and assume that means that we breed bobtails, so just wanted to clarify that before we get another round of emails looking for bobtailed puppies!

    Sorry Allerzeit - i put the link because of the info not thinking about the enquiries you would get :o

  14. How've you been Flaves :wave: I haven't seen your guys for aaaages, you'll definitely have to bring them along ;-)

    The more the merrier - I'll see if I can pick a date where the weather is not as atrocious as todays!

    hi how is your gorgeous girl going?

    will be there if i am able to on the day if not will have to email you some pics and get you to do one of Daire as i dont have one of him

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